Going back back back to the start.
Hetty:Woah sparkles not good when you are an elder.
Voice:No not usually no but these are not aging up sparkles.
Hetty:What are they then..
Voice:Those are aging down sparkles.
Voice:Hetty Lionheart you get a second chance at life.
Hetty:Woot I can do anything I want,I can take over the world muwahah.
Voice:Later but first you need to do a few things for me.
Hetty:I don't like the sound of that.
Voice:But first a makeover.
Hetty:Hey Kenji lets get married and have babies.
Kenji:Woot I am in a dynasty story.
Hetty:Is that a yes.
Kenji:Sure why not.
Voice:Come on people we are on a tight schedual here.
Hetty:My precious you are mine now (evil cackle)
Voice:Let's just tone down the evil just slightly there Hetty.
Kenji:I love you too my little snuggle bunnykins.
Voice:Yeah this is a marriage made in heaven.
Voice:Hello decadynasty heir.
Hello spare.
Voice:And a big hello to our little ghost nooboo.
Voice:Well at least one of you is awake. Although I did think you would all be ghosts seeing as both your parents had taken the ghost potion and were both ghosts when you were concieved.
Milan:Don't ask me I can't even talk yet.
Voice:Well I certaintly got mixed gender triplets,a girl,a boy and a ghost.