Hi Sweetest Pea, Sstarr MmcPhagall here. Yes, you're right - my name was based on the names of the staff here. Clever you! Wildredchild and PJsim were left off the list because they haven't been around in quite a long time (and because my name already had more than enough consonants). My creator was hoping that giving me a little bit of each person's name would in some way give me a little bit of each person's good qualities - their creativity, humour, wisdom, etc.
You were mostly right, with one exception. The second S in my name is not for Schipperke but for Samoht, who while not being a moderator, has his own unique and important staff position here. Schipperke opted to leave her own name off the list rather than give me a name that starts with 3 S's. And I think I'm grateful for that - it was hard enough finding a way to use all those consonants. I hope the next moderator we bring on board has a name beginning with a vowel - E would be very nice!
Good for you in figuring it out!