Author Topic: Tips for Managing Multiple Sim Children?  (Read 17076 times)

Offline cathyknits

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Re: Tips for Managing Multiple Sim Children?
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2012, 10:51:57 AM »
Practical tip for the babies: put the cribs in a U shape so that the adult doesn't have to walk too far to get to the next one. Also, if there's more than one empty crib and you select "put in crib" on the baby, the adult will generally not put the baby in the empty crib right in front of him/her that the baby was just taken out of, but will walk all the way across the room to the other one. Selecting "Put Baby In Crib" on the crib will always get you the specific crib you're after.

Definitely potty-train the toddlers first - the bladder need doesn't need to be yellow to have a successful training session, and you can use the potty chair twice between empties if it comes down to that. Toddlers are pretty good at entertaining themselves - and even a regular teddy bear can fill a toddler's social need. So can the block table if you have a child or another toddler who can talk in the house.

In general - when I did the Baby Boomer challenge (no baby sitters allowed!) I had the parents sleep at different times, and mostly left the toddlers on their own except when it was time for skill training or feeding. Also, it was sometimes useful to wake a toddler up to work on skills if the parent not on baby duty had a lot of energy.
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Re: Tips for Managing Multiple Sim Children?
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2014, 05:45:12 PM »
I want to know if 2 babies can go into the same crib because I'm trying to get my Sim to have twins and I don't really want to buy 2 different cribs.  So, please tell me that 2 babies can go into the same crib.

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Re: Tips for Managing Multiple Sim Children?
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2014, 06:04:26 PM »
Sorry, no.  Strictly one baby per crib.

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Re: Tips for Managing Multiple Sim Children?
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2014, 01:50:42 AM »
Also, you can use the Birthday Cake to age up. Make sure the infant is happy when you have it blow out candles. For toddlers, make sure they've at least mastered the basic skills. If possible, try to get toddlers maxed on xylophone and peg game, since these help with logic and music.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Tips for Managing Multiple Sim Children?
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2014, 03:13:32 PM »
After the toddlers finish sleeping, change diapers, fill social, and feed on floor. Then let them skill with books and toys. And if you are really stuck, use the playpen or walker.

