Modern beach ecoBy Decima
Lot size: 30x30
Price furnished: 126, 066
Price unfurnished: 59,973
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 3 (2 en suites)
Suggested placement: 477 Sunnyside blvd, Sunset Valley
Content used: base game and eco pack that can be downloaded free here: (it's from the GB store, so not sure if you can get it outside the UK)
I made this before I got any expansion packs and played three generations with it so I'm very attached to it.
It was designed to take advantage of the amazing views from this lot. I found it was great for having parties and surprisingly good for raising kids, even though there are only 2 bedrooms. At one stage I had 1 adult and had adopted 7 kids. The kids room was a tight squeeze but with three bathrooms it worked fine!
One of the generations was a painter, so the house comes with a few artworks, one was handy so items like the stove and toilets are upgraded, one was athletic so there's an open gym by the pool. Once I got the eco pack I thought the stuff would work well with this house, so added a few of the items from it, including the eco car, solar panels and wind turbine, all of which reduce the household bills. One of the people liked fishing so it was good to be able to walk out from the garden, go jogging down the beach and fish in the ocean.
The house gives a beautiful vista moodlet as well as varying 'good decoration' ones. Upstairs in the living area it's +40. The car doesn't get stolen as it's parked by a burglar alarm. I originally had a sports car parked there and the burglar got caught before he got to the car.