Author Topic: Sims can go down but not uphill  (Read 3072 times)

Offline Janna

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Sims can go down but not uphill
« on: June 03, 2012, 08:37:55 AM »
Twice I have sent my sims down some hills to get items and both times they could not go uphill to get out.  Tried several times and they just stood there and yelled.  Another time I had one climb up an area, behind the horses in China at the Terracotta Army, and I think another area, can't remember where.

This isn't all hills, many have a slope and they can get up no problem.  But the times they have been a little steep, they seem to get stuck.  Naturally, of course, I forgot to save three times and had to start quite a ways back. 
The last trip, I had remembered to save, do that a lot now in other countries, and so didn't  lose much.

Just wondered if anyone else has had this happen to them. 


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Re: another curious -- sims can go down but not uphill
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2012, 12:07:05 PM »
I didn't have this happen to me but I've got some thoughts on why it occurred. I think it's got to do with routing, you know, the askew EA world one. It's the worst in China so I think that might be the case. Although, it's a debatable assumption, since you say that the sim(s) can indeed go downhill. Someone might have to investigate this to get a clearer picture - not me, though - don't plan on having a sim travel any time soon. Anyway, if this happens again, try enabling the testing cheats and shift+clicking somewhere and selecting 'teleport here'. If that doesn't work for some reason, do the resetsim.

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Re: another curious -- sims can go down but not uphill
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2012, 02:48:15 PM »
The Terracotta Army is bugged at the moment.  Before the bug, a Sim could get in and out just fine, and could also go through it to get to the other side.  But since the bug, they just get stuck with routing issues.  EA will have to fix this one.
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Re: another curious -- sims can go down but not uphill
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2012, 07:39:01 PM »
I had a similar problem a few weeks back. While in China, my sim was collecting metals and such and there was a piece or two up near The Terracotta Army. She was able to get there to pick up the metal, but when I went to send her to the next location, she was unable to go. I finally got around it by making her go a few steps at a time using the go here option over and over again.
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Offline Janna

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Re: Sims can go down but not uphill
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2012, 09:28:22 AM »
Pesonally, I think it is a bug in the game.  She went down without any trouble; a gentle slope (what I see as gentle, but I live in hilly country, foothills of the Appalachcian Mt.) it leveled out for a short bit then another short slope.  Not sure how many times it slopped, I kept finding gems and metals and sites to excavate. 
Did an angled climb and still couldn't go up; which works on another slope she can't climb straight up. 

It is the area near the Great Wall, so I think it is a trap area, full of bugs.  She was struck there all night, yelling, her energy bar going red.  The next morning, with plenty of light to see, I still couldn't find a way out.   I was doing an adventure of finding mercury and has a lucky trip, a LOT of gems, metals, rocks and sites to excavate and lost it all when I had to restart from last save.  Which taught me the hard way to save often, especially when I have collected some goodies or do something that seems to have any possibility to be a trap.   


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Re: Sims can go down but not uphill
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2012, 08:13:55 AM »
I've had a Sim get stuck in the place, too. What I did is just make him move away a few meters away by interaction, using another way and eventually he managed to come back. Also had that problem west of the army, by the river at the metal/gem(I forgot) spawn.