So, why am I living on an empty lawn? It's not like I can't afford a house. Don't you think I should probably have a toilet and a shower? What about a bed, why can't I have a bed?? I'm tired! Heelllooo, I'm tiiiirreeed! *waves arms*
[a few simoleons/wishes later]
Okay, thanks for the toilet and this is a pretty sweet bed, but I dunno, wouldn't some walls be nice? I'm trying to make nice with this potential spouse you know...oh hey, someone wants to take my picture, awesome! *poses*
[a handful of simoleons later]
Erm, thanks for the walls, but it's rather dreary, how about a window or two? No? Hmm. Oh, hello there potential spouse, how YOU doin'? *cue hearts*
[several handfuls of simoleons later]
Hello there, new spouse here, I love being married and all but I don't understand why we didn't just move to my place, it has, um, windows and stuff. *sells car* Hey, hey, HEY, I didn't mean to sell that!! That was a limited edition Margaret Vaguester, you know! *simself squeals w/joy* Oh, noooo, she's not a gold digger is she? No? Well, okay I guess that's fine, I suppose...
[one brand new and improved vehicle later]
OHH!!! Now we get it!!! Sort of...wait, you want us to do what now? But I'm really tired and we both really need to pee! *drives in new car to new home* Nevermind, copious amounts of skilling sounds like an awesome idea! Ahahaha, wooo-oooo!