When I was first introduced to the Sims I would get very attached to some of them. Before I knew about cheats and resets I lost one Sim because she got "trapped" in bed. Apparently there was enough room for her to get into bed but for some reason there wasn't enough to get back out. The second one was a ghost hunter and she got stuck in a bathroom while zapping ghosts. I was actually frantic and started tearing down the house around her. Finally in edit mode I moved the family out and bulldozed the house. She popped up unharmed on the sidewalk....just like nothing had happened.
I'm guilty of killing off a some Sims, but somehow no matter how much I want to get rid of them I find some of the un-modded game options a little cruel. Watching them wither away in a locked room just isn't for me.
I have my favorite sims that I don't want to die, and keep them young as long as possible. But, some townies just deserve it. The mean-spirited ones who come up and slap your sim for no reason, etc.
So, I downloaded a new career where my sim joins the mob and she has no problem eliminating a few rivals in town. I just have to make sure there are no witnesses, because she was arrested once.
I'm so glad that we started the mod board here because I found that one too. In real life I'm a true crime/mystery fiction fan and now I can actually create stories about it. I have an evil inventor Sim and I'm working on a really haunted house for him.
When it comes down to the truth though, I really like Grimm. He's one character who never fails to amuse or amaze me with his antics. Just a few days ago he came to visit in the park. After claiming the Sim he walked off and I followed him. He walked to a spot in the park and just stood there watching a turtle. I think one of the funniest things I saw him do was sweep up the remains of a vamp, carried the bag up from the basement, got to the first floor then looked down at the bag. He actually had a sort of disgusted body language and dropped the bag in the living room and left.