Ok, so I am new here but I wanted to also say that I have encountered a weird glitch in the Sims 3. But this was when I only was playing it for two weeks and unfortunately it happen a long time ago but I want to know if anyone else has experienced it. Ok here goes. So one day I decided to play my Sims 3 game that I got. I get on and everything looks fine, but then I find out I was wrong. One minute later one of my Sims dies. Unfortunately this Ssim was going to be a father but obviously not.
Anyway just before he died though I was looking at his needs and he was fine, he just dropped on the ground dead.
It scared me, I was like OH NO!
Then the grim reaper came and with me still being new to the game it scared me when I first saw him appear.
Anyway after he claimed my Sim's soul I thought well at least I have his pregnant wife.
That is where I'm also wrong. But I will say she didn't just drop dead like the father.
So later that day I had the mother swimming around and she was enjoying it when for some reason her sleep need drop suddenly.
The mother started to drown but a miracle happen that saved her.
She started to give birth.
She hopped out of the water and gave birth to a baby girl that I believe I called Anne, I'm not sure.
Anyway when she gave birth the little Ann she snuggled her for a minute then this is where the weird part comes in.
She puts the baby down jumps back into the pool and dies a minute later.
When I saw that I was like 0_0, then I was like WHAT THE HECK!?
Anyway after she died the grim reaper took her soul then he did something I never thought he would do.
He picks up little Ann and snuggles her.
I was like Aww.
Well then after that he brings Ann into her now empty house puts her in the crib I bought for her and he hangs out at my house for a little while then disappears.
The social worker comes for Ann and well that's all.
Has this ever happen to anyone?
Also I promise you I didn't make this up.
Some of my friends claim I did but I'm telling you it did. Anyway I tried to see if this weird glitch would happen again but it never has.
Also note I only have the Sims 3 all right, so don't ask if I had expansion pack because at that time I think the only expansion pack at that time was World Adventures. Not sure but anyway. If anyone could maybe tell me if this has happen or something similar happen to them because so far my friends have never had this happen so I'm just curious. Oh and another thing, I didn't know the cheats at that time either. I wish I did I could have stop my pregnant Sim from drowning or could have made little Anne grow up so she wouldn't have had to been taking away. Like I said has anyone else experience this?