Ooh Ilike this topic and so you all are saying that it is possible to make an all CAS town (just want to make sure). I have always wanted to do this because I hate it when I go back to a household and find one of my girls married to some random dude, (and I'm like EW! he is ugly... and bald...LOL)(sorry just wanted to say that). I remember one time and this was the weirdest thing I have seen, one of my girl Sims was married and unfortunately I came back and found out her hubby was cheating on her, and I was like -_-
So I killed the cheating dude and decided I would make her a new man later, (I'm sooo mean, then again the dude kind of deserved it)
So I think I came back a week later (as in real time, not sim time), and find out my girl is engaged to some random girl. I was like what!
So what do I do? I divorce (well broke off the engagement) and then I made my girl be her ex's enemy so they would never do it again. Then I get my girl married. Anyway, you are probably wondering what this has to do with an all CAS town.
Well if I had it to where it was all my Sims, I would make sure they wouldn't get married to someone I don't like or become gay (not that I don't like gay people, I just mean I don't want my Sims to be that's all, no offense )
Plus all of my sims would do what I want and they hopefully wouldn't cheat on their partners.