Author Topic: Possible to Make a all-CAS town?  (Read 3765 times)

Offline Tealeaf

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Possible to Make a all-CAS town?
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:15:03 AM »
I've been wondering for a while if the following is possible.  I'd like to play in a town where all the playable households are sims I've created in CAS, or as I call them, "my sims".  I dunno why, I'm just weird.

    Anyways, I think it should be possible by setting the game options to Aging Enabled/Story Progression OFF, then creating a sim family, playing them all until they get the age freeze reward, then moving on to another new CAS family.  The playable townies would then eventually die off and not get replaced, right?  I do understand that the game will still generate towning to be maids, pizza delievery people and such.  Would the game also automatically generate new playable sims as well?
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Offline Reliant

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Re: Possible to Make a all-CAS town?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2012, 05:36:43 AM »
I think the townies will have children to replace them, but I'm not 100% sure on that

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Offline bamjo92

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Re: Possible to Make a all-CAS town?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2012, 11:17:45 AM »
I do that all the time. I have like 15 familys that i have "bred" all saved to my library. I delete every house and family in town, place "my" (ha! all my houses are from this forum) houses and familys.
This is only my belief but, I think the game will generate sims in the town until the game feels the town is full... So every few sim days i go into edit town mode and evict any households that aren't mine.
Eventually I have my town filled with all my own bred sims and houses.

Offline cathyknits

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Re: Possible to Make a all-CAS town?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2012, 03:02:54 PM »
You could:
- Make a bunch of households in Create-A-Household.
- Use Edit Town to evict existing households and move your households in.
- Play with Story Progression off so that no new households will be moved in.

The one thing I'm not certain how the game would handle with Story Progression off is assigning sims to careers. You might need to go through all your households in Edit Town and assign a good balance of people to the different rabbit-hole careers.
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Offline Tealeaf

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Re: Possible to Make a all-CAS town?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 03:14:53 PM »
Thanks for the input.  I hadn't really thought about balancing sims into rabbitholes, but I can see why that might be important.

    Last night I had what I thought was an odd moment with an NPC sim.   I decided to have my sim, who lives in an apartment building, knock on the door of the guy who lived across the hallway.  They chatted a bit, and then my guy asked about his career.  It turns out the sim was a butler.  But... butlers move in with their employers, right?  If he's living in an apartment, then he's not a really employed at all.  And none of my sims even have hired a butler.  I just thought it was strange.
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Offline Pearl19

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Re: Possible to Make a all-CAS town?
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2012, 07:38:14 PM »
Ooh Ilike this topic and so you all are saying that it is possible to make an all CAS town (just want to make sure). I have always wanted to do this because I hate it when I go back to a household and find one of my girls married to some random dude, (and I'm like EW! he is ugly... and bald...LOL)(sorry just wanted to say that). I remember one time and this was the weirdest thing I have seen, one of my girl Sims was married and unfortunately I came back and found out her hubby was cheating on her, and I was like -_-
So I killed the cheating dude and decided I would make her a new man later, (I'm sooo mean,  then again the dude kind of deserved it)
So I think I came back a week later (as in real time, not sim time), and find out my girl is engaged to some random girl. I was like what!
So what do I do? I divorce (well broke off the engagement) and then I made my girl be her ex's enemy so they would never do it again. Then I get my girl married. Anyway, you are probably wondering what this has to do with an all CAS town.
Well if I had it to where it was all my Sims, I would make sure they wouldn't get married to someone I don't like or become gay (not that I don't like gay people, I just mean I don't want my Sims to be that's all, no offense )
Plus all of my sims would do what I want and they hopefully wouldn't cheat on their partners.

Offline Tealeaf

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Re: Possible to Make a all-CAS town?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2012, 07:04:04 AM »
Have you considered just turning story progression off?  I stopped using it after one of my households up and skipped town, without so much as a goodbye note or anything.   Plus the "random single guy has a new baby somehow" thing got old as well.
I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

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