Okay, so here's what happened:
First, I have a late 2009 Macbook Pro that I've kind of souped up since then. I think in terms of these tech issues all you really need to know is the fact it's a Mac and it's running on 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard, not Lion).
I just got ShowTime the other day. I had all the EPs and SPs other than Fast Lane (no interest) and Outdoor Living (just kind of slipped my mind). I installed Showtime on Friday and it was fine. I also patched everything up beforehand, so I'm definitely current.
I had to get a new external disc drive today, and while I was in Best Buy I saw Outdoor Living Stuff for a good price. I decided to get it.
Well, I should have known better than to try and install something so comparatively old after I had everything else installed. Now I can't even get to the game window. It just says "An Unknown Error Occurred." Even more frustrating, it claims that Outdoor Living is installed, but I can't actually FIND it anywhere on my computer to try and uninstall it. It's a ghost.
So, I think I have a few options... but I'm not sure. I'm relatively tech savvy, but not great.
Option 1: I use Time Machine (which is Mac's back-up system) so, MAYBE I could go back in there and try to find my TS3 folder and replace it from the last back up. Unfortunately, it's from a while ago (around 6 months), so I'd still have a lot of installing to do.
Option 2: Uninstall everything and start from scratch. I'm backing up my entire HD as we speak so my save files should be... somewhere. Where are saved game files on Macs? I know I should know this, but I'm too flustered right now. I think the one plus side to this is I might be able to install Outdoor Living in the process, in the correct order. Could anyone confirm? At this point I don't really care, I just want to be able to play the game.
Option 3: Maybe someone knows where I can find the missing outdoor Living right now so I can try and uninstall it as if all of this never happened?
Option 4:
I don't want to start doing anything too hastily, but man am I PO-ed. Although I should have known better, really.
Also, the EA store and I just don't get along. By that I mean.... no matter what I do, I can't seem to find an exhaustive list of my purchases. I'm making this number up, but let's say I've bought 50 things from there (I think it's more)...
I can only ever seem to view 10 or 15. Where can you view all of your purchases for downloading again? Fortunately, I seem to be able to view all my previous purchases now, but it doesn't solve the rest of my problems. Sigh.
Any thoughts? I'm really upset right now