Author Topic: Sing to the Stars (It's Back!)  (Read 73458 times)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #255 on: August 13, 2012, 08:36:14 PM »
Sorry I haven't updated in a couple days! I recently discovered Pose Player and have been messing around with that!


It's been a bad morning.

Let's just say Ally and I have been in the bathroom since last night some time.

"Oh god!" She moaned.

"Again?" I asked, not in the rude way if you were thinking that...

She nodded, I helped her sit up. She clutched the sides of the toilet as she threw up, I held her hair back while rubbing her back. She gasped for air wiping her mouth with the towel I handed her, she started crying again.

"I'm so tired!" She sobbed.

My heart broke.

"Here, lay back down.." I said helping her lay back down.

We were finally able to leave the bathroom and get into bed to get some sleep.

The next day we spent outside as a family.

We had a picnic, played games with the kids, Allison played some music while Madison painted. It was a good day.


"I want a boy." James said.

"You do, do you?" I said smiling looking down at him.

"Yeah, I mean, it doesn't have to be this one, but later on. I want eight kids." He said.

"Not happening. I am not doing this six more times..." I told him.

"Fine, I will settle with six." He said.

I laughed, "Still no."

I walked in the house.

"Hey Ally, what are you doing in here?" I asked going for the fridge.

She didn't answer, I heard her sniffling.

"Ally?" I said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know!" She cried.

She bent over the table, my eyes widened.

"Ally, talk to me." I pleaded.

"I miss mom and dad! Everyone is going on like nothing is wrong! Mom and dad should be here Madi!" She cried.

"They are here Al! Don't you remember what mom said! They are here with us right now!" I told her.

The rest of the conversation consisted of cheering her up, which worked after I gave her a great idea.

We were going to do pregnancy pictures with our husbands!

"This is going to be great!" She squealed.

Allison and Kaiden's Pregnancy Photoshoot

Madison and James' Pregnancy Photoshoot

They turned out great! We were all getting anxious for the little ones to arrive! We still had to figure out the nursery still. Allison was busy with teaching Bentley how to drive and helping him with homework, he struggled a little. The guys were working during the day, and the kids had school. So pretty much it was Ally and I all day alone, we do go over to Mason and Tiffany's house a lot. Tiffany should be having the baby around the time we do, it will be babies galore!

I told you I was messing with Pose Player a lot... Next update wont be like this, I just didn't have any pictures without them haha! A big thanks to Miriam for showing it to me! Let me know what you think! :)
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And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Miriam

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #256 on: August 13, 2012, 08:45:57 PM »
Ooh, I see a lot of poses. XD Poses are great, they save a loooot of time and they're also great for storytelling. Nice update! I can't wait to see the adorable babies. :D

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #257 on: August 13, 2012, 08:50:48 PM »
Ooh, I see a lot of poses. XD Poses are great, they save a loooot of time and they're also great for storytelling. Nice update! I can't wait to see the adorable babies. :D

Yes, poses are great! :P Thank you! I am also very excited to see the babies!
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It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #258 on: August 13, 2012, 09:23:38 PM »
I love those poses! I'm seriously going to have to give that a shot...

I can't wait to see the new nooboos!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #259 on: August 13, 2012, 09:26:56 PM »
I love those poses! I'm seriously going to have to give that a shot...

I can't wait to see the new nooboos!

Thank you! I recommend it! But a little warning... It's slightly addictive haha. :P
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It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #260 on: August 14, 2012, 08:13:07 PM »

"Hi in there! I can't wait to meet you!" I cooed to Ally's stomach.

"Ugh, I can't wait to meet him or her either, if this baby gets much bigger I am going to need a forklift to help me move!" She groaned.

"Hey! Guys! Guess what!" Kaiden said.

"What?" We asked.

"Mason and Tiffany are on their way to the hospital! Tiffany is in labor!" He said.

"No way!" I shrieked.


"What's going on?" I asked walking in.

"Tiffany is in labor!" Kaiden said.

"No way! Well, shouldn't we get over there?!" I asked.

"Yeah! We can be there to surprise them in the waiting room!" Madison said.

"Uh, guys...." Allison said.

"Yeah, and we can get cigars too!" I said.

"Guys...." Allison said again.

"How about balloons! We can get balloons!" Kaiden suggested.


"GUYS!" I screamed.

They all stopped talking and looked at me.

"Oh, Ally. What is your idea? What do you think we should do?" Kaiden asked.

"I-I think, that we should get ready." I said.

"Good idea, we can make plans on the way!" James said grabbing his coat.

"No." I said.

"No? We have to get going if we are going to see the baby in time." Kaiden said.

"I think we should stay home." I gasped.

"Ally? Why should we stay home?" Kaiden asked.

"Because... My water just broke." I gasped.


I looked at Ally who mirrored my expression: scared.

"Okay, let's get you upstairs." Kaiden said.

We decided to try a home birth this time, James agreed to deliver the baby even though he wasn't a doctor. How hard could it be? Right?

We got Ally set up on the bed in our room, it was a waiting game now. A few hours passed, Ally was such a trooper. She was breathing heavy, and all sweaty, and her hair was a mess, but she still managed to look just as beautiful.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She gasped as a contraction hit.

"Just thinking how beautiful you are." I told her.

"AHHH!!! I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU. I. HATE. YOU!" She screamed.

"Breathe honey!" I said touching her arm.


"Alright, I think it's time." James said.

"You ready babe? This is it!" Kaiden said.

My god I thought I was going to die! I don't remember it being this painful when I had Bentley! But then again, I had some drugs to help with the pain then!

"Keep going! Keep going! Ally you are doing so good!" James said.

I sat up hoping it would help get this over with.

"JAMES!" Madison screamed in the next room.

James looked at Kaiden.

"Go!" Kaiden said.

A few minutes later James came running in.

"Madison's water broke." He gasped.

"WHAT?!" Kaiden and I asked.

"Oh god!" I cried as more pain came.

"James!" Madison cried.


"You're doing so good baby, keep pushing." I encouraged.

"How's Ally?!" She cried as she pushed.

"She's doing good, just keep pushing!" I told her.

I looked at Kaiden, we were both freaking out. We were going back and forth from Ally to Madison.

"AHHH!" Madison screamed putting a hand on her stomach and pushed.


"This is a mess! Why didn't we just go to the HOSPITAL!! AHHH!" She screamed.

"Push!" James instructed.

I screamed pushing as hard as I could.

I gasped as a crying baby fell into James' hands, I cried as he held the baby up.

"It's a girl." James said.

I cried as Kaiden kissed my forehead.



"A couple more pushes Madison!" Kaiden said.

"No." I cried.

"You can do this, okay?" Kaiden told me.

"I can't! It hurts!" I cried.

James squeezed my hand, "You can do this."

I looked in his eyes before going back to pushing.

A cry filled the room of a very angry baby.

"It's a boy!" Kaiden said.

I looked at a crying baby, I looked at James with tear filled eyes. He kissed my forehead gently before looking at the baby.

Welcome to the world, Samantha!

Welcome to the world, Max!

The babies are here! Samantha and Max! Let me know what you think! ;D
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #261 on: August 14, 2012, 09:29:32 PM »
I love it! Beautiful yet suitably dramatic, and the pics are fantastic!

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Offline Miriam

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #262 on: August 14, 2012, 10:31:57 PM »
Welcome Samantha and Max! :D

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #263 on: August 15, 2012, 12:40:33 PM »
Well, I, yet again, have a glitch in my game. So I won't be updating until I find out how to fix it... Madison has literally fallen off the earth or something. I click on her and it brings me to mountains. She is also carrying Max because she just had him... I have tried doing the resetsim but it didn't work... :-\ I can't seem to find anything on google so if anyone knows how to fix this that would be great!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Miriam

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #264 on: August 15, 2012, 12:49:02 PM »
Try using Twallan's DebugEnabler. After installing it, click on city hall and choose fix invisible sims. It might work. If it doesn't, then you probably downloaded a bad mod that's not up to date or something.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #265 on: August 15, 2012, 01:23:25 PM »
Try using Twallan's DebugEnabler. After installing it, click on city hall and choose fix invisible sims. It might work. If it doesn't, then you probably downloaded a bad mod that's not up to date or something.

I can't find Twallan's DebugEnabler... I can only find NRaas... I tried that but there isn't any option to fix invisible sims on city hall...
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Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Miriam

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #266 on: August 15, 2012, 01:40:58 PM »
Hmm... Try playing Sims 3 without your mods (move your mod folder into the desktop or something), try resetting her again, and if it works, it's probably one of the mods you downloaded.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #267 on: August 15, 2012, 05:39:35 PM »
Hmm... Try playing Sims 3 without your mods (move your mod folder into the desktop or something), try resetting her again, and if it works, it's probably one of the mods you downloaded.

It worked! Thank you! Now I just have to figure out what mod I have that caused it!
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Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #268 on: August 15, 2012, 05:54:30 PM »
Hm, given that it only recently happened, I wonder if it's not one of the pose packs or something. I noticed some disappearing in my game when I was playing around with the pose player.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #269 on: August 15, 2012, 05:59:47 PM »
Hm, given that it only recently happened, I wonder if it's not one of the pose packs or something. I noticed some disappearing in my game when I was playing around with the pose player.

Yes, I think it was too. But I just put everything back into my mods folder and restarted the game to see if it would happen again and it didn't! But I know what to do now if that happens again.

I should maybe have an update tonight! :)
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

