Author Topic: Sing to the Stars (It's Back!)  (Read 73457 times)


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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #45 on: June 10, 2012, 09:43:19 AM »
I don't use cc and don't know. But you can start a topic in the technical help section with a picture of the glitched baby.

Offline SadieHamming

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #46 on: June 10, 2012, 02:24:16 PM »
That's an odd glitch, it hasn't happened to my game, so sorry I can't help. Hope you can fix it.

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #47 on: June 10, 2012, 03:32:15 PM »
I fixed it! All I did was check the "Play without custom content" thing under downloads in the launcher!

I should have an update up tonight!! :)
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It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #48 on: June 10, 2012, 03:34:18 PM »
I'm glad you get it fixed!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #49 on: June 10, 2012, 07:47:21 PM »
Everything was going smoothly, Mason was loving school, Alex was working hard at work, while I worked on growing a baby inside me. I was tired most of the time when I reached the end. It felt like I was carrying a twenty pound baby! So most of the time I stayed in bed and let Alex wait on me hand and foot, which was nice!

One night we went to bed after Mason was all settled in bed, but I was woken up in the middle of the night. I was feeling a cramping feeling in my stomach. I sat up and rubbed my stomach taking deep breaths.

As soon as I felt the familiar gush of water I knew what was happening.

"Alex!" I said.

He groaned.

"ALEX WAKE UP!" I snapped.

"What?" He asked half asleep.

"Its time! The baby is coming!" I cried standing up.

He started freaking out again...

"Alex! Don't...AHHH!!! Don't just stand there!!! Call a baby-babysitter for Mason!" I gasped.

We got in the car once the babysitter got there and headed to the hospital!

"PUSH! Push Natalie!" The doctor said.

A cry filled the room as he lifted a baby up.

"It's a girl!" He said.

I did a mixture of a laugh and a cry as they let me hold her for a minute before taking her away to clean her. I started to feel more pain and discomfort, it was like it was another contraction.

"What's going on?!" Alex asked as I screamed in pain.

"I think we may have another baby!" The doctor announced.

"WHAT?!" Alex and I screamed.

After many more pushes, and a ton more of pain, we welcomed another baby girl into the world.

This is Madison Rene Peterson and Allison Marie Peterson

Once we were home, we put the twins down and I took a shower and went to bed while Alex read to Mason.

I thought taking care of one baby was a lot of work! But now we have two new borns and Mason. I was actually excited though, to be one of those moms who always had something going on or a kid who needed to be somewhere.

Thank god Alex took a few days off of work the first few days! I would not have made it without him.

"Madison needs her diaper changed!" Alex said.

"Okay, take Allison she needs to be fed. Give me Madison." I said.

We swapped babies before going to take care of their needs.

"Mom can you come check my homework?" Mason asked.

"Not now honey, I'm sure it's fine!" I said.

I didn't see it, but he looked hurt by my lack of attention to him. He turned and left the room slowly.

I guess Mason might have been a little hurt and jealous that the babies were getting all our attention.. He kind of acted out a bit...

"MASON!" Alex screamed.

Mason ran in the room.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Did you do that to the sink?!" He asked.

"...No?" He shrugged.

"You better not do this again Mason! I know we haven't been paying much attention to you since the twins were born, but it's a major adjustment!" Alex snapped.

I hated seeing Mason cry in his room, but it was apart of being a parent I guess. We had to punish him, but it still stunk...

I am so glad I found out how to fix the glitch! Anyways, hope you like the update! ;D
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3


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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #50 on: June 11, 2012, 10:55:57 AM »
Congrats with the twins! Poor Mason, he need some attention too. Great update. :)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #51 on: June 11, 2012, 05:01:10 PM »
"Mom I need you to sign this!" Mason screamed running in.

"What is it?!" I asked trying to get his lunch finished.

"A field trip permission slip!" He said.

"Mason! You really need to give me these things a head of time!" I scolded signing it.

I finished his lunch and handed it to him.

"Thanks mom!" He said grabbing it and dashing out of the house to catch the bus.

The twins started to cry as Alex rushed down the stairs.

"Alex! There is a stain on your shirt!" I said.

I grabbed the stain pen and rubbed it on his white shirt.

"Thanks love!" He said smiling.

"Your welcome." I said.

"Have to go! Late already!" He said.

We kissed before I headed upstairs to take care of my girls, yeah life was pretty hectic!

I loved spending time with my girls, and Mason too of course, they were all little people who were going to do big things one day!

"MOM! MOM!" Mason screamed.

"Upstairs!" I called.

"I got a new badge mom! In scouts!" He beamed.

"That's great honey! Congratulations!" I smiled.

In all this craziness I was able to sneak out of the house for a few hours to go perform at Sim Fest!

I even got a chance to do a magic trick with one of the performers!

Little did I know, she was doing that thing with the swords...

Had I known that, I would have refused. The whole time I was thinking, what if something went wrong? What if I died? Could Alex handle Mason and two newborn twins and work on his own? I couldn't die! I had a family to take care of!

Thankfully, nothing happened...

...I was so relieved!

I even won! Eventhough, the girl doing the magic trick should have won.

When I got home, I found the babysitter standing outside.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Uh..." She said.

"Have you been outside the whole time?!" I yelled.

"Umm..." She studdered.

"You have! My kids have been in the house alone?!?! They must be starving! Has Mason done his homework?!" I screamed.


"Oh right, you have been outside the whole time, my bad. Must be how people "babysit" now a days!" I scolded.

"I'm sorry!" She said.

"No, you're done! Here, take your stupid $75! Never come back here again!" I screamed throwing her money at her.

I was right, Mason was watching TV while the twins screamed their heads off.

"MASON! Homework. Now." I snapped as I ran upstairs.

I was fuming by the time Alex got home. It took him an hour to get me to take a nice relaxing bubble bath. I felt better after, I walked downstairs to find my boys eating dinner. I kissed Alex and kissed Mason's head as I sat down.

Maybe me being a singer wasn't going to happen...

Maybe I have to give up my dreams...

Thanks for all the comments ;D ;D How did you like this one? Natalie seems a little stressed with everything going on!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #52 on: June 11, 2012, 07:09:32 PM »
Baby sitters never like doing their jobs! They need to go to babysitting school again!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2012, 01:19:28 AM »
Baby sitters never like doing their jobs! They need to go to babysitting school again!

Right?! She didn't even go into the house once! >:( I kept checking but all she did was stand there...
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3


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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2012, 07:17:52 AM »
It is good she fired the babysitter! Poor little nooboos. It does look like she must put her dream aside for a while. Great update. :)


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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2012, 12:39:59 PM »
SHE CANT stop being a singer!

Offline SadieHamming

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2012, 08:00:40 PM »
Right?! She didn't even go into the house once! >:( I kept checking but all she did was stand there...
That's why I just keep one adult at home till I have a teen to watch them, or make grandparent/s to watch them.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #57 on: June 13, 2012, 12:40:22 PM »
Have you ever had a really good day? Only to have it ruined by something horrible? That's how today started, really good... And then everything fell apart...

We blinked once and it was the twins' birthday!

They look a lot like Alex! He thinks I'm crazy though.

"Mason! Come get cake!" I called.

"MOM!" Mason screamed.

I dropped the knife to the ground and ran to Mason.

"WHAT? Are you okay?!" I asked.

"Somethings wrong with Charlie!" He cried.

My heart sank as I looked at the ground, Charile lay on his side not moving or breathing.

"M-Mason, go-go get your father..." I said.

"DAD!" Mason screamed running out of the room.

I knew what happened... Tears ran down my face as I covered Charlie up with a blanket.

"Natalie?" Alex asked.

I stood up and looked at him all teary eyed.

"Oh honey." He said.

I fell in his arms crying on his shoulder.

I heard Mason crying in the kitchen, I wiped my eyes.

"I have to go see how Mason is doing." I said.

I walked over to him.

"I-I-Did I kill him mom?" He cried.

"What? Honey, of course not!" I said.

"I played with him too rough mom! We were playing tug of war!" He sobbed.

"Honey, Charlie was old. It was his time to go." I said my voice breaking.

"Okay." He sobbed.

We all ate our cake in silence and tried to celebrate the twins' birthday. The day finally came to an end and we all headed to bed. I cried in Alexs arms for an hour before finally falling asleep.

Life had to go on though, the twins learned how to talk and walk quickly! They were so smart!

Oh yeah, and did I mention? Alex had his birthday too!

"Sexy!" I laughed.

This birthday went a lot smoother.

RIP Charlie</3

I had a major heart attack, I don't remember what I was doing. I think I was watching a stray horse in the yard when I saw the tombstone on Natalie's thing. I thought maybe Alex or one of the kids might have died! Ugh, but Charlie dying is still sad :( :'( What did you think?
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3


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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #58 on: June 13, 2012, 01:09:58 PM »
Rip Charlie your pictures really tell the story. Lovely update

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Sing to the Stars
« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2012, 01:25:54 PM »
Rip Charlie your pictures really tell the story. Lovely update

Aww! Thank you ;D
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

