Author Topic: Can't place lot when editing CAW world in-game, but placing works fine normally.  (Read 6067 times)

Offline Corylea

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If I try to add a new lot to an existing world using the World Editor when playing TS3, it works fine, so I know how to add lots in game using the World Editor.

But if I use Edit In Game with a world I'm building in CAW, when I try to place a lot using the World Editor, it doesn't take.  I can click on the lot I want to place and click on a place next to the road, and the lot outline is green, and I click to place it, and ... nothing happens.

I know how to make lots using Create A World, and I've done so for some odd-sized lots, but if I'm going to place a lot of standard-sized residential lots, it would be much easier to do that using the World Editor in Edit in Game mode.

What am I doing wrong?  Tips?  Hints?  Glitches everybody knows about but me?


Offline Anushka

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I had it happen couple of times, but generally I preferred placing lots in CAW - it was more precise and I was able to chose to layer and rename it right there, add beautiful vista moodlets, address, etc. while deleting lots in EiG can sometimes leave the strange blue space instead of the ground, visible even in exported world.
You can try clicking it few times on that spot until you get it - sometimes it just force you to be persistent and click until it stay there, maybe move it around a little bit until you get it. I'd still recommend placing lots in CAW instead of EiG.   

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Offline Corylea

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Thanks for your response!

Offline Krrank

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I have to agree with Anushka, no matter the size of lot you want to place, it's much better to drag it out in CAW. Just keep your eye on the lot size on the bottom right corner of your screen.

