Author Topic: Household Skills Project  (Read 20559 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project - Chapter 10: Three birthdays and a funeral
« Reply #45 on: June 05, 2012, 02:36:45 PM »
the last picture really picked up my emotions

What? Even after the bad joke about the slide?
Although, if I'm honest, that was in self-defence.  I was very attached to Lea and her death got to me, too.  Maybe I'll clone her sometime and introduce her to Chris Steel...

Thanks, everyone.  She'll be missed (especially by Sri - poor bloke doesn't know what to do without her).

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project
« Reply #46 on: June 05, 2012, 03:34:27 PM »
Chapter 11: Christopher Cook — the teenage years

(OK, the teenage weeks.)

Sri is really lost without Lea.  His grumpiness became more noticeable as soon as he aged up to elder but since Lea’s death it often seems as though it’s his only trait.  Left to himself, his activity of choice is harassing the world in general and Chris in particular.

The poor lad couldn’t even do his homework in peace.

It didn’t help that as a teenager Chris took to practical jokes in a big way and Sri was the usual victim.

I’ve taken to sending Sri out of the house on the slightest excuse.  He even spent a day picking fruit and veg in the community garden, instead of just buying ingredients at the supermarket.

Lea comes out to play on the you-know-what quite often, and she sometimes goes into the house to keep an eye on her family. At least Chris still has one parent who understands him, even if she is a ghost.

Becky is moving quickly through the culinary career.  It helped that she started with level 6 cooking and all of the useful lifetime rewards.  Now it’s time to think about a social life.  On one of her days off, she used her new legendary host reward to throw a party and invited everyone the family knew.  It turned out to be quite a short guest list.  It got even shorter when Chris and all of the younger guests piled into a limo and went back to school (I’d forgotten it was prom day).  Becky made the best of it and chatted up the male guests – but all the nice ones turned out to be married.

Meanwhile, over at the school, things were getting interesting.  One of the guests, Leilani Ezell, was looking after Chris (or maybe she was trying to get him tipsy).  Either way, she kept bringing him glasses of punch.  They finished the night as romantic interests.

He invited her over the following day to get to know her better.  They were already good friends before the prom but the only thing he knew about her was that she delivered newspapers.

He liked her more and more, so he risked a quick peck on the cheek.  Then he asked her to go steady.  And really tested out his teenage trait.

The following Saturday was his birthday. Sometime I must get around to letting one of them have a proper birthday party.

He's grown up pretty well.

Like his big sister, he graduated as valedictorian and was voted most popular, although he missed out on prom king (too busy with Leilani and the punch, probably).

He needs to spend another day or two reading cookery books, then he can start on his career and lifetime wish.

Chapter 12

Chris needed a neutral teenage trait, so I gave him great kisser, in honour of the other Chris and because it’s one of my favourite traits anyway.  He became handy as a young adult.

Leilani is good, neat and eco-friendly, which seems promising. (Just realised I can see her fourth trait in the family tree now she’s his girlfriend – she’s another virtuoso :(.) Assuming she ages normally, I think she’s the next spouse.

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That proves talent in writing hazelnut! As great writers can open their mind  to people through their writing :P 

Great update by the way! Chris grew up really handsome -- although he's nothing like Mr. Steel, hehe.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project
« Reply #49 on: June 10, 2012, 06:21:30 AM »
Chapter 12: Moving on

The day after his graduation, Chris reached level 10 of cooking and was free to join the fire service and start working towards his lifetime wish of Firefighter Superhero.

Becky had finally met an unattached man that she liked.  Before long, she was throwing a hen party.  It was supposed to be girls-only but two firefighters turned up unexpectedly.  Oddly, they didn’t seem to know Chris and had rather different uniforms.  ;)

Chris was busy upgrading the fire engine but Sri, who was also supposed to be out, wandered back home and joined in, looking pretty good for 96.

It was an epic party in every sense.  The bride-to-be had to go to work after a few hours but no-one else seemed to notice and the party was still in full swing when she came home again.  In fact, the last three guests didn’t leave until 6.30 the following morning.

Miss Rebecca Cook and Mr Jarred Meredith were married in a simple ceremony at Willowglen Amphitheatre.  The only witness was a random stranger who spent most of the time with his nose in a book.

The bride, who was having a midlife crisis, insisted she was too old and wrinkly for the traditional dress and opted for a smart-casual look.  The groom went for just plain casual.

Immediately afterwards, Chris was called out to his first large fire – at the Meredith house.  Jarred arrived just in time to see his father and sisters being rescued by his new brother-in-law.

The next day, Sri died, aged 100.

He was ready to go - he’d lived a long and happy life (when he wasn’t being grumpy) and now he'd be reunited with Lea at last.

RIP Sri (Arce) Cook.

Meanwhile, Grim sat and watched the shopping channel.

Not having any athletic skill is beginning to affect Chris’ job performance.  As a brave daredevil, he’s impressively fast at putting out fires, but he’s really struggling to break down doors when he has to rescue people.  Despite this, he’s nearly at the top of his career and will soon have his own fire engine.  It’s time to move on, to somewhere with a gym and plenty of parking space.

Chapter 13

House 2 summary

Skill - cooking

Career - supermarket (part-time)
LTW - Culinary Librarian

Career - culinary
LTW - Celebrated Five-Star Chef
Supermaxed cooking

Christopher (heir)
(Career and LTW to be completed in next house)
Building/property - Grocery Grab Supermarket
Unique rewards - Profession Simoleon Booster, Food Replicator

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: Household Skills Project - Chapter 12: Moving on
« Reply #50 on: June 10, 2012, 01:11:28 PM »
Wow, second move's here already, congrats! :D

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project - Chapter 12: Moving on
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2012, 03:44:28 PM »
Thanks.  (Sorry for the slow reply - I've been away.)

Unfortunately, nothing much has happened since because of a bug.  I'm hoping to get it sorted out and be able to cotinue the story soon.

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Offline Roxanne07

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Re: Household Skills Project - Chapter 12: Moving on
« Reply #52 on: June 26, 2012, 04:10:34 PM »
Sorry to hear that. I really hope you can get it sorted out soon!  :)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project
« Reply #53 on: July 03, 2012, 03:44:51 PM »
Chapter 13: Making a move

There have been changes since the last update – rather more of them than Chris and I were expecting.

He went to City Hall to change his name to suit his new skill.  The new surname was briefly Armstrong – but then I realised that the one member of the next household will be an astronaut and it felt like too much of a cliché.  So back he went to change it again – to Strong.

Over the next few days, he maxed his career and construction started on the new house/fire station.  Leilani moved in with a view to becoming Mrs Strong the following weekend.  Then I noticed that they weren’t aging.

It turned out that the problem had started on the day Sri died, so I tried playing from an earlier save with various levels of reset – but without success.  So eventually Chris moved to Riverview and a new house just across the road from the fire station.

Although he was still a level 8 firefighter, he was to some extent starting again – his first day in the new town was spent at the station upgrading the fire engine and alarm.  At least his fire extinguisher kept the upgrade.

After work the next day, he started improving his new appliances and plumbing.  This took him to level 10 in both handiness and his career – which meant he had yet another fire engine to upgrade from scratch.

His count of lives saved had gone back to zero when he moved but rescuing the citizens of Riverview took him back to where he’d been within a few days.  (Oddly, he was given the service award for rescuing ten Sims at this point, when he’d only saved seven lives in Riverview – maybe the game has some memory of the seven from Twinbrook, even though they’re not showing up in his lifetime wish panel.)

With Leilani lost in cyberspace, Chris needs to find a new bride.  Unlike his mother, he can easily afford the fines for making prank calls.  So first he called the police and met Nancy Chow.

She seemed OK but rather too keen on telling him off – she wouldn’t settle for lecturing him once and then chatting.

The next evening, he called the fire service and Laura Kemp rushed over to help…

…and then she lectured him.   “Of all people, you should know better than pulling a 10-92.  I’m going to have to fine you §500. See you at the station…”

Poor Chris.  He just wants to be the best firefighter ever and here he is, wasting a colleague’s time.

At least he’s met some NPCs.  In fact, he met another that night, when there was an attempted burglary – although I’m not sure that leaping out of bed and beating someone up before they’ve even started on the breaking and entering really counts as a social introduction.   Anyway, the burglar was male.

The obvious thing to do is to throw a housewarming party and get to know people better – particularly two of them.

So, who will he choose: Nancy

or Laura?

Chapter 14

(Incidentally, Leilani arrived with level 5 writing – I have no idea how or why but I was planning to ignore it, since writing isn’t a skill that Sims build on their own.  I thought NPCs were a safe bet for avoiding forbidden skills. )

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Household Skills Project - Chapter 13 (finally)
« Reply #54 on: July 04, 2012, 01:47:54 AM »
Laura! Hurray for fireproof pyromaniac babies!
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By samoht04

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project
« Reply #56 on: July 05, 2012, 12:50:16 PM »
Chapter 14: Hearts on Fire

After wanting to talk to both of them, Chris produced a whole string of increasingly romantic wishes about Laura.  The next day was Saturday, so he invited her over and told her how he felt.

They tried out his new trampoline and hot tub…

…and then he had to go off and be presented with the Key to the City.

Never mind.  He just invited her over again that evening.  And then he proposed and invited her to move in.  (He also found time somewhere to furnish the living room, which had looked awfully bare during the party.)

Laura only has two traits: she’s clumsy and brave.  This would seem well suited to a military career but she wants to be a superstar athlete.  So she gave up firefighting to become a full-time Llamas fan and started learning the athletic skill.  With Chris taking care of the cooking and household maintenance, she should have time to supermax, so she’s varying her workouts.

Since Chris is on the skinny side of healthy already, I’m making him concentrate on pumping iron.

They still spend romantic evenings together, though.

(Chris seems oddly fascinated by his own toes.)

A few days later, they threw another party.

While the guests were busy with the cake, the bride and groom slipped upstairs for a shared shower.

(I love the way Laura’s posing.)

At this point, things got a bit confused.  The carpool came for Laura but then she arrived at the stadium to be told it wasn't her work day after all.  Chris was supposed to be on leave, too - but the alarm still went off.  Eventually, they were left alone together ... and Chris aged up to adult.

Laura kissed the birthday boy…

…which led to more romantic interactions and the inevitable consequence.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project
« Reply #57 on: July 09, 2012, 02:44:39 PM »
Chapter 15: The next generation

Laura kept up her athletic training through her pregnancy.

With the treadmill off limits and her jog reduced to a walk, she concentrated on the weights bench, with the occasional cardio workout to the stereo for variety.

Chris wasn’t entirely convinced this was sensible.

“Nice music – but shouldn’t you be, well, resting or something?”
He may have had a point.  Jumping jacks probably weren’t the best idea at this stage.

Eventually, he stopped panicking for long enough to drive her to the hospital.  Just in time – she must have given birth in the reception area.

This is Richard.  He’s athletic and a heavy sleeper.
Chris was clearly exhausted by his ordeal and went to bed as soon as they arrived home.   Sometimes I don’t know how Laura puts up with him.

Chris did his share of looking after the baby but didn’t seem all that confident about it.

“Laura! He’s smiling at me! What do I do now?”

Soon it was Richard’s first birthday.

Chris wasn’t that much better at teaching toddler skills.  For some reason, he thought the fire engine garage was the perfect place to teach Richard to walk.

At least he can make gourmet baby food.

“French toast, yummy!”

Appropriately, Richard’s favourite toy is a rocket.

“One day, I’m going to fly one of these all the way up to the sky!”

“I love my rocket.”

Chapter 16

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: Household Skills Project - Chapter 15: The next generation
« Reply #58 on: July 10, 2012, 12:23:00 PM »
Welcome, Richard! He looks a lot like his mom, I think.  :)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project
« Reply #59 on: July 10, 2012, 03:10:27 PM »
Chapter 16: Rocket Man, Jr.

Richard had another birthday and aged up into a very cute child.

He has a new bedroom, ideally suited to a budding astronaut.

He’s mostly just having fun because he can’t really build his job skills until he’s a teenager, although he has maxed out the blocks skill.

He spends a lot of time alone with his toys because Laura leaves for work just before school finishes.  Chris can be called out unexpectedly but when they’re in the house together they usually play video games – and Chris generally gets thrashed.

Laura wanted to read Richard a bedtime story and I was going to send her off to the bookshop when I had a chance – but then I found them both settling down for a story anyway.  I’d forgotten she had a book in her inventory from a work opportunity.  So Richard was read to sleep with ‘Bus Cramps: A Cautionary Tale’.  No wonder he dozed off so quickly.

The weekend came and Chris was summoned to City Hall again, to be presented with the golden hydrant.  Constance Shelley was on hand to report the event for the local paper.

Nice hairdo, Madam Mayor.

The people of Riverview may be delighted with Chris’ performance as a firefighter but he’s not so happy.  With his elder birthday only a few days away, he’s only saved 15 out of the 30 lives he needs for his lifetime wish.  He’s had a whole series of small fires and building disasters recently, including the Evil Plot Backfire three times – I thought that was a one-off.  It doesn’t help that he’s had several large fires with no lives to be saved, which I’ve never seen before.  Maybe it’s because all the houses in question were tiny.  While I wouldn’t normally wish a natural disaster on anyone, it would be really nice if Riverview had an earthquake sometime soon.

