I have moved my sims many times, but tonight, when I moved my sim all the books vanished from the bookcase which I had placed in the household inventory (all the skills books in the game, recipes and dozens of reading books - a small fortune). I also had a chest from China filled with dozens of artifacts, bars of metal worth a fortune and countless cut gems. Its all gone along with a few other small items lincluding a surplus modlet manager and a collection helper. Has this happened to anyone else?
I can't think of anythig I did differently this time so am wondering if this is a known bug or something that might have been caused by a recent update. I'm pretty fed up as having moved my sims frequently previously I did not bother to make a backup copy of my household before the move.
Yuk! I've just discovered that my fridge was full of spoiled leftovers too! Very odd.
Update: I've just experimented by moving another sim, after buying some extra books and putting a few items in a storage box, and the same thing has happened again (no bad food this time though).