Hey everyone, I just introduced myself on the "introduce yourself" thread. There, I said I stopped playing The Sims back when there was only the game base out, and never really tried any of the expansion packs. Last week I decided I wanted to give it a try and installed all the packs at once, so there's a lot new to see since my experiences with the base game. I've been playing incessantly. I won't give my sims a rest! So far, I noticed some interesting things I want so share with you. Probably a lot of these have been discussed on the forum already, but there are countless threads to browse, so... anyway:
First of all, I should say that when starting a brand new game, I always begin with a single sim and with the story mode off. I like to make them focus and succeed on their career and gain skills first and only let them fall in love and start a family much later on. I've been playing with 4 households (one of them has a pet, but he's still single, lol).
1: This might be the weirdest one. Whenever I change households my sim has a brand new car in their inventory! Sometimes even a very expensive car. The thing is, I don't like my sims to have a car in the very beginning of the game, so it feels like cheating when I sell their car and get money from that. I change the household again, and there it is a car in the inventory. What is that? A bug? Has it been fixed?
2: Even with the story mode off, I had a sim who adopted three horses to his household while I was playing with another sim. It was really funny to switch to his house and see all those horses running around. But is that supposed to happen? That's why I don't play with the story mode on, they can act like crazy and adopt babies even if they're single and jobless, quit careers and stuff like that. It's kinda annoying.
3: I was playing with a sim who had the "make 3 monsters" as a lifetime wish. I sent her to increase her inventing skills at the inventing object (don't remember how it's called, it's the one with the scraps) and immediately decided to switch to my firefighter sim and let her do her business. As soon as I changed households, my firefighter got an emergency call and my screen went all the way up and showed my inventor sim... on fire! I clicked on the action to put it out but my sim wouldn't respond. He just cancelled the action and stood there, even if it was his duty. I tried several times, but nothing happened, not even those "I can't get there" tantrums. Then, the tragedy happened: my inventor died a horrible death. And her ashes remain until today. What's the deal with that?
4: I've been reading the Late Night and Showtime forums and I know many people complain about this, but I'll have to say it: all the celebrity thing is really annoying. I wish you could just choose not to be one. It **es me off how easy it is to become a celebrity. I hope they fix that soon.
5: I have a sim who achieved his lifetime goal as an author (painter and writer). I picked the painting as his self-employment job and he already mastered his career. If I decide to switch to the writing job will the paintings still cost as much?