Author Topic: The not quite attack of the clones - please move to Graveyard  (Read 2234 times)

Offline saltpastillen

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This story is inspired by the Challenge Attack of the clones. I never really came up with a good strategy for it - but I did make the sims. This is the story of what happened to them...


The Challenge

In all corners of the Simverse it became known that he, the mighty Metropolis Man, had called for all Simlish races of the Simverse to send 4 champions to Sunset Valley. The goal - total domination! The adoration and congratulations of the Watchers and the Voices that speak to Simlish creatures everywhere will be rewarded the victors. Ships were launched, competitors chosen, strategies were researched and evaluated. The Simverse teemed with activity in preparation for the “Attack of the clones!”

Aronia sent 4 young adults to compete

“All right, go to Sunset Valley and show the Simverse that we Aronians are to be feared!” shouted Minister Eight. “Geez, Eight can’t you wait until the champions actually are here?” asked Minister Six. “I would do so if I was actually the one to give that speech, but since Nine will give the official speech I decided to give mine a go beforehand so to speak” Eight snapped.  Six sighted, but at that moment Nine, Five and Seven all filed in followed by the champions. “Brave champions” Nine began. “We hope that you will do us all proud. Aronians everywhere are counting on you to represent our world. In honor of your commitment you will from this day be known as One, Two, Three and Four of Four.” “Uh, thanks” the newly named One said after Three prodded her in the side with an elbow. “We are of course very… eh… honord to be forc… erhm… selected for this mission.” “Good, good” Eight muttered.  “It’s just, well… um… what exactly are we supposed to do?” Four asked. “Oh my, seems your ship is ready to launch, you best be going would’nt want to be late now would you?” Eight hurriedly interrupted, waved a hand and had some attendants rush the champions to the ship.   

Here are the champions now:





The ”Attack of the clones”  arrived. Sunset Valley was invaded and conquered, scores were amassed and a victor proclaimed. However, when all results were tallied they realized that one group had gone missing…

Offline Spork-tastic

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Re: The not so attack of the clones
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2012, 03:25:37 PM »
Sounds cool! Can't wait for more.

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Re: The not so attack of the clones
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2012, 04:25:31 PM »
Great idea for a story! Looking forward to more. :)

Offline alex51299

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Re: The not so attack of the clones
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2012, 05:27:42 PM »
This looks interesting! I can't wait to see what happens.
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The not so attack of the clones
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2012, 05:40:45 PM »
Ist Contact

In a spaceship somewhere of the coast


Cryosleep disengaged


“Hello?” One called out as soon as she was let out of the horrible machine. The Ministers people had stuffed her in her chamber as soon as she got on board the ship, and she didn’t even know  what she had been chosen to do, or why. “Good you’re awake too.” One turned, Three, Two and Four were standing behind her. “So, you’re awake, I’m awake. What is going on? And have you found out why we were sent here?” One asked. She was feeling a bit uncomfortable; after all she didn’t know these people. “Well” Three started with a put upon sigh “we just woke up too. And I guess you’re in charge, since they named you One.” Shoot! One thought. Firstly, I don’t know what I’m supposed to lead us to, and secondly Three seems to be really bad tempered. It’s not as if I wanted to be called One anyway. “Alright, let’s go see if we can’t find out what this challenge is” One said starting to walk purposefully down a corridor. Borrowing her mother’s advice; if you look like and act like you know what you’re doing, people will believe that you do.

Hours later, after finding the main control deck and downloading data on the world they were supposed to be going to, they sat and cursed the lack of information. Who sends people off to compete without telling them when, where and how? One thought to herself. “I’m beginning to realize why the Aronian opposition party has been gaining so much support lately” Two finally said. “I doubt any other champions are as unprepared as us.” “I think it highly unlikely that any other champions were sent out without instructions on how to get to the competition” Four added. “If I had been in charge” Three broke in “this would never have happened!” Well, I guessed right, One thought, Three definitely wants to be in charge. “Is there anywhere we can land and ask directions?” One asked, hoping to avoid a lengthy discussion on who’s to blame for what.

Two hours later they found the first signs of life and teleported down. They landed on a beach. “Well, here we are, having crossed half the Simverse and we can’t even find a city!” Three exclaimed in disgust. “These shoes aren’t made for beaches you know.” Two just nodded and kept his peace. He had quickly figured out that Three really enjoyed being inconvenienced.

“Let’s investigate this island and try to find some people” Four interjected. Three just harrumphed and wandered off. “I will find the answer and then I will be back, I doubt this is it though. You can hear on the name that Sunset Valley is in a valley, and this is an island.” One felt pretty bad about letting her out of her sight, wasn’t she supposed to keep an eye on everyone or something? Two seemed to be pretty easygoing but he hadn’t really come with anything constructive. However annoying Three was, she at least had ideas. And a leader could always use someone with ideas. Luckily Four seemed to keep it together. “As far as I can tell this island would make a pretty good temporary home as we search for clues” he began “if they can’t tell us how to get to Sunset Valley maybe they could direct us to a larger city.” One nodded, relieved that someone else seemed to have the same idea as her.

“Ok, lets meet some locals” she added and strode off down the beach with Two and Four following. Think purpose she said to herself. If I act as if I know what I’m doing maybe even I might start to believe it eventually.

After a while they arrived at some kind of outdoor meeting place. There were chairs and tables with strange attached roofs. One saw a woman reading a book and headed over to introduce herself and ask directions. “Hello, stranger” One began “we are looking for the way to Sunset Valley or possibly a way back to Aronia.” “Look lady,” the woman snapped “I don’t know anything about Aroniwhat or Sunsetwhat. Why are you green anyway? Are you some kind of illegal alien? I don’t need a new maid, so don’t bother me anymore.”

“Please” One begged ”can you at least tell me where I am? I am not an illegal anything I am a champion on my way to Sunset Valley for the clone challenge.” The woman stared at One for the longest time. “Ok, she finally said.” This is Coconut Cove and we don’t like strangers here. But I’ve heard about this challenge you speak of. The city whatever it was called was overrun with aliens for over a month and lots of people were kicked out of their houses so your kind could play some strange alien game. That is all over now and the people have gotten their homes back. And if you have any plans for trying this here we’ll kick you off the island!” She snapped her mouth shut and stomped off down the beach. She looked over her shoulder and called back “you have until tomorrow morning to get off this island!” before continuing down the beach.   

One sat down on some kind of swinging contraption to think over what the woman had said. This did not seem to be a very welcoming place. So Four’s idea of making this their temporary base was not an option. Two and Four had found a chess table to occupy themselves with while One talked to the lady. Crowding the woman wouldn’t get any more answers. But when Four spied a boy walking he approached him.

“Can you tell me what the closest city on the mainland is?” ha asked. “The boy looked at him suspiciously and countered with “My mama said I wasn’t supposed to talk to strangers. Especially not strange men.” “Oh, come on” Four said lightly ”I just want to know how to contact someone on the mainland.” “Try sending smoke signals to Twinbroock old man” the boy sniggered before running off. “Well, that went well” Four sighed disappointedly. “What are you talking about” Two said ”at least we know the closest town.” “That’s right” Four agreed “lets tell One the good news.”

“Alright, I’ll contact Three and see if she knows more than we do” One decided after they had shared their news. *Chirp* They all went quite, an incoming call, that was unexpected. “Not from Three” One said after checking the number ”I guess I just have to answer and find out who it’s from.”

“Eh, hello” One said after a bracing breath. “How dare you shame us so!” Eight’s voice howled into her ear. “You were tasked to show our superiority to the Simverse and you failed!” “But” One tried to interject. “I don’t want to hear any buts!” Eights voice was now more a shriek and One held the phone well away from her ear. She looked eyes with Two and Four and saw her thoughts reflected back in their eyes. The minister known as Eight seemed to have lost his sanity. Take control of the situation she told herself sternly. “Excuse me sir,” she cut in “but just how were we supposed to compete in the challenge when we were locked in cryosleep until after it ended?” “I don’t care about excuses” he yelled “you are to go to Sunset Valley and you are to achieve total domination! I don’t care how long it takes” he hollered “unless you or your descendants rule Sunset Valley you aren’t allowed back on Aronian ground! I only care about results” he bellowed ”don’t contact me again unless you have any to report!” *click* “Well that was unpleasant” Three muttered. They hadn’t heard her approach over all the shrieking.

They spent the rest of the day on the beach discussing how to proceed. Going home to Aronia was not an option, there was no telling what Eight would do to them, and they all agreed he seemed unhinged. Also, they hadn’t any proof that he had them locked in the cryochambers so there was a chance his claim that they had simply ignored the challenge would be believed.

One told them of the threat the woman had issued. Four wanted them to visit the place called Twinbrook. He speculated that they could find more information about Sunset valley there. Three told them what she had learned of the people of these lands. How the people had many different colored skins, but seldom green. She argued they would stand out less in a large city, because there was a denser population and more people. Two argued that her only reason for wanting to move to a large city was to protect her shoes. One had to step in to avoid a spat. It seemed like Two enjoyed teasing Three way too much. One understood his impulse since she also thought Three deserved to be put down a peg, but this wasn’t really the time. Besides, she had to see the bigger picture. At long last it was decided that they would look for this Twinbrook tomorrow. For, as Four said, Sunset Valley had to be somewhere on this planet. And once they knew where – they could make plans. If the plans ended up to be of total domination or migration to this strange new world was a decision for another day.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The not quite attack of the clones
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2012, 12:19:35 PM »
Local customs


They were all sitting in the command deck looking down at Twinbrook when one of the control panels started flashing and an alarm blared.

Warning! Warning!

“Oh, great!” Three said sarcastically “We have barely managed to finds some kind of civilization, and the ship starts acting up.“ One looked at Two, and he rolled his eyes. Ok, so maybe Two wasn’t completely useless after all. At least he knew how to handle Three. Four went over to the control panel and started to look over the levers and pushed a few buttons. “Do you know what you are doing?” One asked. “I sure hope he does” Three was quick to say “I would hate for his incompetence to crash the ship.” “Really Three” Two countered “I thought you’d love crashing.” One shot Two a quelling glare, really he could be so annoying! He and Three started a heated argument so One quickly left the table and went over to Four.

“I know what I’m doing you know” Four said quietly. “My old family unit used to repair short distance flyers, but there really isn’t a large difference once you know the basic mechanics behind these things.” “Good.” One quickly interjected, she didn’t know a thing about repairing ships and she was trying to stay on top of this leader thing, so she didn’t feel like admitting her ignorance. “You’re in charge of finding out what is wrong and figuring out a way to fix it” she added, thinking that delegating some of the responsibilities sounded like a good idea. Besides, Four had been the most useful this far. “Well,” Three barked a few minutes later “what is going on.” Four shock his head in frustration “I don’t understand how they could send us off in a ship that’s barely glued together. We’ll need both fuel and new parts to make her space worthy again.”

They all stood there looking a little lost after Four finished his assessment. “That decides it then” One said finally, because she felt prodded into speaking “we have to gown to Twinbrook and see if we can find out more. And if we are lucky we might find somewhere to look for spare parts”. They went to the teleportation chamber and beamed down.

It was another outdoors recreation area, but this was a lot bigger, there were houses all around and there were a lot more people around. “Finally some civilization” Three said with satisfaction. The others nodded their heads in agreement. This was a lot more like home. “Let’s go investigate” One decided. “Ask questions, observe and try not to stick out too much” she added but the others had already hurried off. She saw Two and Four heading straight for the chess tables once again. I said socialize she though shaking her head.

One strolled through the park (that’s what it was called). It was filled with strangely dressed people and animals. She got a few strange looks, but people seemed to assume she was something called a tourist. Tourists were apparently quite common, so she immediately started introducing herself as one. Maybe it was her new strategy, or people here were a lot friendlier than in Coconut Cove, because people gladly answered her questions. She noticed Three trying to talk to a man, a man who apparently tried communicating with a bird.

One and Three joined the man in his efforts, but they didn’t get any legible answer. The man offered them advice on transportation though. “I don’t know the way to Sunset Valley. I don’t get out much you see, I spend most of my time talking to the birds I find around town and they aren’t really keen on talking back. But I know you can get a bus or taxi to Bridgeport from behind the City Hall, and from Bridgeport you can go anywhere.” “Thank you” Three replied “you really should talk to people more, you are really good at it”. Was Three fluttering her lashes at the man? One couldn’t be sure. She was a little surprised that Three had developed interpersonal skills all of a sudden. But as soon as the man and his bird moved away she went back to her old self. “This Bridgeport sounds like my kind of place. I would surely die if I was forced to live in a dump town like this” Three muttered. One kept her silence, Three was Three and she had to try to get along with her.

Four and Two came up then, relieving One of the need to make conversation with Three. “There is a thing called library not far from here“ Two said “it’s where the people here go to gather information so it sounds like our kind of place.”

The library was just what they needed. Luckily the people of Twinbrook seemed to use the same alphabet as Aronia so they had no problem reading the books. Three went looking for information about Bridgeport, apparently she hadn’t given up on the idea of going there. Four went searching for information about spare parts and fuel. One went through old news for information about the challenge hoping that could lead them closer to Sunset Valley. Two agreed to chat with the people around the library to see if he could get some information about how they could blend in better. One gave him the tip about saying he was a tourist and that seemed to work well for him.

When they met up again they all had news. “We are going to need something called money” Two declared. “What is money?” Three asked to make sure she was involved in the conversation. “It is what you use to barter for things and services” Two replied. “Oh,” Three said reverently “I have heard of this thing, I just adore the idea of it and I want a lot, I want it now!” ” Well, you don’t get it just because you want it” Two replied “you have to work for someone or sell something to get it.” They all considered what they could sell, the only thing they had was a broken down space ship, and they needed that to go home again. “We don’t have anything to sell” One said after a while “maybe we should look for work?” “You have to be registered in the city to work “Two said “and since we are here as tourists that mean we can’t work.” ”Maybe we can find something to sell” Four suggested “we need to go to the junkyard and look for materials for the ship anyway, and what we don’t need, we can sell.”

One and Four jumped right in to looking for parts at the junkyard. “I don’t want to put my hands in that trash” Three exclaimed when she saw what a junkyard was. “Oh, grow up!” Two replied “The whole world doesn’t revolve around you and what you want.” “I simply meant that my skills can be better used elsewhere. I can work on where to hide our ship while we are saving money for the repairs” She snapped. “I thought we could just have it circling round in orbit or maybe hide it behind the moon” Two suggested. “Stop bickering and start digging” One called out “if we don’t find any spare parts or something to sell the ship might actually crash down and how are we ever going to get out of here then?”

After several hours Four was the only one still digging. They had managed to amass quite a load of stuff to sell, but couldn’t find anything for the ship at all. The possibility that they would see their ship crashing seemed more and more likely. “Eureka!” Four called out. “What?!” the others echoed. “With this piece of pipe I can get the engine to at least keep the ship in orbit until we can find or buy more parts.” He explained. One breathed a sigh of relief. “Ok, let’s sell of what we don’t need and go get us some food, it’s almost night time anyway” she decided.


After Two sold what they didn’t need they went down to the Bistro. Three was in a great mood because One decided she would be allowed to hold on to their money. She kept muttering something that sounded like “my precious” but One couldn’t be sure. They had a wonderful meal, each trying something different and finding all dishes to their liking.


Four choose to sit at his own table though; he seemed preoccupied and kept muttering about integral calculations, water heating conversions and tiberium. The others decided he was better left alone, they simply didn’t know what he was blabbering on about. After dinner they took a walk in what was called a communal garden. There were no people there but it offered a peaceful place to go over their strategy.

“We really have to find out more about how this place works” Two said to Four. “After I fix the immediate problems on the ship we can’t keep beaming up and down like we have this far,” Four muttered lost in his own thoughts “there is a serious risk of power failure if we push her past maximum capacity.” Two sighed and looked at One and Three discussing where to go next. I just wish one of them were more like me he though. Four is some kind of genius, Three is the worst kind of snob and you never knew what One would get excited or stressed about.  It would be nice if one of them was more easygoing. Best buckle up and go along for a ride I guess; it’s bound to be a real adventure. “Are you sure we have enough money to get tickets on that bus?” One was asking Three. “Of course, we do. I’m a great money manager. Just give me all money and I will take good care of it” Three stated.

The next morning they had an early breakfast on the beach.

“We need a plan” One stated. “A plan for what?” Three asked. “A plan of how we will live in Bridgeport” Two answered. One looked at him approvingly. Maybe she had judged him a bit harshly in the past? He was right on point now. ”We need to look like regular people” Four said after some thought. “We can’t be tourists if we are going to get jobs, and I do believe we need jobs if we are going to seem normal.” “Besides,” Three added “we need jobs so we can get my hands on lots and lots of money for me to have.” “Don’t you mean get our hands on money to fix the ship?” One asked. “Of course, that’s what I said” Three said innocently. Two and Four just raised their eyebrows.

“I have an idea” Four said “but I’m not sure you are going to like it.”

Since they had spent all their money on tickets and some old instruments they were all interested in how Four planned for them to get disguises. He led them to a building with a sign that said “Laundromat – cleaning up Twinbrook since the last Llama stampede”. “Listen up” he whispered “One and Three, you go in there and distract the proprietor. Two, you are on look out, if someone comes in you jump in front of them and start asking questions to keep them occupied.” “What are you going to do?” One asked. “I’m going to steal us some clothes” Four answered. “Because, let’s face it, if we are going to look like we belong we need to look the part. Besides none of us know what is considered normal.” “Steal clothes!” One said “Is it really in our best interest, what if they report it missing?” “Not to mention it’s kind of rude, what of the poor people who’ll lose their clothes” Two added. “Me, in someone’s old clothes! How disgusting!” Three hissed. “I know it’s unorthodox but firstly, I have evaluated the probability that someone would report it before we leave. Secondly, I won’t take all of someone’s clothes, I’ll just take one outfit here and one outfit there. And Three, the clothes are clean, besides you said you wanted to save the few coins we have left.” Four looked them in the eyes one by one until they all nodded their agreement. They went inside. 

Here you can see them now now, in their ill-gotten gains. That tomato red jacket really doesn’t do much for One. Four looks a little creepy in his cardigan. Who could have guessed that he would turn to the dark side (my bet would have been on Three). Three was more lucky than One in her wardrobe change. Two looks as innocent as ever. I used the makeover stations random function for this. They really look as if they stole the clothes from a Laundromat.

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Re: The not quite attack of the clones - please move to Graveyard
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2012, 12:23:16 PM »
Sorry about your game problem, saltpillen. It's an interesting idea, and maybe you'll restart.
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