Author Topic: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty  (Read 16078 times)

Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2012, 04:46:18 PM »
I added some movies on youtube from the wedding:

The wedding
The cake
Springs Dance Moves


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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2012, 09:25:56 PM »
Great Wedding! Well done! Did grimmy really wash up? I would have loved to see a pic of that. Yay for Ray coming home!

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #47 on: July 06, 2012, 05:04:15 AM »
Great Wedding! Well done! Did grimmy really wash up? I would have loved to see a pic of that. Yay for Ray coming home!

Thank you. I was to late taking a picture. I was to surprised by the Grimm cleaning up :(
I'm glad Ray is home too. Now he can help his uncle sculpt :)

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #48 on: July 06, 2012, 05:41:00 AM »
Before I start I wanted to share uncle Sky's great advice to Summer during the wedding. What advice I leave to everyone's imagination :P

Chapter 17: Generation 4

Both Shine and Summer threw a wish for a girl. So bring in the watermelons!
Other then eating watermelons there was also working on skills. Those meals for the supermax weren't going to cook themselves and Sky is growing old and will need someone to replace him.

Even Shine joined in working hard to advance in his career. He is going to be the sports star and keep to that most likely to become a sports star.

Spring finished what I think is her best portrait so far of Summer. It was a masterpiece and she seemed proud.

While making friend on the internet, Summer promptly stood and made a weird face.

Holding her stomach, oh the baby is coming!

And there she is, Autumn NewLife, born week 13 day 3 a Capricorn. Her traits are Genius and Excitable and here favorites are Soul, Cheese Tofu Steak and Pink.

This time there was no panicking granny around, because Spring was out making friends. Now that Pietro died she had to make two more friends.

Okay romance works to. To bad for Spring she won't get married again. She has been wishing to kiss every decent looking girl around town and to get married. I guess she no longer trusts man or maybe she never really knew love with Danny. She looks happy, but it is too bad no one will be able to move in with Spring.

Little Autumn was never lonely and got enough attention from everyone.

Okay I'll never get ice sculptures that don't melt like this... What? It's your birthday... Oh I see...

The last part of Sky's life has begun. I hope he grows very old, because I don't want to miss him. Also I love his purple eyes and be sad to see them gone. Secretly I'm hoping Autumn might have his eyes. No doubt it will be Seabs shade of green. His genes are really persistent. Not that I mind, most of the sims in this dynasty owe their great looks from Seab.

And birthday number too. I should become less lazy about them...

And meet the young adult Ray. He takes after his uncle for sure or should I say Seab.

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #49 on: July 06, 2012, 06:17:36 AM »
Chapter 18: An unlucky visit from the Grimm

Sky and Ray worked together to both get the unmelting ice sculptures.

They both got a little break when it was time for Ray to graduate.

Ray was voted most popular and only spend two days in high school. I'm impressed!
Then I send every one to their task of working on there skills. I should've payed more attention though...

I failed to check up on Shine and then remembered that he had already spend the entire morning doing chin ups. And I sent him to the pool. I wanted him to grow old and be happy with Summer! But no the Grimm came to take my lucky sim.

Not so lucky after all. Okay that is twice that I made a miss judgement on my favorite sims... I was waiting for Danny to die, he is old and the next one to go.
Well I can tell you that this took some excitement out of what should have been a celebration.

Yes Kyra, if only would could tell the Grimm that he made a mistake...

So say hello to immortal number 2. In week 13 day 5 at the age of 79 days!

Off to the mirror with you.

I can tell you that everyone was devastated with the death of Shine. Cloudy did his best to cheer up Spring.

Summer took the grave of her beloved husband to the sunset beach and placed it next to Seabs. a spot that wasn't reserved for him at all. My immortals have it though... Spring get's cheated on and Summer looses her husband in he honeymoon period.

As much as it might seem that I have killed Shine, I didn't. I just didn't use my head. I know I have a safe file that has him just after the wedding and I'm tempted to go back, but I know that if I do that I failed this dynasty... Rest assure that I do not wish for this to happen ever again and I won't let it!

Alright I should get on with the story...
As always life goes on.

It was time for Autumn to grow into a toddler.

When I saw this it made me happy. She broke the chain of eye color and got her daddy's dark eyes. Seab's genes are still as persistent and if not show in the eyes, then in the hair color.

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #50 on: July 06, 2012, 10:49:04 AM »
Chapter 19: Ice personality

Summer took the time to play with her daughter and teach her everything (with some help from her mother and grandmother).

Summer wanted to start teaching Autumn about love as soon as possible. Maybe it would give her some luck later on.

Sky sculpted and sculpted to get the museum a bit fuller.

Meanwhile Ray was sculpting ice to get to the desired number of 25.

Well sculpting was not all he did. He also found some time to spent with his niece.

Spring made sure that the moment would be well remembered.

Just before Summer got to work she walked into someone who grew up remarkably fast.

Hello teen Bree. Yes this is Sky his daughter. She was born a little before Autumn, so I figured she was a child. She looks like a good kid and I think that Sky is proud of her. Her traits are Mooch, Friendly, Brave and Virtuoso. I wish I could have her and her mom move in, but there is no room for the both of them. Danny has to go fist, but he is no where near kicking the bucket a the age of 92 days. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes it all the way to a hundred. I do feel sad for Sky, he keeps wishing to marry Joanna. I do have him call his daughter now and then.

Talking about Danny. He is now at the top of his career, a mad scientist. He loves to experiment on random objects. I have no plans on having him retire, because he brings in a fair amount of money and I have enough old people to entertain.

Summer mastered her cooking skills and made 50 meals by now. 25 more and she'll have supermaxed Cooking. Her favorite meal got her to master her skill by the way ;)

Autumn has learned everything and keeps herself entertained with the peg box.

One thing I love in this dynasty is conversations between Sky and Summer.

I'm still hoping Sky will grow really old. I'd be sad to see him go and I think the same would go for summer.

Kyra doesn't mind being a celebratory. She poses for every picture.

Peace out ;)

Offline TallStar

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #51 on: July 06, 2012, 03:11:40 PM »
Oh my gosh three updates where do I start. First, welcome to baby Autumn she has beautiful eyes. Second, R I P Shine! That is super sad, I think some sim households are just prone to accidents and it doesn't matter what you do. Lastly, yay for Sky's pretty daughter!

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #52 on: July 06, 2012, 09:45:32 PM »
Wow, lots of information. Yay, for Ray - he looks fab and I hop he gets you some really good ice sculptures. The part about Shine ... *sigh* it's just too sad for words. As for the new gen - I hold my comment. Beautiful pictures, Sunny! :)

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #53 on: July 10, 2012, 06:01:57 AM »
Sorry for the amount of updates, when I play the sims I usually play the day.
@ Tallstar: Thank you! I hope all the accidents are over now. I have learned my lesson I can tell you. I really like Sky's daughter too. She'd do well in a dynasty.
@ Simblip: Ray is great and you'll see him do some ice sculptures soon :) Thank you I try my best on the pictures. It's a trial and error process, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.
I have two updates for you again. I hoped to get it all in one, but I have to many schreenshots and couldn't pick :P

Chapter 20: Being a kid

Because I wanted everyone to have a spot in the dynasty museum, Sky was busy on making some more sculptures.

Seriously Danny, what's with that pose? His age is going to his head.  and He was hitting 93 in this picture.

Sky invited Joanna for a night full of romance. He is really found of her, so I let him spend as much time with her as possible.

Ray also got a little romance, his first, with maid Doreen.

Joanna talked to Doreen about dating one of the NewLife family. She was raising her child alone and there was no spot for her in the house. Still she told in the end that she didn't regret meeting Sky.

A couple of days later Joanna came to visit, but not alone. It seems that Sky is going to have another child!

After a well spend time as a toddler is was time to age up. Now show me those genes.

Kyra: Eat your cake first! It's tradition!
Autumn: But Great Granny it's tradition to go to the mirror first.
Kyra: I'm entering a new tradition. Now sit and eat, we hardly have the table full with us eating simultaneously!

Okay, after eating cake Autumn went to the mirror.

And there she is. She gained the perfectionist trait. I leave the whole who she looks like up to you. I think I comment to much on that as it is.

Danny old as he is still shows me how useful he is.

He keeps throwing wishes for Summer to get married. We'll see maybe one day.

And the a message shows up and it told me that Sky had just became father of triplets. Leann, Shawn and Erica Storey.
Wait what?! I was expecting 1 not 3... Well Sky is not leaving Union Cove without some of his genes present...

Summer supermaxed cooking and finally made her 75th dish! No more overfull frigde from now on.

Autumn: I heard them talking, mom and great granny. Great granny and granny are eating Ambrosia, so they'll never die. I'm the heir, the next in line to become like them after mommy.
I'm going to be immortal...

I'm going to be immortal.

I'm going to be immortal!

I am going to be IMMORTAL!

Right, so Ray got his sculpting to level 10, now lets get 25 ice sculptures done.
Summer caught a dish that the chef dropped in mid air and that earned her a promotion.

Way to go summer!

Sky went to visit his children.

This is Erica

and Leann.
For some odd reason Shawn is still a baby.

Kyra spends a lot of time reading in her room.

Autumn gets to be the little kid her mom and grandmother spend working on skills. Everyone happily keeps her entertained.

Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #54 on: July 10, 2012, 06:16:43 AM »
Chapter 21: Old Men

The immortals (to be) and Sky enjoy the new hottub that Summer got for being famous.

The ladies take the opportunity to just talk garbage, but I'm not so sure what Sky thinks of that.

Summer takes the time to help out Autumn with her homework. Autumn accepts it with a bit of a sulk.
Autumn: Why do immortals to be have to do homework?

Still she gets enough time to have fun. Uncle Ray adores Autumn so she's never lonely.

What was I thinking putting him in a speedo.. Oh well...

While Autumn was visiting a friend she suddenly was sparkles and it took her by surprise.

Autumn: Let me stay a kid!

Autumn gained the Savvy Sculptor trait.

And was put to work.
Don't worry, sculpting is fun too.

Then Summer saw sparkles.

She had just finished working and promptly grew into an adult, midlife included.

Ray got his ice personality and his sister became his first real project.

Autumn became his second under the watchful eyes of Sky.

Danny is still around to and I'm starting to wonder when the Grimm will show his face again. Maybe he just makes home calls? Well I had Danny retire.

The two undying men:

Danny 102 days and Sky 91. Both Sports and Seab didn't make it that far. I know that the Grimm will show up at any moment. But when that moment will come only the game knows.


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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty (July 10 - ch 20+21)
« Reply #55 on: July 11, 2012, 09:03:33 PM »
Well, well... Sky is not shooting with empty bullets, that's for sure.
Ray is a wonderful uncle and Autumn is gorgeous. Your museum is coming along nicely! :)

Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty (July 10 - ch 20+21)
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2012, 04:28:17 PM »
Wow I didn't notice I hadn't update in so long! Well I can say that my life currently has other priorities than the sims. I'd really like to graduate in February, so I'm working very hard for that. I'd like to apologize for the people following this dynasty. For now it's on hold for a bit. When my life is a bit more peaceful I will pick up this dynasty! 

