Author Topic: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty  (Read 16080 times)

Offline Sunnysabjes

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NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« on: May 16, 2012, 05:12:36 AM »

My name is Kyra NewLife and I'll be telling my life story. I hope you have some time, because it'll be a long one. Before I start I'd like this space to introduce myself and the others to come. Others to come you might think. Yes, there will be more, but that will be saved for later times. You may found a lot of information here. When I'll start my story I'll promise you it'll all make sense.


  Chapter 1: The Beginning
  Chapter 2: Nooboo, a new generation!
  Chapter 3: Birthdays
  Chapter 4: Birthdays part 2
  Chapter 5: Party Time
Chapter 5: Party Time part 2
  Chapter 6: China
  Chapter 7: Generation 3
  Chapter 8: Going Back to China
  Chapter 9: Teaching toddler
  Chapter 10: Faithfully growing and dying
  Chapter 11: Life goes on
  Chapter 12: A short vacation
  Chapter 13: Faithful and Unfaithful
  Chapter 14: Getting things done
  Chapter 15: Still alive and kicking
  Chapter 16: The wedding
  Chapter 17: Generation 4
  Chapter 18: An unlucky visit from the Grimm
  Chapter 19: Ice personality
  Chapter 20: Being a kid
  Chapter 21: Old Men


Generation 1 Founder

Name: Kyra NewLife
- Green Thumb
- Genius
- Schmoozer
- Friendly
Sign: Aquarius
Favourites: Sushi, Soul music and Purple
Lifetime wish: Perfect Garden
Career: Medical
Spouse: Seab Ody
Lifetime Reward: Fertility Treatment, Dirt Defiant, Entrepreneurial Mindset.
Six Best Friends: Seab Ody, Sky NewLife, Joey Lischinski,
Hansum Lee, Liz Truder, Axel Maroon.
Six opportunities:
Ingredients Ripe Eating,
Caring for the Careless,
Uncommonly Good,
Fixing Celestial Slump,
Blood is Not Blue,
Outstandingly Rare.
Supermax skill: Gardening
Other skills: Logic, level 9
Young Adult
Building: Hogans Deep Fried Dinner -> Seab's Dinner
Property: Upper Lake -> Kyra's Lake
Ambrosia: week 7 day 5 at 81 days


Generation 2

Name: Spring NewLife
Born: Week 2 Day 2
Sign: Cancer
Favourites: Songwriter, Mac & Cheese and Turquoise
Lifetime wish: Visionary
Career: Painting
Siblings: Sky NewLife (W2D6)
Spouse: Danny Belle
Lifetime Reward:
Prepared Traveler,
Extra Creative,
No bills ever.
Six Best Friends:
Summer NewLife,
Ray NewLife,
Cloudy NewLife (IF),
Davina Sexton,
Celia Madsen,
Gretchen Chavez.
Six opportunities:
Work/school learning project,
Painting the City,
Drink Promotion,
Tear up the Dancefloor,
Painting to China,
Celeb Body,
Networking is the Key.
Supermax skill: Painting, Supermaxed
Other skills: Photography
Young Adult,
Building: Divesaro Budget Books -> Spring books
Property: Snifton Park -> Spring Pet Park
Ambrosia: week 13 day 5 at the age of 79 days


Generation 3

Name: Summer NewLife
Born: week 8 day 3
Natural Cook
Sign: Leo
Favourites: Roots Music, Hamburger and Red,
Lifetime wish: Culinary Librarian
Siblings: Ray NewLife (W9D1)
Spouse: Shine NewLife
Lifetime Reward:
Born to Cook,
Office Hero,
Six Best Friends:
Six opportunities:
Research Project,
Boilerroom fix,
A Fishy Science Project,
Authorized Biography,
Surprise Cameo
Supermax skill:
Other skills:
Young Adult
Property: Sunset Beach


Generation 4

Name: Autumn NewLife
Born: week 13 day 3
Savvy Sculptor
Sign: Capricorn
Favourites: Soul Music, Cheese Tofu Steak and Pink
Lifetime wish:
Siblings: None
Lifetime Reward:
Six Best Friends:
Six opportunities:
Supermax skill: Sculpting (lvl 1)
Other skills:

Offline ratchie

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2012, 06:24:42 AM »
Good luck and I hope third time is the charm. I completed my first immortal dynasty on the third try.

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Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2012, 08:05:53 AM »
Good luck and I hope third time is the charm. I completed my first immortal dynasty on the third try.


I hope so too. I know what I did wrong the last two times, so it should go a bit better :)

Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2012, 12:19:21 PM »
Chapter 1: The beginning

Well, now that you all know the basics about me, I will tell you my story.

Long ago I found myself in an empty lot. A lot that seemed strangely familiar to me. Like I had been here before...

As I was contemplating I realized that I knew nothing. I didn't know where is was or why, no past, no memories. For now I knew that there was no use in starting a panic. I was just going to follow my instincts until things would become clear to me. Knowing that others might have the answers I set out and explored.

I came across several people, who's names I sadly can't remember anymore. I asked and found out I was in Union Cove, but no one seemed to know me. So my journey went on, long after the sun had set. I found a lovely garden and took some fruits. The place seemed so magical and it made me feel at peace.

As I went on I met someone. Seab was his name. When I looked in his eyes a feeling went trough me that words can't explain. I knew him and fell in love instantly. Not feeling tired anymore I used every trick I could to make him mine. That night we got married, right there in his garden.

It was strange to marry someone that soon you might think. We both felt like we had to. We had found each other. The only request was that his brother could join us. I didn't mind as long as he could be by my side.

With the money Seab ans Sports brought in our house was build. I wanted it to have as many rooms as our budget could buy. Seab didn't seem to understand. To be honest neither did I, call it a feeling...

I asked Sports to take up painting. At first he wasn't happy since his passion was in sports, but eventually he agreed when I told hem he could keep his job. So he painted, every bit of spare time he had.

Slowly he started to learn, while Seab and I worked on our relationship and our studies. Seab was anxious to advance in his job, so he studied cooking while I found books on gardening. Something I wanted to learn ever since I stumbled upon the garden with the pound, before marrying Seab.

Things where going pretty well and I felt happy, unfortunately money became an issue quickly. I took some time off studying and went to look for a job. I was more then happy to find an opening in the hospital. I went there for the interview and got the job, as if it was meant to be.

The three of us always had a lot of fun. I know it has nothing to do with the story, but it was funny. Sports was taking a break an bought an ice cream, then he found a taxi, went to the park and ate it there. When I asked him why he told me that ice creams simply taste better while being in a park. I could only laugh. Poor Sports couldn't understand.

Meanwhile my job was going well. Logic was required so I asked Seab to buy a chess table. The game is not as challenging as I though and a lot of fun. Nowadays I still play chess, if only for the good memories.

Even though I had everything, a job, a husband, a nice house, a painting brother in law, something was missing. Seab couldn't agree more and before I knew it I was puking out my guts. Fast? Maybe, but I knew we where ready. I was overjoyed when it was confirmed!

We where going to have a baby. Now I just had to wait to see if the fruit myth was really true. I just wanted to hold my little girl and when I closed my eyes I could already see her.


Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2012, 06:24:03 AM »
Chapter 2: Nooboo, a new generation!

Even now I still can't believe how fast my pregnancy flew by. Before I knew it I was going to the bathroom and labor came.

I was pretty calm about it, but Seab was panicking. I had hoped I that I could calm him down but he insisted on taking me to the hospital and so we went.

Some hours later I was going home, holding my newborn daughter. We named her Spring.

Spring Newlife, born week 2 day 2, Cancer. She was born Artistic and Friendly. Her favorites are Songswriter music, Mac & Cheese and Turquoise.

I was so busy taking care of Spring and working in my garden that I forgot to take pictures. Somehow I feel the urge to quickly reach some goals, like the perfect garden. I also want six best friends and to complete six opportunities. I know it sounds odd, but slowly I started to realize I had a purpose. I just didn't know what that purpose was jet.
I did feel guilty not giving my poor girl more attention as she was just swinging away.  I supposed I owe her the truth. I was to busy in my garden to care for her. I was so happy when I found out that Sports did care. He was more then happy to have his first portray be one of baby Spring.

Seab and I did enjoy some time together, playing chess or cuddling. If I was not in my garden or with Seab I would go to the library to keep myself from going steer crazy. One night I was there I saw my boss. She begged me to help her.

So I did. It made me realize how much I missed work and how much I needed a promotion. Well I hardly got the time to go back to work...

No that is not me checking if the toilet is really clean.

I was pregnant again. To be honest it wasn't really a surprise. I wanted Spring to have a brother or sister. Someone she could lean on.
During my pregnancy Sports just kept painting like his life depended on it. He also started a portray of me. He even quit his job.

Then sooner then I'd wanted a birthday came. My little girl was growing up. Seab and I bought her a cake and celebrated it with her.

And so Spring became a toddler.

I was thrilled to see my hair color on her. The combination with Seabs eyes makes her really adorable.

Since I neglected Spring as a baby I wanted to make up for it during her toddler time. I learned her everything see needed t know.

As I wanted to teach her how to walk I suddenly started to feel something very familiar...

Sports was there and went into a panic. When he spotted Spring he was able to calm down though and pick up where I left off.

I could go trough labor without any worries. Although I was a bit upset, because I felt it my job to teach Spring...

I was happy though, really happy. I had a son!

His name was Sky and he was born week 2 day 6.


Offline ratchie

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2012, 06:26:05 AM »
Spring is a beautiful toddler. Congratulations on the arrival of Sky.

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Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2012, 07:38:30 AM »
Spring is a beautiful toddler. Congratulations on the arrival of Sky.


Thank you!
Sorry for the fast updates. I've played a lot and I'm pretty far. I was just scared to update it... I first wanted to make sure I didn't fail in my first generation.
Thanks for reading and here is another chapter!

Chapter 3: Birthdays

While Sky was happily swinging I was doing the garden and Spring took a liking to toddler books. With them Seab and I hoped to develop her artistic side a bit more.

Sports finished his first briljant painting. I secretly sold it though... I though it looked awful. He never asked, so I guess it's all good.

I also picked up where I left off on teaching Spring. I finally got her to walk!

Sports also took some time to paint a portrait of Spring. And that took a lot of time. He was experimenting with something squiggly and I just want to be able to recognize my daughter. Sports didn't say much about my nagging and just did her portrait over and over again.

Well I called this chapter of the story birthdays and the first one to celebrate was Sky's. His baby time was over.

He is the opposite of Spring and I like that. I can see a lot of Seab in him.

Something else started happening around that time too, paparazzi showed up. Not a nice thing. I didn't want to be famous in the first place, but I did. As a matter of fact we all did. I just tried to ignore him as best I could. Those people needed a lesson on privacy!

The second birthday was my own. I became an adult, while feeding Spring. I caught me off guard...

Sky followed his big sister and started to read toddler books too. Not that I minded he could help his sister paint later on. That just seemed important to me.

Then suddenly came three birthdays. I forgot all of them I regret to say...

Both Sports and Seab followed me into adulthood, wrinkles included. Spring became a child.

This was a big change for my little girl. She suddenly had to do home work and I pushed her into painting.

Seab and I grew apart and now that I look back I hardly find any pictures of him. He was working very hard and got his cooking on level 10. I was and still am so proud of him. He never asked to be any part of this weird family and still worked his life away. Thinking back on it, it makes me a bit sad.

I'd like to end this chapter with Sky's birthday, this one also came and went. My little boy became a child.

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2012, 12:30:35 PM »
Great updates! You are doing great. :D

Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2012, 05:51:53 AM »
Great updates! You are doing great. :D

Thanks a lot! So far so good :)

Chapter 4: Birthdays part 2

It seems there are some pictures missing from the album again, because the next one I find is this one:

Spring's birthday. Well I can tell you that Spring spent most of het time painting and going to school. I may have pressured her to much. She wanted sleepovers, I told her no. She wanted a bakesale, I told her no. She wanted to go over to her friends house, again told her no. She was to young to understand really. Against all odds she grew up to be a great woman.

Sky was in the same position as Spring. I guided him to learn how to cook. Like his father he is a great cook, even t his young age. He didn't mind and would spend all his time baking ans selling. It made Seab so proud!

Sports get's more pictures in the album then my husband. He faithfully kept on painting. I wanted every life stage set in paint.

As Spring and Sports kept painting another birthday came.

Spring did get more rebellious as a teen. She wanted to play a few pranks. This time I just looked the other way. Poor Seab was at the receiving end. It made me laugh and Seab got mad. Poor Spring had to clean the bathroom because of it. Later told me she had a 'friend' helping her.

I bought my first property today, Hogan's deep fried dinner. My Husbands workplace. It just seemed nice to have it in the family. I wanted to rename it, but I still had to think about it.

The house was slowly growing to give our growing family a bit more room.

My garden was also looking good. And I was working my way towards my perfect garden.

Sky took up painting, day and night and even though he knows how to cook he would still go to Seab.

Birthdays part 2 I called this. Yes it was also time for my birthday. I became an elder.

Growing old did make me anxious. It felt like my life was going to end and my ending life was feeling like me failing. When would I understand what was going on. When would I remember?

Sorry for the somewhat scares amount of pictures and I also realized I didn't take my notes with me. I think that In this update Kyra grew some life fruit. Tomorrow I will look though my notes and put in another update. Sorry about that...

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2012, 05:43:48 AM »
Okay... something I wish to add on this story. I've read a lot of dynasties and also so a lot of cool story telling. I love to write stories so I figured I give it a shot. The bad thing, however, was that I didn't start playing my dynasty with a story in mind. The story was just put in later. My conclusion... it doesn't work. I get stuck on the story and didn't take the right screenshots.
I was hoping to make this story interesting too read, I feel like that failed. Next to that I'm so busy with just getting my sims immortal ready that I forget to take screenshots or even think about cool story telling.
So for now it will be me narrating with no cool plot-twist and stuff like that. I'm sorry about that. I guess I would just love for people to enjoy following this dynasty.
Maybe in my next dynasty I'll plan a nice story, but I'll try to finish one dynasty first.

I also wanted to thank you for reading the story. I realize that there are a lot of dynasties and to follow them all would make a person very sleep deprived.

From now on I'll go and enjoy my dynasty again and stop trying to be original and just do things my way. I do hope that you are okay with that. Well just let me know.

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2012, 07:13:19 AM »
I think you are right about not worrying about being orriginal and enjoying your dynasty. I really liked the way you told your story finding different ways to tell what is essentially the same story can be very difficult I think the most important thing is to tell your story your way that way it is fun for you.

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2012, 07:31:54 AM »
I totally agree with Rachel. :) I'm attempting to incorporate storylines into my dynasty and to be completely honest it almost renders playing the dynasty to feeling like a chore somedays. I need to make sure everyone's needs are fine, make sure all the requirements are getting filled and hunt downs screenshots of my founders many facial expressions and different things the sims are doing that go along with the storyline! So I totally get how you feel. I'll be following this dynasty whatever route it takes. You're doing great so far. :)

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2012, 09:23:43 AM »
I agre with Rachel and Fez. If you're not enjoying doing the story it's just not worth doing, it's better to anjoy playing the game. And I really like your dynasty, I've been following it even though I don't think I commented before. It looks like it's going really well!

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2012, 09:36:23 AM »
Thank you guys so much! I'm going to enjoy my dynasty and I have planned in an after noon for it! I guess I can be overly worried about what people think and forget to just enjoy the game. So the next update will be a bit different, but with some more screenshots. Thank you all again for the support :)

Here everything I forgot to mention in my last update (I'll always take my notes everywhere from now on). Sorry for the lack op screenshots.;

Spring went to her prom, but sadly someone was wearing the same dress, poor Spring.
Kyra had a lot done as well, her gardening was supermaxed, she got to level 7 of her career and also maneged to finish all her ops! That all in week 5 (simsweek) of playing.

In week 6 Spring painted her first brilliant painting and Kyra got another promotion!
I also am very scared of not growing a life plant in time. In my second try I had the seeds really fast, so I was getting very very nervous, but Kyro grew a life plant. I did a little dance of joy behing my computer. (Thank heavens no one can take screenshots of me :P)

So that was the extra for the last chapter. I'll try and update some more later today.
Thank you all again! :)

Edit: Here is the next update!

Chapter 5: Party Time!

Spring got a birthday party and a cake, to make up for all the missed birthdays.

This is Springs chance to find herself a spouse and Kyra's to make some friends. Her life is slowly slipping away and she has much to do until she can eat her first Ambrosia.

Candidate Number one (His name slipped my mind...)

Well he seems in for a dance, which is good!

And candidate number 2:

He rather dances alone... okay, not so good.

Sports commented however, that it shouldn't be a problem. He had spotted Spring pull off some moves alone too. Spring had wanted to tell him that she wasn't alone, but figured that she didn't want her uncle to get strange idea's.

The party was a succes and. Kyra did get a good chance to talk to a lot of people!

The next day came graduation and Spring was more than ready to finish school and start a job.

Sports and Seab also got a party!

I still can't believe that they have already grown old. I do hope they'll still have some time with the family though, before they have to go.

After all that partying it was time to get some work done, so both Sports and Spring where back to painting. Since Spring became a self employed painting she'll be doing a lot of that, painting. Poor Spring... I do really feel bad for her. I'm glad she does seem to enjoy it.

Sports thought his work was very interesting with Spring watching him. Spring however couldn´t care less about his squigly painting.

Kyra and Seab got some more time together, to work on their relationship.

Spring got her painting to level 10, while working on Kyra´s portrait!

Next to spending time with Seab, Kyra worked hard to make friend and get ahead in her job. The last requirements for her.

It looked so funny while she was playing chess on her own.

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Re: NewLife a third try in the immortal dynasty
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2012, 02:54:51 PM »
Congratulations on your first immortal way to go Kyra and you too of course.

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