Author Topic: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove  (Read 50752 times)


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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #120 on: June 28, 2012, 03:09:19 PM »
Can you please PM me the link for Fred's lips when he was YA?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #121 on: June 28, 2012, 05:37:41 PM »

Thanks for all the congrats, everyone! I'm super excited that I got my blue boys. I have big, schemey plans for them!

Also, I have no idea how to link Fred's lips. However, I have uploaded him to the Sims 3 Exchange at if you would like to take a look.

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #122 on: June 28, 2012, 06:07:20 PM »
The day after Jasmine's Adult birthday, it was time for the blue boys to age up to toddler.

Jasmine brings Vex to the cake.

Guess who decided to show up again?

Ghost Josie has just got to get some more of that delicious birthday cake.

Let's see how the boys turned out!



Herbert quickly gets to work on the museum pieces.

For some strange reason, Herbert does this weird little salute/scoping out type motion before beginning on Jasmine.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family begins teaching the toddlers.

Daddy Clark seems to be giving Vex some unusual advice.

Vex seems to agree, and he begins working on his logic skill.

As promised, Fred is there to take care of the toddlers--even if it's nap time.

Fred and Clark handle most of the toddler duties.

Herbert lends a helping hand with Linus until suddenly:

At age 106, Grim decides it's time.

This shot reminded me and Miya and Josie's birthday where Jasmine had the stinky diaper that stole the show. Even the Grim reaper is distracted by Linus's stinky diaper. Well, Grim, you could've just waited another minute or two and let Herbert take care of it!

Herbert begs Grim for more time to spend with his grandsons, but the Grim shows no sympathy.

Jasmine finds comfort both in her husband Clark's arms

And in taking care of her blue boys.

As for Terry, she keeps herself busy with her time machine

And her continued exploration of the underground tunnel system.

Come back soon, Herbert. I think Terry's a bit lost without you.


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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #123 on: June 29, 2012, 02:25:26 PM »
Thanks Rhoxi!!!

R.I.P Herbert. Was not it yesterday that Herbert and Terry got married?


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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #124 on: July 01, 2012, 08:33:37 AM »
R.I.P Herbert :'( The twins are so cute. Great update.

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #125 on: July 01, 2012, 11:51:19 AM »
Farewell Herbert you were a wonderful son,husband,father and grandfather.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #126 on: July 01, 2012, 04:46:11 PM »
Fortunately for Terry, it was as if the citizens of Union Cove knew how much she was in need of a little cheering up.

She was at her inventing station crafting away when suddenly . . .

The mayor called her over to City Hall for another celebration in honor of her inventing achievements.

Terry was surprised to see how many people had showed up to congratulate her.

It was so overwhelming, she actually started to freak out a little bit.

After that, she felt a little calmer, and was able to thank everyone properly for coming out to wish her well.

Thanks, Union Cove.

You've lightened Terry's spirit.

Feeling considerably more refreshed, Terry returned home to celebrate twins Vex and Linus as they aged up to children.

Daddy Clark brings Vex to the cake.

Fred looks on ecstatically.

Honestly, I just posted that shot simply because of how adorable Fred looks!

Vex ages up with a little dance.

And now Fred brings Linus to his cake.

And here's how they turned out!



Happy Birthday, blue boys!

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #127 on: July 01, 2012, 05:04:18 PM »
The boys grew up very handsome.  And you're right Fred is very cute. ;)

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #128 on: July 02, 2012, 04:06:35 AM »
Happy birthday to Vex and Linus! I really like Vex's hair.
I'm glad Terry got cheered up a bit :)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #129 on: July 03, 2012, 07:37:26 PM »
Fortunately, Herbert didn't stay away long before coming back for a visit.

I found him early one morning, talking to himself in the garden.

Terry immediately ran downstairs to greet him.

But before she could even get close enough for a hug--

Almost as if they had somehow sensed his spirit, the family gnomes huddle by the family tombstones.

From left to right is Thea, Miya, Josie, and now Herbert.

As soon as Vex aged up to child, Jasmine set her son down for a little chat about the immortal dynasty. After all, she hadn't found out until after she'd already started dating a girl. She wanted better for her son. It was best that he know sooner rather than later.

He took the news surprisingly well.

Vex: "Muahahahaha! I will be --- I-M-M-OR-T-A-L! Cower before me vermin!"

Wait, not you, Fred! You don't need to cower! That's your great-grandson!

Linus, meanwhile, ate his birthday cake outside with the rest of the family.

They decided it was NOT time to tell Linus about his part in the dynasty, and the special plans they had in store for him. Maybe later, when he'd be able to understand.

Fred sculpted.

I love how demurely Vex is posing for his sculpture. Little faker. We all know you're evil.

You can see a glimpse of Vex and Linus's new bedroom there behind them, with the black and white furniture.

Jasmine painted.

Vex spent his days discovering potions,

Looking through the telescope,

And doing homework with his twin brother.

Linus: "Wow, what a bright idea, Vex! You're a genius!"

Vex: "I certainly am: an EVIL genius!"

And then it happened. The confrontation I'd been dreading.

Fred decided he just had to go pinch Vex's adorable child cheeks.

Omg, Fred, look out! Vex is gonna---oh.

Huh, little plus signs. I thought for sure this would start some kind of fight.

Maybe these two will get along after all?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #130 on: July 04, 2012, 07:39:48 PM »
Clark was on his way to practice his mixology skill when suddenly he started to feel a little light headed.

Poor Clark! He was with us for such a short time. He didn't even get to finish his lifetime wish!

He begged Grim for more time, but not even Linus's sobs could sway Grim's heart.

Jasmine was devastated.

Jasmine: *sob* "My brown sugar bear!"

Jasmine: *throws up wish to have a bachellorette party*

Um, what? You want to celebrate the fact that you're single again--not two seconds after your late husband's death? Man, that's harsh! (But also hilarious!) Well, I checked, Jasmine. Unfortunately, the game won't actually let you throw a bachelorette party. Too bad.

Jasmine: *throws up wish to get married*

Nope. Can't fulfill that one, either.

Jasmine: "Why not? I mean, come on! I only got to be married for less than two weeks!"

Sorry, household space issues.

But hey, look! It's birthday time again!

Vex blows out the candles.


And a rather unfortunate outfit.

Let's get you over to a mirror, eh buddy?

Vex is now an evil, lucky, rebellious genius. His outfits are designed to try and match that personality.






Now it's Linus's turn.

Yup. Those cornrows are gonna need fixing.

Much better!

Well boys, I think you both look great!

We've got the scary:

And the suave:

Now you're all set to start highschool tomorrow. Let the shenanigans begin!

Offline ratchie

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #131 on: July 04, 2012, 07:50:56 PM »
Linus is one handsome young man,Vex is adorable in his own unique way.Don't tell him I said adorable go for dangerously sexy instead I am not sure that the future emperor of evil would want to be known as adorable.I am guessing about the emperor of evil part by the way.

All my Sims throw up the batchalerote party wish as soon as their spouses die.When Keith died Pigeon wished to ask Grim to watch the stars. Right after Jamie died Rachel went and gave Grim flowers I may need to give my immortal ladies some love interests so they will stop flirting with Grim.

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #132 on: July 04, 2012, 11:08:11 PM »


Yes, Vex is adorable. Despite the blue skin and the completely different styling, Vex actually takes after Fred quite a bit. As you may see later, Vex has many of the exact same expressions that Fred does--especially at birthday parties! This is awesome, because Fred always makes such adorable and hilarious faces, and I think Vex is turning out just as cute--albeit in a much more "hardcore" sort of fashion sense. And yes, as I've been hinting, Vex is definitely going for Emperor of Evil.

Really? All of your immortals throw up wishes to party/remarry? This is the first time for me! Fred and Terry both seemed totally happy being single, but poor Jasmine. I guess she didn't get enough time as married gal. Btw, Pigeon and her hats is still my favorite immortal in your dynasty. She's just too cute!


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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #133 on: July 04, 2012, 11:34:27 PM »
And yes, as I've been hinting, Vex is definitely going for Emperor of Evil.

I've read through this and I'm loving it! I'm just wondering, though, how the evil-friendship-depleting-red-glow at the top of the career will affect Vex's six best friend requirements? I planned on having Generation 3, Maeglin, in my Immortal Dynasty do that until I realized the problems. I switched him to the Thief branch instead.

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Re: Gilbert Immortal Dynasty: Union Cove
« Reply #134 on: July 05, 2012, 04:06:06 AM »
Wow it's amazing how different Vex and Linus are. I really like then though :)
Poor Jasmine, I hope she'll find peace with it and can set her mind on something else then getting remarried.