Herbert and Terry decided to spend their honeymoon adventuring in China.
Technically, these pictures are from two separate trips to China. I decided to stop Simming for the day mid-vacation, so I sent them home to save. For story/organizational purposes, however, I'm posting the pictures as if it was one trip.
The local paparazzi, sad to say, were quite rude and creepy.
Why are you watching my sims sleep?
Even while sleeping in a tomb, the paparazzi managed to hunt them down.
To be fair, Herbert was also quite rude and creepy. When this one fellow left his meal on the table to talk to Terry, Herbert swooped right in and ate his plate!
Unfortunately for the honeymooners, this trip wasn't about having fun. It was about getting Pangu's axe and a vacation home--always a handy thing to have for future immortal generations.
This is what Terry spent most of her time doing:
Running from place to place picking up metals and doing quests. *cracks whip* Run, Sim, run!
Herbert obtained the mighty Pengu's axe.
Herbert smash!
Well, atleast Terry got to learn some local songs.
Sorry, newlyweds. Next time, maybe you'll get a real vacation. They left early do to some weird lag issues I was having, so unfortunately, no vacation home yet. Terry is at half-way through visa level 2, so they should be able to get one next trip (I hope).
Terry and Herbert returned home to find quite a surprise.
Terry: Um, Dad, where did our house go? And why are you still in your country outfit?
Fred: Because I think the country look suits me, and I re-built. What do you think?
The original house was very small and trying to add onto it just didn't seem to be working quite right. So I decided to scrap the whole thing and just start building anew. After spending a looooong time just getting the outside of the house looking nice, I got a little tired of building/decorating. The inside of the house is still largely undecorated, but I'll do that in smaller, more manageable spurts.
I guess Thea wanted to check out the new place, so she made one of her rare appearances.
She played with the new pool table.
Then she got some coffee and scoped out the new kitchen.
But when morning came . . .
Come back soon, Thea!
Terry finally got to have her own inventor's lab.
Now this is a proper place for getting some work done!
She continued to sell her inventions at the Union Cove's lovely outdoor consignment shop. Currently, Terry is at level 8 in her inventing career. She has also Supermaxed the Handiness skill and needs two more skill points in Drums to fullfill her lifetime wish of Reinaissance Sim.
Terry also produced not one but two inventing gnomes--within minutes of each other, too! Does that mean they're twins?
I'm glad we're finally starting to get some gnomes around here.
Terry also got an updated bedroom, with her very own fireplace to play in.
Gotta love those daredevils!
The room has a lovely seating area:
And an outdoor patio:
(I later decided to start skill proofing the house, so the bar is no longer here.)
In the midst of all the remodeling, Terry aged up uneventfully while walking up the stairs.
Herbert quickly set to work capturing her Adult likeness.
First in paint:
Then in ice:
I have no idea why Terry is scowling like that.
Josie began catching her first perfect deathfish to add to the ambrosia stock pile.
For now, she's keeping her cowboy hat, too. It's just so cute!