Get prepared to welcome immortal number three, everyone! That's right, it's Jasmine's Elder birthday.
Well Jasmine, make a wish!
Jasmine: "I want another husband!" *blows out candles*
Wishes don't come true if you tell anyone.
Jasmine: *sigh*
Jasmine: "Well, can I at least get some better clothes?"
That I can do.
Vex and Linus: "Yay, go mom! It's your birthday!"
Is it just me, or do their expressions look so much like Fred's?
Jasmine's updated wardrobe:
I switched all of her hair-dos over to the bun with flowers and tried to make her outfits a little goofy. After all, she's old, blue, and crazy! She needs something appropriately odd. I also included more pink since it's her favorite color.
Fred completed her sculpture.
Linus finished leveling up his painting to 7 to do her portrait.
Well, how does immortality taste?
Jasmine: "A little spicy actually."
That's odd. I could've sworn Fred said immortality tasted of candy and rainbows. Does ambrosia taste different for each sim?
Fred: "Grand-daughter, congratulations. Here's your death flower. Welcome aboard!"
Jasmine: "How lovely; I'm so touched!" *sniffle*
Having completed both the celestial body and the potion logic challenges, Vex finally got some free time to enjoy his teenage years.
He met his Aunt Miya one night as she haunted the garden.
Vex: "Hey, another genius sim!"
Vex: "Ew, you used your genius logic for good?"
Miya used her genius mind to help cure diseases and donate to charity. But Vex?
He'd rather egg houses:
Leave flaming bags of poo:
And door bell ditch the neighbors:
Very sneaky, Vex. You know, you could've just hid behind that tree over there.
Well, teens will be teens!
Jasmine Smith: Third Generation
Supermax Skill: Photography
Career: Photography
LTW: Visionary
Property: Art Museum
Building: Grocery Store
Black Ops: A Charming Experiment, Stinky Bugs, The Boiler Room, Al Simhara, Bestest Friends, Writing Club
Best Friends: Tracie Harrison, Mario Harrison, Alysia Tillman, Danita Predo, Regan Horner, Vex Smith
Portraits and Sculptures for all life stages.
LTR: Learned Relic Hunter, Prepared Traveler, Fertility Treatment