This thread has gotten me thoroughly confused. Is what y'all are recommending a mod? It looks like it to me. If so, do we have a way to fix it that doesn't involve a mod?
This means yours is working now and all of your games and items are in place?
I didn't use a mod. I went into my EA files and moved my downloads folder to my desktop. Didn't want to lose anything.
I renamed my The Sims3 file to "The Sims3.old"
I removed the contents, including the ccmerged file, from DCBackup and even saved those to my desktop, just in case.
Went into the launcher and redownloaded all my premium content files, but ONLY my premium content files. (I had already saved all my downloads to my desktop) By doing this, the game automatically sets up a new "The Sims3" file and the ccmerged file.
Ok, so now when I go into my Electronic Arts file I find two files. One is named "The Sims3.old" and the other is "The Sims3." I copied the contents of the download file from the new The Sims3 file folder, to my desktop copy of downloads, replacing anything duplicated with the new files.
In the "old" file I see I'm missing my downloads folder, which I should of course since I'd moved it out. I deleted the DCBackup file entirely from my old folder.
I went into the file the game created and copied the DCBackup file and placed it in the "old" file. Checked to make sure it had everything, (keeping saved copies to my desktop just in case I messed up), renamed my "The Sims3.old" file back to just The Sims3 and deleted the file the game had made.
ONLY the game made another new file which did NOT have my saved games or all my downloaded stuff in it, except for the premium stuff I had just redownloaded. Ooops! So, since it was insisting on using that file I simply went into my original, now renamed, The Sims3 file, copied the entire contents, placed them in the file the game regenerated and voila. All is well. All my downloads are there, my ccmerged file is fine, my saved games all work. It sounds more complicated than it really was and it didn't take much time or genius on my part. It just meant going back and forth, backing up what I did each time just in case, and copying and replacing files where needed.
I don't use any mods at all, even though some sound safe. I'm just not pc savvy enough to take the chance of forgetting to update each mod with each update EA does, nor would I be able to fix anything complicated. I do have some cc, mostly patterns, but even there I'm pretty careful.