Hello 'Carl's Sims 3 Guide' Community!
My name is theZetoranian, or Zeto, as some call me. I have started work on a house for my sim, yet it is quite a tricky one to figure out, being as I have not much experience with CFE. I hope that I can get some help here.
First of all, I'd like to apologize ahead of time that I don't have any screenshots of the house so far - even though there isn't much to look at.
Anyhoo, I was building a house on 120 Wright Way, Sunset Valley, which has a steep slope splitting the lot into two halves essentially: the highest one, and the lowest, which seems to be about 2 stories down from the top. I built a foundation which sort of "overhangs" this cliff, if you know what I mean. Here's where the problem comes in: I want to build a lower level/basement (or two) which contains a door to get outside to the lower half of the lot. This lower level (or two, once again) would be connected to the topmost floor by a simple staircase, preferably. How would I go about building this lower level, and how would I make it connect to the outside on the lower part of the lot?
I hope I've described this well enough to you all - I am horrible at explaining myself. If I can get even a little bit of help on this, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you all for your time.