Hi folks,
I recently upgraded my computer and imported my Sims 3 neighbourhoods from my previous install. However, I didn't save the Sims that were actively being played separately, only the neighbourhood.
No big deal I thought, as the Sims 3 allows you to save families to the family bin. So I basically went around the neighbourhood saving Sims that I would want to use in other towns/games.
Upon starting a new game however, the stats of the Sims I had saved to the bin are of those from the original game they were played in. I.E. They have 9 for guitar skill, 6 for cooking etc.
Is there a way to use these Sims but have their stats reset to zero? Either in a completely new town, or have them reset in their original town?
NRaas master controller doesn't seem to have an option for this. The town reset seems to reset everything but stats.
The game plays fine otherwise.
I have the Sims 3 and all of the expansions / stuff packs.
Thanks for the help.