It definatly was fun, although a little stressful when they all needed things, i didn't get back to it today, i'll try tommorow!
At first i was going to have that one evil kid amoungst lots of cute babies, but then i changed my mind, they're all cute babies! The mum is blond with pink tips and highlights (LOL) and there are 2 red heads, a couple blondies and brownies and one with the same as her mum.
So far i dont have a favourite, I think they all have different traits but i cant remember very well. I might start a story in the story section... if it goes well. Gulp!
Oh and the funny thing is her LTW is Surround by Family, to have five INFANTS age up to teen! That means when they all grow up she has to have five more! I'll probably give up by then, but i'm hoping to stick this through!
P.S. - I cant wait for the new Baby Boomer challenge! Lets see if Pam can beat Metro this time, then they will have won 1 Baby Boomer each! The battle is on!