Hello Everybody!
I am still a newbie to the Sims3 game and I am really enjoying it despite all of the usual "bugs" and "glitches" that we all have to deal with. I hope EA hurries up and will fix them...but, onto the subject of the babies...
I started out with my married couple having 1 baby....a girl. After they worked really hard to achieve their lifetime wishes and advanced to the top of their careers, my guy's an astronaut, and my girl's a power broker, oh and my wife Sim ownes all of the businesses around town, I gave Nancy Landgraab, my boss, the big boot out of her big mansion and moved my family in...he he he...
So, to begin with I disabled aging and upped the lifespan to the max, so that my family would have plenty of time to build their careers and reach their lifetime goals. All other options were enabled as well. That was all fine and dandy until Stephano decided he wanted to get to know Morgana Wolfe after peeping inside of her window and she looked really fine in her leopard spotted skivvies. So he romances her right in front of Thorton, and wins her heart and they woo hoo'd and made a baby boy. He decided to move her into his household and then tried to keep both women happy and satisfied....eh hem...and all the while trying not to get "caught". So, the day after Morgana had her first baby, they made a new baby and ole Stepho decided wifey needed to have their second child as well to satisfy his and her wishes for lifetime points. (When the new wishes pop up in the window to have more kids, I very quickly reject it...lol) Both women have their babies on the same day....and being the clueless newbie that I am, I did not realize what I was getting my Sims into....OH MY GOSH! Wifey ends up having a boy, but Morgana decided to have twin girls! So, now my household has 5 babies and 3 adults and utter caos is an understatement. The adults are all pulling their hair out and holding their ears when the babies all are screaming at the same time. LOL, it is so funny to watch them as they try to care for all of their needs, and try to care for their own as well. I get a kick out of watching them stand and tap their foot on the floor while they wait to take care of the same baby....and they seem to give each other dirty looks when they pass each other by....lol. Sometimes I make all of the adults go to town for a break and the poor babysitter just stands in the middle of the nursery holding his ears and looking really scarred...LOL! I had to knock down the wall between the two bedrooms and create a huge nursery, complete with beds and all of the toys available....this is where I am hoping to keep all the babies during their entire baby and toddler days. It makes it much easier to help the adults care for the babies. Poor Morgana had to quit her job at the hospital to be a stay at home mom. Stephono and his wife Talia are keeping their jobs so that they don't lose their pensions and progress. Somebody needs to tell EA to develop a live in Nanny option!
Ok, so, now that I have created this "happy" household, I quickly enabled aging and lowered the lifespan bar so that I can get through this baby/toddler stage as quickly as I can....and never ever...EVER let this happen again. LESSON LEARNED....lol.
Reading all of the posts here have entertained me as well as created fear for the next phase to come...5 toddlers to train....oh my! For those of you who have managed more than my 5 babies in a household....my hat is off to you! Thanks to ALL who have shared their stories!