Author Topic: How many children have your sims had?  (Read 84364 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: How many children have your sims had.....LOL
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2013, 05:58:54 PM »
My Bunnyman has run off to Island Paradise, with a new spouse and so far they've had 3 kids (girls). His wife is pregnant again and eating apples. They both have the fertility treatment LTR and she has been watching the kids channel and listening to kids music, so I'm keen to see how that goes. I'm going to choose whose going and whose staying shortly.

The three daughters all take after their mother in terms of skin colour, although two of them have their father's hair colour. the third one though has her mother's hair colour as well. I hope the boys will share more of daddy's characteristics.

Offline PrincessWoona

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #76 on: August 31, 2013, 02:00:32 AM »
Most Sims babies? My first sims family had 8 kids in total 7 from 1 sim and 1 from the other and I started out one of my sims as a toddler and 2 as teens with kinda count and have 3 grandkids. So in total I had to raise about 14 KIDS in my first time playing Sims 3
I'm currently working on my own challenge, have 5 babies (at least) with EACH a different mom (and if triplets or twins you have to have another baby with another mom EX. 3rd mom has twins, must have 6th mom)
Herobrine my male suave, has had 1 baby with 1 woman so far and has another baby I made in CAS and now he's dating Jamie Jolie and she's having a baby.
I also put Herobrine's mom in there to help me XD
The story I made behind it :
Herobrine was lonely, with a son from a past ex who dumped him seconds after the baby was born. The son's name was Sonny and he was happy. Herobrine's ex moved to Riverview, never to be seen again by either one. Herobrine called his mom and she drove him to her new house and they started to live there together. But Herobrine wants true love. Somebody to stay with him his whole life long. So, he would meet 5 girls and 1 would become his soulmate. But he wanted a family too. So he decided to have 5 KIDS which each of his wives. And he's been cheating his way to the top...
So here are his kids and girlfriends :
Sonny (child) - Unknown Mother (He was made in CAS w/o a mom and doesn't count 4 challenge)
Creepergirl (baby) - Tylia Summer (dumped)
Endergirl/boy (not born yet) - Jamie Jolie (current)
? - ?
? - ?
? - ?
I'll update tomarrow about what I've done

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Offline HopeAlive

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #77 on: August 31, 2013, 11:33:39 AM »
One single, triplets, and then twins. All are grown I had my female sim learn how to make young again.

She than had another child. Seven.

Trying to figure how to get grandkids for the two of them.

Offline PrincessWoona

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #78 on: August 31, 2013, 01:22:08 PM »
Today, I switched up the challenge because for some reason the kids are glitchy, like one has female hair styles and he's a boy.
So after Madison VanWatson has her baby, Herobrine will want his soulmate back (Jamie Jolina was my favorite sim to have babies with, so I'm guessing that she will be his soulmate)
He will have 2 babies with Jolie after and around this time his mom will have about 10 days to live and I'll kill her off after the babies reach toddler if she isn't dead yet.

Offline simlover16

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #79 on: September 01, 2013, 11:28:46 AM »
My current generation of sims has 5 kids. (Though that isn't the most I've had) They could have more but they do have a full time Nanny, Violet. The only problems(s) is the HUGE age gap. Their oldest, Cotton Candy, is a YA and their youngest, Avocado, is a toddler. And I don't really want to leave the family behind, so I guess I'll have to move some kids out when they age to YA, if I want to move on with the next generation "heir", Cotton Candy.
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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #80 on: September 02, 2013, 11:06:25 AM »
I once had a sim who fathered 37 children in Sunset Valley, thanks to the Woohooer mod and his maxed charisma. He was also a deadbeat father so I didn't have to worry about his spawn one bit. ;)

Without mods, I had a dynasty live-in father 15 children. I moved him in when he was close to his elder birthday, so he had nearly two life stages worth of siring children taken away. And again, he was a complete deadbeat. Looking at sims of mine who actually raised their kids, I had one sim who had nine children with two wives, all of whom he raised.
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Offline dontmindme

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #81 on: September 02, 2013, 02:49:38 PM »
Let's see, I had one pollinator in my ID who managed to father 15 kids before I decided his mouth was creepy and showing up far too often. Brought him in about 10 days from elder and all 15 were born the day after he hit elder. I then just let him raise the kids as best he could.

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Offline Kaye

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #82 on: September 03, 2013, 06:20:34 PM »
In one of my legacies, my founder had five, four by birth and one by adoption. I will never do that again. Too many for me.

You ever find that having kids makes them the focus of the game? I have games where I have a lot of balls in the air, but as soon as 1 kid is born I unintentionally drop everything and focus on it.
Then the whole dynamic of my game switches from a town-centered game to a lot-centered one. Its a shame but I cant make a sim who can have it all and a family, its one or the other. Whats also strange is that it's not just the same game but with kids, all my activities change too. Without kids, eat where I can find food, sleep wherever, get home whenever- but the kid comes and its 'early to bed, early to rise', everyone lets all eat at the table; make sure the homeworks is done and all that. Its fun but its a domestic kind of fun

The same happens to me. I'm most concerned with guiding the kids. But my kids tend to be free-range kids. I will let them run all over town...after homework is done, of course. I spoil the heck out of my kid sims. Sometimes, I think they have nicer rooms than their parents.
The outside is quiet, but the inside is on full blast.

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #83 on: September 11, 2013, 03:55:20 PM »
I if had one sim have 16 kids to 8 differnt mothers all out of wedlock and he raised none of them. He dump there mom the second it was know she was with child.He was a classic dead beat dad. I was just seeing how slimy I could make a sim.

Offline Justin2108

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #84 on: March 02, 2014, 06:13:19 AM »
I have a family with 5 kids and the mother wants another. I am moving out the two brothers soon. I have the collector lifetime reward and it helped me make hundreds of thousands of dollars. I will have the brothers marry their girlfriends and create more generations. So my main mum will have over 7 kids max.

Offline MelHunt182

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #85 on: March 02, 2014, 04:15:09 PM »
I was playing the Striker family in a custom world because I never use Bridgeport but like the families in it. Anyway, after Sebastian, Stella and Richie went on to have 2 more children, 1 boy and 1 girl, before breaking up. Then I switched to another family for a while and when I went back to them, she'd married Harry Marks and had a set of mixed gender twins and a set of 2 boy, 2 girl quadruplets with him! So altogether having 9 children. I've never had a sim have quadruplets before but apparently in Nraas' woohooer mod, a default setting in a very very low chance of quadruplets. I've never played a household with that many kids in in before as I usually stick to 1-4 children per family, 5 if I'm doing the LTW to raise 5 children.

On a side note, the daughter of Stella and Richie is one of the most beautiful sims I've ever had born in a game.

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Offline OldRiverBear

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #86 on: March 02, 2014, 07:48:02 PM »
Gosh, compared to some of you guys, I got nothing. ;D There two moments when I had the most. First was when I first got the game and wanted to see how many I could make. The mother was a witch and the father was human. Their first born was made regularly and was the only one out of their kids to get magical powers. Then I got the fertility award for both of them and had one set of triplets and one set of twins. Counting all of them, that's about six. Second family lived in the woods and were farmers/gardeners. They had one set of twins at first and when they hit childhood, they had another one. They repeated that process until they reached six and I reached my patience limit. Next time I play, I'll try for ten or something crazy.  :D
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Offline Mahmeya

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #87 on: March 07, 2014, 10:23:28 AM »
My sim pairs usually have one, sometimes two. I'm considering the challenge of twins though.


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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #88 on: March 07, 2014, 10:42:37 AM »
I can never handle more than two at a time! Not too good at multi-tasking, me. :)

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: How many children have your sims had?
« Reply #89 on: March 07, 2014, 11:21:57 AM »
I'm playing one of my fave pairings in Sunset Valley and so far they have six. Three sets of twins. The last set was unintentional, as there was still one grandparent left in the household when the mom got pregnant, but then she passed away and made room for the sixth child.

All six are under teen. It's a little hectic, but fortunately the mom is a private investigator and can stay home while the dad is working at the hospital.

I might have them try for more once the oldest are out of the house. Both parents are still YA at this point (I play a modified age span) so they still have plenty of time. :)

