I'm playing a legacy, and My founder's spouse just died. Everyone is done grieving now, but it's starting to become boring.
My heir wakes up, goes to school, goes to work, comes home, complains, does homework, does whatever (showering, eating, peeing) she needs to do and goes to sleep.
Her brother wakes up, goes to school, comes home, does homework, sets up pranks, does some skilling, calls up the guy I'm thinking about setting him up with (however he's a young adult right now) and tries to get his relationship up with him. and goes to sleep.
My founder jumps on the trampoline all day. Thats about it.
I'm just starting to get so bored with it. And I really don't want to, because I want my legacy to work out. But I just don't know what to do. I'm about to play them now, so maybe my heir will age up and I can get her settled in a job or started on a romance. Or started on some chess games. I don't know.
So tell me, what do you guys do when you get bored with a family, especially a legacy or dynasty?