Author Topic: What happens when your kids age up to YA?  (Read 17708 times)

Offline Janna

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What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« on: April 20, 2012, 11:05:02 AM »
My family has so far four kids and I was wondering, what happens when they age up.  The house is definitely not big enough to house them all.  I have the kids room set up like a dorm, three twin beds for the girls in one room with a full bathroom, and another full bathroom beside it then a room with three beds for the boys.  Only have one now but will either have twins or have a boy and adopt another boy.

Back to my question.  Do I give them money, or buy them a house and send them on their way?  Do I still have any control over their lives?  I would prefer to pick one and have her/him be my "next generation" one who will take over the house when mom and dad die (no ghosts of them). 
I am doing my own generational game; I guess you would call it a personal one.  Not a formal one, just one where I would pick one or two at most and have them continue the family for however long I retain interest in it to keep them going. 

Offline warr2098

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2012, 11:06:53 AM »
You can move them into a new house then select them in edit town when you want to play them again.

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2012, 12:18:42 PM »
To have them move out, choose "Move" from the phone like any other time you have moved houses. Then, you can choose which ones are to move out. You can choose only the grown-up kids, and either choose a house for them (this will cost you money!) or choose to 'evict' them, which means the game will place them in a random house in your town and you don't have to pay.

I always play multi-generational games as well. I let my chosen child, the heir, to stay at the childhood home with their parents, so she can take over when the parents are elder. Other children get new homes around town and eventually have their own families due story progression.

You can only control one household at a time, so after you move the kids out, they will be like townie households. You can visit but can't control them. Of course, if you change your mind you can invite them to live with you again. They and their future offspring will show up as relatives on your sims family tree.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2012, 10:14:45 PM »
This thread doesn't actually have anything to do with Generations the EP so I'm going to move it to another board.
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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2012, 11:07:57 PM »
The main thing to remember is that if you move the kids out and choose a house for them, you have to pay for that house out of your family funds.  If your family is rich, it's no problem.  But if your family can't afford to buy a house for the ones moving out, you can click on "Kick Out" and they will move to an available house somewhere in the town and it's free for you.  Once they are out of your house, Story Progression takes control of them and the can get jobs, get married, have kids, and even leave town.  (Note:  To know where they move to when you kick them out, just follow them with the camera and see where they go).
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Offline Janna

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 12:43:18 AM »
Thanks everyone, hopefully by the time they leave the nest my sims can afford to give them something and it will be good to know where they do end up at, so I can check on them.  See how good of a job I did in raising them,  ;D

Ricalynn, I thought I had put it in General, I guess my eyes crossed and saw Generations as General.  Sorry about that.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2012, 02:15:55 PM »
I "Kicked Out" one of my selfsim's sons and his wife and toddler (my selfsim and husband have seven children, there's not enough space for them all!) I didn't follow them (didn't know to do that) and I have no idea where they are now, I can't find them in town and can't invite the whole family over. The child is still a Toddler in my relationship panels and I haven't seen him since they moved out since he can't come over and I can't visit them! It's especially weird since he's the oldest grandchild but he has cousins that are YA and he is still a Toddler. Also, his parents kept ageing so they are both Elders now. I am going to have to hurry up and move them back in so I can bring the whole family and set them to rights! And I will never kick out my Sim's children again  :'(
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Offline Priyansh

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2012, 07:24:54 AM »
I "Kicked Out" one of my selfsim's sons and his wife and toddler (my selfsim and husband have seven children, there's not enough space for them all!) I didn't follow them (didn't know to do that) and I have no idea where they are now, I can't find them in town and can't invite the whole family over. The child is still a Toddler in my relationship panels and I haven't seen him since they moved out since he can't come over and I can't visit them! It's especially weird since he's the oldest grandchild but he has cousins that are YA and he is still a Toddler. Also, his parents kept ageing so they are both Elders now. I am going to have to hurry up and move them back in so I can bring the whole family and set them to rights! And I will never kick out my Sim's children again  :'(

Don't worry. :) They will get a house if there is any empty house in the town.

By the way, does kicking sims out has any relationship hit with them?

Offline Audren

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2012, 07:33:46 AM »
Don't worry. :) They will get a house if there is any empty house in the town.

By the way, does kicking sims out has any relationship hit with them?

I don't think so, but I may be wrong.

Offline Schipperke

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2012, 09:11:57 AM »
I don't think so, but I may be wrong.

Audren is right - you can kick out your adult kids and they don't seem to mind at all - it in no way damages the relationship.  In fact, the times I've done it the kids always wound up with a better house than their parents would ever have been able to afford for them, so for all I know, maybe they're glad they were kicked out!  ;)
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Offline Priyansh

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Re: What happens when your kids age up to YA?
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2012, 10:55:43 AM »
Audren is right - you can kick out your adult kids and they don't seem to mind at all - it in no way damages the relationship.  In fact, the times I've done it the kids always wound up with a better house than their parents would ever have been able to afford for them, so for all I know, maybe they're glad they were kicked out!  ;)
I don't think so, but I may be wrong.

Thanks to both of you. :)

So if I kick out my housemate and he ends up residing in Alto family residence (because it is the only empty house left, Altos died unfortunately), he will still be my best friend? Very good for me...

Note - A plot came to my mind. I will move in with him, and then the whole mansion will be mine. muahahaha! ;D