First of all, I'd like to say hi everyone! Joined a few days ago but haven't had the courage to post anything until now, when Sims 3 decided to be cursed. Again.
Every time I try to do Metro's Immortal Challenge, something happens. The first time, when I traveled to China, one of my Sims glitched and wouldn't return home. No matter what. Had to delete that one and start again, though I was only in the second generation, so it wasn't horrible. This time, try number two, everything was going well, had just started generation number three, and saved for the night. This morning, opened it up... and... it was cursed. The menu bar was gone, couldn't do anything, couldn't move up or down in the house, I could only affect time control with the keyboard. So I looked around online and tried everything everyone suggested. I tried Tab, F-10, Esc, I even deleted the last save and switched to the backup, but nothing.
...third time's the charm? So here's where I ask: Is anyone else cursed?