Author Topic: The Belle Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please)  (Read 29842 times)

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three - Nicoles YA Birthday
« Reply #105 on: August 20, 2012, 09:12:58 AM »
Thank you Rachel and Rhoxi!  :)


I'm still not sure why I was so into agreeing to this. The Immortal Dynasty thing. As I said before, it's just . . . Bonkers. But it seems to mean a lot to Mammy. And BV.
But I can't tell anyone. Not Cassandra, not Nicky . . . not anyone. Daddy knows. He HAS to know. No he does. I asked Mammy later on, she sighed and said she had told him the night they met. I'm not so sure about Uncle Chris and Auntie Holly and Auntie Bella. I mean, . .  they should know, shouldn't they?

"Ashling Belle! Come out to the patio at once! I need to speak with you!"
Ahh, BV. You know, our Big Voice in the Sky? No wonder I'm so accepting of this Immortal Dynasty madness. I've grown up in craziness. I didn't realise till my first day at school, rather humiliatingly, that not everyone has some omnipresent 'Watcher' who talks at you the whole time.
"Why can't you just talk to me inside?"
BV: "Don't make me come in there!"

Ashling: "I thought you were supposed to be whenever you wanted as easy as breathing?"
BV:        "Why shouldn't you make the effort? Besides, I need to talk to you privately."
Ashling: *groan* "Not more dynasty stuff! Don't you think I've had enough for one night?"
BV:        "A Watcher work is never done. Especially in an Immortal Dynasty."
Ashling: "Are you the one who has to work your butt off working to max some
               skill? Are you the one who has to watch all your loved ones die while you live on?
               Are you-"
BV:        "Woah woah woah, take it easy there sweetie!"
Ashling: "Don't call me that!"
BV:        "Fine, we'll stick to Ash, sweetie."
Ashling: *shakes fist upwards*
BV:        "Oops, oops, sorry Ash, I promise that was an accident! Look, I know it's not easy,
              but don't tell me you don't love gardening. It's what you would have spent your life
               doing anyways. And losing your loved ones, well,  . . . that's the wicked way of the
              world, Ash. It happens to all of us. But you'll have your mammy, and hopefully a
              nooboo of your own, and then a grandnooboo, and then a great-grandnooboo, and-"
Ashling: "Woah. Getting WAY ahead of yourself there."
BV:        "Ash, you're going to get to see your great-great-great-great-grandnooboo, six
               generations down from you, if all goes to plan."
Ashling: "That's weird."
BV:        "No-one ever said it wasn't weird, Ash. Look, you wanna be married and in love
              someday, don't you? Even if you don't, too bad, cos it's a dynasty requirement
              at this stage. Now go on, tell me, who d'you like?"
I'm mortified. He pops into my head. I hope BV can't read my thoughts like she can Mams'.
             "Nobody! And even if I did, he wouldn't even like me!"
BV:        "Oh come now. Ashling, you are a very pretty young girl. Now just tell me who he
               is and we can set this all up nicely.
Ashling: "NOBODY!"
BV:        "Fine Ashling. ... There are other ways of finding things out!"

See the madness I have to live with?

Nicole: "I really hate you."
Mean Police Lady: *hums along to the radio*
Nicole: "Seriously. It's broad daylight. I wasn't doing anything. And, like, even if I had
            been, you could've let me off. It's my young adult birthday for goodness' sake!"
MPL: *sings along to radio* "Heyy I just meettt youuuu, and this is CRAZY!"
Nicole: "Oh gosh. And BV says I can't sing."

Kitten Cuteness!
Minnie really is the most adorable little thing.

This little fella is my new friend. Mam let me keep him. I called him Crow. I know,
how original.

Not all animals seem to like me as much as I like them, though.
Like this wild horse. I honestly did nothing except walk up to him and try to let him
sniff me. You know, so he wouldn't be scared? It didn't really work though.

Nicole is blowing out the candles at midnight. So Cassandra kicks off the evening with
the first of a round of ghost stories. Scary as can be, she is.

It's only me around listening at this stage. But, gosh, she promises she doesn't
mean to, but she scares the heck out of me.

BV:              "You okay there Ash?"
Ashling:       "Ye-ah . . . yeah-h, I'm f-fi-ine."
Cassandra: "Heh-heh. I don't think she'll be sleeping tonight."

Chris is next. He has slightly less scary stories.

BV: "Looks like Mr. Most Desirable Dynasty Spouse is regretting his position in this particular

While the old ones are scared, I'm slightly amused and Cassandra is trying to stifle a big

Meanwhile, the birthday girl is in the bathroom . . .

Nicole: "Omigosh art! Oh gosh I hope they don't tell scary stories about it! It's scary enough
            just to think about canvasses and paint and paintbrushes . . ."
BV:       "Don't you love painting? Isn't that what you spend your non-school time doing? ART?"
Nicole: "Aahhh stop talking about it!"

BV:      "Well that's much more reasonable."
Nicole: "What is?!"
BV:      "Fear of bright wigs."
Nicole: "What are you talking about? I'm afraid of clowns!"

Birthday Time!

Nicole: "Mom! Stop blowing into that thing! I'm trying to think of a good wish!"

Nicole: "Wooh! I know what I'm wishing for! Yay! It's my birthday, ah-yeah, go me!"
BV:      "What did you wish for?"
Nicole: "Like I would tell you!"

Nicole: "Buh-bye, awkward teenhood, hello sophisticated sexy adulthood!"
Holly:  "Nicole!"

Nicole: "Eww."
BV:      "Makeover! Stat."

Nicole: "Oww. My bum."

The pattern used on the top of Nicoles birthday dress can be found here. Awesome pattern by samoth04.


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three - Nicoles YA Birthday
« Reply #106 on: August 20, 2012, 01:04:57 PM »
Wow! This story is full of awesomeness! I love all the wonderful details you add to it, as well as BV's unique brand of quirky humour (and peskiness). I'm looking forward to reading more.  :)

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Three - Nicoles YA Birthday
« Reply #107 on: August 21, 2012, 07:36:49 PM »

Why does it always seem like the cops pick up teens on their young adult birthdays?

"But mooooom, you can't ground me; I'm an adult now!"

"Not for twenty more minutes you aren't! Now go to your room!"

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Wow! This story is full of awesomeness! I love all the wonderful details you add to it, as well as BV's unique brand of quirky humour (and peskiness). I'm looking forward to reading more.  :)
Aww wow thank you  ;D I'm glad you like it and thank you for reading. Your dynasty is really good too, quite clever, everyone should read it.

Why does it always seem like the cops pick up teens on their young adult birthdays?

"But mooooom, you can't ground me; I'm an adult now!"

"Not for twenty more minutes you aren't! Now go to your room!"

Exactly! Plus I'm pretty sure it was a normal time of day that she was picked up at, and she hadn't been pulling pranks or anything! ::)

Thanks to everyone who's reading for reading. :)


This stray dog keeps hanging around school. Most of my classmates(and lots of the teachers!)
call it cruel names and tell it to shoo. So he(she? it didn't seem polite to check) is a little smelly,
in need of a good groom definitely, does that mean s/he should be treated with unkindness?
Unfortunately, if I tried to keep him/her, I don't think Mammy would approve. I think she would
object to any dog joining the household. She didn't object to Minnie the cat, or Crow the bird(crow),
but, when the Bachelors' dog had puppies, and I begged to be let have one, Mam outright refused.
And I don't think it had anything to do with BV's fear that the puppy would've caught vampirism from
Cass's grandmother Jocasta. I think Mammy really just does not like dogs. She doesn't admit it, but
it's fairly obvious. I'd ask why, but maybe it's something to do with her childhood, and Mam really
does NOT like discussing anything to do with her childhood or life before Sunset Valley.

It's Cassandras' birthday tonight. She actually really kinda girly. BV apparently expected
her to turn out less girly and more brainy. Don't tell Cassandra she said that though. Anyway,
that's silly. Cassandra is very smart.

Cassandra: "Wooh it's my birthday!"
Ashling:      "Happy Birthday!"
BV:             "Awesome you're getting older!"
Holly:         "Yay! Go Cassandra!"

Cassandra: "Wow what the monkey you wearing!?!"

Cassandra: "I am SO glad my mom doesn't wear clothes like that."
BV:              "This is incredibly inappropiate, Miss Alto! This is a PG family!"
Ashling:      "In fairness, could your mom pull that off at that age?"
Apparently Auntie Holly can't hear us over the racket she's making with that party blower.

Cassandra: "Heehee it tickles."

BV:             "Wow your hairdo is not awful. And your make-up isn't too bad. Outfit is ok
                    too. Not hideous."
Cassandra: "Wow, thanks."

This is really really short really should have been included with Chapter Twenty Three but I had been really tired writing that up. EDIT: Pattern on Cassandra's YA dress by Ausette, Untidy Smiley.

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Four - The First Death
« Reply #109 on: August 24, 2012, 08:21:17 AM »

 How do you write about this?
I knew I was going to have to lose people. Just not this soon.
And not someone, so, so, very important.

Stiles: "Uh, BV?"
BV:     "What is it now Stiles?"
Stiles: "I, uh, don't feel so good. Uh, I think . . . I think it's time."
BV:     "Don't be silly Stiles, it's not Ash's Young Adult Birthday for another day and a half."
Stiles: "No, I -"

BV:     "Oh, . . . oh my!"
Stiles: "Would you mind getting Áine and Ashling please, BV?"
BV:     "I . . I . ."
Stiles: "Hurry, please?"

The Grim Reaper: "I'm HERE!"
Stiles:  "Good Evening."
The Grim Reaper: "Oh hey there Stiles my boy, any last words?"
Stiles:  "I've lived a good life, with my beautiful wife and precious daughter."
The Grim Reaper: "Aw how sweet. Pass the sick bucket."
BV: "Oi! Grimmy!"
The Grim Reaper: *tone goes flirty* "Well hello there BV. I must say, you do sound rather
                                                           gorgeous today."
BV: "What is wrong with you? Stay away from Stiles!"
The Grim Reaper: "Oh it's like that is it? Well I'm sorry dear, but I'm afraid its to say goodbye to
                              your little crush here. Mwahahah."
Stiles: "Tell Ashling I'm proud of her and I love her to bits BV. Tell Áine, . . . well, she knows how I
BV:     "Oh Stiles, of course."

Stiles: "But before I go . . . I have one last prank for you, sir."
The Grim Reaper: "What?"
Stiles: "Well I desperately need to use the facilities, and you need to reap me. We have
            conflicting needs. It is rather difficult for you to gain access to me to reap me."
The Grim Reaper: "What?"
Stiles: "I'm going to have an unfortunate accident."
The Grim Reaper: "What?"

The Grim Reaper: "Dude not cool! Let me reap you!"

The Grim Reaper: "Fine, since you have chosen to be so annoying, you can go straight to
                             your grave without any of the formalities."

The Grim Reaper: "Ahh there you are Áine. SO sorry for your loss. Say buh-bye to your hubby!"

Áine: "Oh BV,  .... I can't believe I was too late."
BV:    "Sweetie it couldn't have been helped. Stiles understood that."
Áine: "I hope so. I -  oh this hurts so much more than I thought it would!"

Even Minnie felt our pain.

We held at funeral for Daddy the following evening . . .

Tonight, we honour the life of Stiles McGraw Belle, lost to us age 104 days. . .

He was a beloved husband, father, friend and neighbour. . .

A talented sculptor, his work forever remembered, his ice sculptures of his loving wife and
adored daughter on display in the Belle Immortal Museum. . .

We will miss his wonderful expressions, and his fascination with such subjects as trees. . .

Without him, we wouldn't have a dynasty.

He will be forever missed, and lovingly remembered.

[Stiles did not stop for quite some time wetting himself, long after he had disappeared. It was a little strange to keep hearing his reactions and embarrassments, and the little sounds that pop up when a sim wets themselves.]


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Four - The First Death
« Reply #110 on: August 24, 2012, 10:06:43 AM »
This is such a touching update. I loved your eulogy for Stiles.
Grim was a real meanie.
Saying that, I couldn't help laughing at the little puddle on the floor. Sorry.  :-[

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Four - The First Death
« Reply #111 on: August 24, 2012, 12:12:37 PM »

Hehe, I love the picture of Grim stomping and waving his hands. "Hello, I'm trying to reap here!"

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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-Four - The First Death
« Reply #112 on: August 24, 2012, 01:38:01 PM »
Teehee, I had to giggle at the wet patch as well. :P But that was a lovely update, I do really love this dynasty. :)

