Author Topic: The Belle Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please)  (Read 29886 times)

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Nine - Mid-life Woes
« Reply #60 on: June 03, 2012, 10:53:26 AM »

BV:    "Um, sweetie, are you okay?"
Áine: "I'm just inspecting my ancient face for wrinkles and age spots."
BV:    "Wrinkles! Sweetie, don't be ridiculous! You don't have wrinkles. Or any kinds of spots. Do you think
           I would believe you still had a chance of snagging a husband if you had wrinkles?"
Áine: "Oh yes yes, how could I forget, I have to marry someone, a man, to be my husband, because I
           have to have a baby and carry on with this dynasty of immortals, a task set to me by a total
           stranger, so that, tha-"
BV:    "Sweetie, what on earth has got into you! Are you crying??"
Áine: "Of course I am not crying! I'm red in the face because I am annoyed!"
BV:    "I know it's a bit late for birthday gifts, sweetie, but perhaps Stiles could get you a book
          on anger-management."
BV:    "Of course sweetie. Let me just check .. - ah yes. Sweetie, I think you may be having a
           mid-life crisis."
Áine: "Now who is being ridiculous! I'm not having a mid-life crisis. But I would really like a new sportscar."
BV:    "The budget doesn't exactly allow for that sweetie . . . how about a new hairstyle?"

Áine: "Perfect."
BV:    "I supp-  . . of course it is. I think its about time someone sorted out the mess this place is in . . . call the maids service."

Áine: "A maid should be here in about hour, BV."

BV:    "Sweetie, who's this?"
Áine: "That's the maid."
BV:    "I thought this was the maid . . .

         " . . . and that other person is a man, sweetie."
Áine: "Honestly this is bewildering. What's with all the -"

BV:    "What's with all the maids?! I thought you ordered one, sweetie, not an army of them! The house is
           bad, but it's not THAT bad!"
Áine: "That's it, all of you, yes, including you, out now. OUT OUT OUT!"
BV:    "Sweetie, while I admire your swift action, don't you think you are being a little, well ... a little ...."
Áine: "Too easy on them? You know, for once, BV, you're right. . . Hey you! Yes YOU! You mother resembles
           an llama!"
BV:    "Sweetie, there is a lovely Spa just down the road, I think it would do you good to maybe, well, visit
           it, for a little while sweetie, relax, and maybe after we can go to the hospital and get you the
           help you need. I mean, therapy."
Áine:  "I do NOT need stupid therapy."
BV:     "Now, now sweetie, try to be reasonable. It's for your own good. Let the nice men in their classy
           white coats lead you into the limo."
BV:     "Oh, isn't it a comfy limo sweetie. Just relax. I'll wait in the waiting room for you and take a look
            at some magazines, sweetie."
Áine:  "You are not a physical being! You can't re--" *carried off to emergency Mid-Life Crisis Therapy*

BV: "Now, what do we have here?"

Sunset Valley's Hottest new couple Bella Bachelor and Mortimer Goth have been spotted . . . up to no good!

SS EXCLUSIVE: Mortimer Goth likes to shower . . . while wearing clothers . . .


Offline ratchie

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Nine - Mid-life Woes
« Reply #61 on: June 03, 2012, 10:57:54 AM »
I hope "Sweetie" gets the help she needs. Great update.

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Nine - Mid-life Woes
« Reply #62 on: June 03, 2012, 11:41:43 AM »
Does Morty and Bella also live in the household? I can't remember. Very funny update lol!


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Nine - Mid-life Woes
« Reply #63 on: June 03, 2012, 01:06:08 PM »
I just want an immortal nooboo

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Nine - Mid-life Woes
« Reply #64 on: June 03, 2012, 01:10:34 PM »
@ratchie   Thanks Rachel. We all do :')
@lovesims  Haha thank you :) No, only Bella lives in the Belle household. That sounds kinda, funny, doesn't it?
@AdnaanA  Patience :P Don't worry I'm planning on doing a few more updates soon, which may, or may not involve the second generation ;)

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Nine.Five - Woes Replaced
« Reply #65 on: June 04, 2012, 08:34:38 AM »

"Sweetie, have you seen this! Have you SEEN THIS??!"
"Could you please stop bellowing at a magazine, BV? I'm through with this stupid therapy, and
  now I have some serious business to take care of."
"I should think THIS is very serious business! Look at the state of that man! Showering with his clothes on!
  He'll disgrace this dynasty before it's barely started!"
"Honestly BV, if you want to yell at them, that's your business. Even though Mortimer can't hear you since he is
  not a part of this household. I guess Bella can pass the message on. Now if you'll excuse me . . ."
"Wait 'til I get my hands on those two!!!"

So, I was kinda going just, well, just a little crazy after my Adult birthday. But it's okay, I got through it, and
you know what? It's time to sort out this dynasty and, well, take things to the next level. Marriage-wise.

Considering what a momentous occasion this date turned out to be, I do wish that I had chosen a different dress to
wear. Oh well.

And I like Stiles, I truly do, he's a really sweet guy.
And he really seemed to be enjoying our date:

He asked me to watch the stars:

I was surprised when he took my hand, but I mean, I gotta get used to that. Get over my reluctance.

He was actually able to tell me lots about the stars, and he made me laugh. That's always plus. A sense of humour, I mean.

Stiles: "Oh my goodness, Áine, what spray do you wear? Sure? Dove? New Lynx for Her? What is
             your secret?? Tell me??"
Áine:   "Ummm. Neither."
Stiles: "Well you smell amazing!"
Áine:   "Uh . . . thanks . . ."

Yes I let him kiss me, even after the odd conversation about how I smell.
And what a kisser! You'd swear it wasn't his first.

Stiles: "Áine, I have something very important to ask you."
Áine:   "Fire ahead."
I would just like to point out right now that I had no idea of what was coming next. Sure, I was trying to
get Stiles to fall for me, ask me to go steady, but I didn't think we get so far so quickly.

But then he dropped onto one knee.

And I got worried.
Then he performed a very impressive magic trick, in my opinion.

He popped that question:

I didn't have to fake my enthusiasm that much. I mean, it's not every day a guy makes that kind
of commitment. Or with that big and shiny a rock!
I'm happy. I really truly am. Just because I've never dreamed about getting married to this
particular guy, doesn't mean I'm not full of happiness.
I guess BV would be proud.


Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Ten, Part One - The Big Day
« Reply #66 on: June 08, 2012, 10:18:12 AM »
Part One

"Oh sweetie! Finally!"
"Please don't be overly soppy, BV. Myself and Stiles would like to have a quiet, intimate wedding."
"At least throw a wedding party, sweetie. Think of the gifts!"
"Honestly I'd rather do as little as possible, BV."
"Well how unceremonious of you, Áine! I do think this is not how a Belle bride should behave! However, I am
  willing to take care of everything. Just give me a couple thousand simoleons and I'll throw you the most
  fantastic wedding Sunset Valley has ever seen!"
"Uh, that's generous of you BV, I guess."
"Wonderful! I shall get started right away!"

BV:   "Do not make that face Bella Bachelor! It is about time someone took care of these dishes, after the disaster with
          that unreliable maid service."
Bella: "Oh, do please forgive me for being disgusted, BV. My humblest apologies."
BV: (instantly mollified) "Don't worry, dear, that is quite all right."

BV:    "I do hope that it is not the brides dress I see in that bag of washing, Miss Alto."
Holly: "Of course not, silly Watcher. My dress is upstairs in my closet." *hums wedding march*
BV:    "Your dress?"
Holly: "My wedding dress of course. Don't try and fool me about what day it is. I have the moodlet to prove
           it. It's a kind surprise you are giving Malcolm and I."
BV:     "Oh right. I mean, yes . . . yes of course it is. . . Why don't you go and change now? I already have your, er, wedding
            dress all laid out for you. And I can hear some guests arriving I must go check on them."

Chris: "Thank goodness she can't hear you. Though I can't say I'm enjoying the look she is giving me."
BV:     "She is not welcome here Christopher! She'll turn us all into vamp- I mean, after all she has done to you."
Chris: "She didn't really do anything, BV."
BV:     "Not do anything? Not DO anything? Are you mad? Are you going through a mid-life crisis too? Christop-"
Áine:  "Drop it BV."
BV:     "Áine, you can't approve of this. I won't have her ruining my, I mean your, big day!"
Áine: *sighs heavily* "I am the one who invited her BV. Now can you please drop it, or YOU will ruin the day."
BV:    *grumpy sigh*

I take a deep breathe, choke back all my nerves, preparing to take the momentous step down the aisle. Everyone
is here, and Stiles is at the arch, smiling. I can do this. Hey, I'm gonna be immortal. Getting married should be a piece
of cake.

This is what makes me smile. Chris and Jamie. They've made up, after so long. If nothing else today makes
me happy, this at least will.

Instead of seating themselves to watch our wedding, on seats BV so carefully placed, our guests stand up to witness our union.

And it appears Simis Bachelor has become some sort of amateur paparrazzo? Also, who knew Mortimer Goth
was such a sentimental, sensitive guy?

Or maybe not. He just lets girls like Bebe Hart beat him up. Holly looks understandably horrified at her friends behaviour.

But nothing is going to get in the way of mine and Stiles happiness.

Dopey looks on BOTH our faces . . .

And a wedding kiss to seal the deal . . .

I couldn't be happier today. I don't think Stiles could either.
Our friends seem to be enjoying themselves too. Their reactions to our nuptials . . .

. . . delight . . .

. . . tears of joy . . .

. . . indifference . . .

 . . . and . . . amusement over cameras? (Who invited this one???)

All Holly can do is look witheringly at her. Or maybe she's irritated because BV let her believe that it was her wedding day.

Stiles is going over to cut the wedding cake . . . but first . . .

Áine: "Thank you for such a beautiful wedding BV. I don't know how you did it, but you managed to organise
           the most perfect wedding for Stiles and I. Thank you so very very much." I truly mean this.
BV:    "Oh sweetie, you really like it? You can be such a fussy one to plan for, but you really love it? I'm so
           happy sweetie, I could - if I had a body that is - I could cry!"
Áine:  (jokingly) "BV, what did I say about soppiness?"
BV:    "Oh, I'm sorry sweetie! I suppose, if I was a Sim, I would have the Over-Emotional trait."

Something suddenly makes me glance over.
Áine: "Oh no . . ."


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Offline TallStar

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Ten, Part One - The Big Day
« Reply #67 on: June 08, 2012, 12:25:30 PM »
"Oh no.."! Cliffhanger argh! This dynasty is really good, happy wedding day to Aine and Stiles.

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Ten, Part Two - The Big Day
« Reply #68 on: June 09, 2012, 02:26:42 PM »
Thank you Tallstar!  :D

Part Two

BV:    "I hear that's never a good sign sweetie. Especially at a party of any kind."
Áine: "Stiles cut the cake NOW! We can't have someone dying! Not today!"
BV:    "Didn't you notice sweetie, plasma pluckers tend to prefer, oh I don't know, PLASMA?"
Áine: "Is pluckers even a word? Wait a minute, what do you mean?"
BV:    "By plasma pluckers I mean vampires sweetie."
Áine: "But there is only one vampire here that I know of . . ."

BV: "I have to wonder how choking oneself improves starvation."

BV:    "Sweetie, I KNEW she was going to ruin your wedding with her theatrics!"
Áine: "No! NO! BV, get the plasma fruit!"
BV:    "Oh please sweetie, the vamp just felt like being a little dramatic because she thought
           it should be her wedding day."
Áine: "Well I'm sure the moodlet doesn't help. . . What am I saying! BV, she's going to die!"

BV: "See sweetie all that nasty dust has fallen off. She's going to be fine. Oh no wait where'd she
        go . . .*lowers voice* that's odd since when is she a magician? I don't have Showtime."

Áine: "Oh Chris!"
BV:    "This ain't funny anymore Missy Vampire! Stop hiding!"

The Grim Reaper: "I is in the ha-ouse! Whoop whoop!"
BV:                    "Stop shouting at me you big idiot! We can't find the vampire!"

BV:  "Oh wait there she is. My goodness, you can't say she isn't full now sweetie. She is practically
        glowing with plasma!"

BV: "What in the Sim-world is she at? Why is she begging on her knees?"

BV: "What's he doing? Since when is the Grim Reaper a magician TOO? I thought he just reaped sims. I
        thought he just sent them to . . . oh. Oh."

The Grim Reaper: "Well, you would appreciate a good death, wouldn't you Mortimer."


Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Ten, Part Two - The Big Day
« Reply #69 on: June 09, 2012, 03:27:59 PM »
Just caught up! Really brilliant updates. :) I can't believe Jamie died, but that last screenshot was hilarious. :P RIP, Jamie!


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Ten, Part Two - The Big Day
« Reply #70 on: June 09, 2012, 04:28:13 PM »
BV is so clueless lol! Poor Chris. Awesome update. ;D

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eleven - Moving On
« Reply #71 on: June 09, 2012, 07:21:35 PM »
Just caught up! Really brilliant updates. :) I can't believe Jamie died, but that last screenshot was hilarious. :P RIP, Jamie!
Thank you Fez  :)
I know, all my guests went home with the great party thought bubble floating over their heads. I mean, why not? A visit from Grim makes any party awesome!  ::)

BV is so clueless lol! Poor Chris. Awesome update. ;D
Thank you :) BV is a bit slow for certain things. Maybe it was a minuscule part of her that just didn't want to believe it was happening.


BV:     "Christopher . . . I . . . I'm so sorry . . . I never  . . . I . . . I never fully respected
            your relationship with Jamie. I do wish that you two could have been together
            the way you wanted to be . . . the way . . . you were meant to be. I . . . I'm . .
            . I'm truly sorry for your loss, Chris."
Chris: "I think that is the first time you have ever called me Chris."
Holly:  "Maybe . . . maybe we should leave him be for a while, BV."

It hurts to see this. It just brings so many memories flooding back from . . . from a different
time. A time I keep locked away in a dusty box in the farthermost corner of my brain. If brains
have corners. Brains are kinda round though. So maybe . . . what I mean is, I keep those
thoughts out of my minds reach, never to be considered again. It's too painful.

BV:    "Sweetie, he's waiting."
Áine: "Just a sec."
BV:    "Sweetie, it can wait. Besides, it makes a nice wedding gift for your new husband. You
           know how much he enjoys scrubbing toilets."
Áine: "He likes clean toilets even more." *sniffles*
BV:    "Sweetie . . ."
Áine: "Just tell him I'll be there in a second, okay?"

BV:    "Oh some good news, thank the  . . . Watcher. I mean, congrats, honey!"
Bella: "Get me watermelons, a comfortable chair, and a maid."
BV:     "Well I can understand the need for watermelons, and even the comfortable chair, but, not
            really the maid part, honey. Don't you remember our previous trouble with the maids?"
Bella: "I am growing a new life inside me. I should be expected only to lounge on a comfortable
           chair and be waited on hand and foot."
BV:     "Oh definitely that's gonna happen . . . I mean, of course sweetie, I'll get Holly on it
            straight away."

Stiles: "I love you darling."
Áine:   "I love you too Stiles."

Chris seeks out his estranged sons. He hasn't seen Collin since he was a newborn.
And Cedric has aged up to a (quite handsome) teenager.

Chris:  "Boys, I'm afraid I haven't been the best father lately. But I need you to know, I've
            always loved you, and your mother. I always will. I want to make up for lost time.
            I want to be here for you. Whatever you  need, whenever, . . . boys, you can rely
            on me from now on to always care for you."
Collin: "Well isn't that nice for you, dad! Huh, some dad you've been! It's your fault
             Mom is gone!"
Chris: (taken very much aback) "Collin, I, I . . ."
Collin: "Oh please, are you really going to try to argue with that? You can't can you?
            There is no excuse! You're not my dad. When was the last time you tried to
             see me, or talk to me? Yeah, you were there the day I was born. And then
             you ditched Mom simply because she looked a little different. Well you know
             what? I don't want to see you, I want nothing from you. At all. Except that
             you leave me alone and never ever come near me again!" *stomps off angrily,
              tears flying from his little face.*
Chris: *calls after Collin, who has hopped onto his bicycle* "Collin! Come back! Collin!"
           (his voice chokes up with emotion)
Cedric: "Dad. Stop. Don't run after him. He just needs to sort some things out. He feels
             like an orphan now. I mean, you were never around . . . though I'm not judging
             you, Dad."
Chris:   "I never stopped loving your Mom, Cedric. Or you boys. I just . . . I'm afraid I had
              terrible coping skills when it came to seeing your mother become a vampire . . .
              I just . . . I didn't. I didn't cope. And now I've lost her. And it looks like I've lost
              my sons too."

Cedric: "You haven't lost me Dad. Promise. And Collin'll come around. He's just taking this
             really really hard."
Chris:   "Well of course. It's his mother. There's nothing I can do to - excuse me -"

Random paparrazzo: "Uh, excuse me, I'll uh, just get going now . . ."
Chris:                     "Move faster."
RP shoots off in his Sloppy Jalopy.
Chris:   "Now where were we, son?"
Cedric: "Well, I was just saying that you aren't such a bad dad. And that we both love
            you, Collin and I, he's just to stubborn to admit it. And Mom never stopped
            loving you Dad."

Chris:   "I hope so, Cedric."
Cedric: "I wouldn't doubt it."
Chris:   "Come and give your old man a hug. And then get home and look after your brother."

Chris: "You people don't know when to quit, do you?"

Meanwhile, back home . . .


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eleven - Moving On
« Reply #72 on: June 10, 2012, 06:34:51 AM »
Poor Chris! I feel sorry for him. Is that a nooboo face I see? ;D

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve - Pregnancies Galore!
« Reply #73 on: June 10, 2012, 10:28:35 AM »

BV: "Holly, dear, like all Sims, I am sure you treasure your eyes, so try not to let them pop
        out of your head."

Holly: "OWWWWWW!!!"
BV:     "What in the -?"
Holly: "Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-OW!!!"
Áine:  "BV, she's giving birth."
BV:     "What??"
Holly: "Owww!!!"
Áine:  "She's having a nooboo. Hence the screaming."
BV:     "Oh no oh no NOOBOO? Sweetie, when did she become pregnant??"
Áine:  "Oh sure that's polite. And dignified."
Holly: "OWW!!!"
BV:    "Oh my oh my, what do we DO sweetie?"
Holly: "OWWW!!!"
Áine:  "I say we leave her to it."

BV: "I like this plan."

Stiles: "I sure do LOVE beds!"
BV:      "Err . . . of course you do. Now, where's Christopher?"
Holly, two rooms away: "OWW!!!"

He's back to a place of many memories . . .

Chris: "My sweet . . . my sweet sweet Jamie . . ."

The shower . . . the shower that Chris broke on their first date.
Chris: "Jamie . . . I love you darling. I'll always keep this shower fixed."

He's still grieving ... but it's only been a couple of days . . . I can't watch this.

BV:    "You okay sweetie?"
Áine: "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Must've been bad cereal."
BV:    "Bad cereal? Sweetie, um, are you sure your not? Well, you know! I saw Bella
          throwing up like this a couple of days ago, and-"
Áine: "Excuse me BV, but, ah, I have sculptures I need to get on with creating."
Holly: "OWWWW!!!"

BV:     "Well who, do we, have here!"
Holly: "Nicole Alto-Landgraab."
BV:     "Awww, who's a cute lil nooboo. You are, yes you are. Hello nooboo!"
Holly: "I thought I was supposed to be the doting mother of the newborn."
BV:     "Aww, but she's just a cute lil pink bundle of giggles, aren't you, nooboo? You
            are, yes, yes, yes you are, nooboo."
Áine:  "I'm gonna hurl. Again."

Áine: "You have terrible timing."
BV:    "On the contrary, sweetie, I have excellent timing. Now, do you want to tell Stiles or
           shall I?"
Áine: "Tell him what?"

BV:      "Knew it."
Áine:   "Hush."
BV:      "Aww but it'll be another ickle nooboo. Awwww!"
Áine:   "Stiles."
Stiles: "Yes darling?"
Áine:   "Pass me the sick bucket."

My pregnancy goes by smoothly. I spend my days at my newly-upgraded property, relaxing
with games of hopscotch.

And then, on both Stiles Elder birthday and Holly's Adult birthday . . .

Bella: "Oh no. Not now."
We get her home to the living room ASAP.

BV:     "That's right honey, just keep breathing. Nice, deep breathes. Now excuse me while
           I find Holly. She's off gallivanting again."
Bella: "Noo! Don't leave me!!"
BV:     "Don't worry, I'll be back just as soon as the nooboo is born. Toodle-oo!"

BV:    "Darn it. I missed it."
Holly: "There wasn't that much to miss really. Just the same old sparkles. It's not like I
           look that different now, is it?"
BV:    "Well, no, except for those few wrinkles . . ."
Holly: "WHAT?"

BV:     "Don't worry, Stiles, I didn't miss your birthday!"
Stiles: "That's not what I'm worried about."

BV:     "Hey not too bad. A quick trip to the wardrobe should help. But not too bad, old guy."
Stiles: "I look awful don't I. Why does Áine seem to think? She doesn't love me now, does
BV:     "Actually, she looks like she is having the time of her life."
Bella(from the living room): "BV!!!"


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve - Pregnancies Galore!
« Reply #74 on: June 10, 2012, 01:23:50 PM »
Welcome to the world Nicole. We want to see Bella's nooboo! Great update. :)