Author Topic: The Belle Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please)  (Read 29874 times)

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please)
« on: April 16, 2012, 08:08:36 AM »

Part One

My name is Áine. Áine Belle.

You probably find my name unusual. My first name, Áine, is Irish, and in English it is Anne. It's pronounced 'On-ya'. It can confuse people when I'm introducing myself. In Simlish, it is .... well, I'm not quite sure.
And my surname. Belle? I believe it's the word for beautiful in French. Again, I don't exactly know what Belle is in Simlish.
  I wouldn't consider myself beautiful. But I do okay.
Apparently my surname comes from a distant relative who's first name was Belle, and she was beloved in my family.
My family. That's a good one. I don't even know who they are.

But one day, a package arrived at the orphanage I grew up in. It wasn't large. But it was the first birthday present I'd ever received from somebody other than one of the nuns.

Prologue, Part One
Prologue, Part Two
Chapter One - Things can only get better
Chapter Two - Love of Art and Art of Love
Chapter Three - Chris finds the artist!
Chapter Four - Christopher's Sweetheart
Chapter Five - Catching Up
Chapter Six - Nooboo, Nooboo
Chapter Seven - Is this the End?
Chapter Eight - Love is in the Air . . .
Chapter Nine - Mid-life Woes
Chapter Nine.Five - Woes Replaced
Chapter Ten, Part One - The Big Day
Chapter Ten, Part Two - The Big Day

Chapter Eleven - Moving On
Chapter Twelve - Pregnancies Galore!
Chapter Thirteen - Full House
Chapter Fourteen - Ok, yes, it's a Toddler Montage
Chapter Fifteen - Vampires and Toddlers(Part One)
Chapter Fifteen - Vampires and Toddlers(Part Two)
Chapter Sixteen - Tis the Filler before the Feast
Chapter Seventeen - Áines' Elder Birthday
Chapter Eighteen - Most Pathetic Faces. Ever.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2012, 08:25:32 AM »
Interesting start,I am looking forward to reading more.

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Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2012, 11:55:38 AM »
Thank you Rachel  :)


Part Two

I knew that there would be big changes once I turned eighteen years old. For one thing, the nuns that had raised me would have no choice but to, basically, throw me out onto the streets. I would have nowhere else to go, no one but myself to rely on.
 Which really, didn't mean too much change. At the end of the day, I had always been the only one to look out for me.
 Which is why I didn't know how to feel when I discovered the contents of the brown birthday package.
The first thing I found was a hammer, with a small note attached 'Could be useful'. For what? Building a new home? Believe it or not, this was not the most bizarre piece in the package. There was another, thicker note, containing the most ridiculous but wondrous fable I'd ever seen.
  Numerous rules to obey, eight important tasks. For what? To achieve immortality. To live forever.
I barely survive in the present, and here I was being asked to live for all eternity.
   Why? "It will make sense in the end." 
That's what came next in the note, in unfamiliar, curly script:

 "My dear,
None of this will make sense. Maybe it will even seem unfair. I've found that's what life is about. You don't know me, and, sadly, I do not know you...which is why asking you to do this, to raise Seven generations of Belles, training the firstborns to be Immortal, is such an unfair, nonsensical challenge to ask. But, and I promise you this .... It will make sense in the end . . . "

There was a deed to a property attached, and slender silver key. It didn't look like house key. But I had no better option than to travel to the provided address with nothing but the package and the clothes on my back.
 There was no house. Just a green, big fat empty lot. Room for improvement I decided.
 Well, there was a bin. And a mailbox. A padlocked mailbox. I paced to that mailbox on a hunch, slipping the slender silver key into the lock. The mailbox door swung open, revealing precisely 1800 Simoleons in cash. More than I had ever laid eyes on in my life. I could work with this. Until a better option came along, striving for immortality would do.
      I looked over my new home town, Sunset Valley, with a strange feeling. Hope.

Offline JudesSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2012, 12:02:09 PM »
Very nice! And really cool picture at the end!

Offline warr2098

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2012, 12:04:35 PM »
Great start!

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2012, 12:25:30 PM »
@judewright Yes I quite like this picture too! Sometimes lovely scenery pictures come up, and I figured this would suit the end of the post :)
@warr2098  Thank you! :)
It's lovely to get feedback, I get kinda nervous since this is my first story on the forum, although it is not my first dynasty! I promised myself I would only post my Dynasty(ies) if I was actually successful in doing them :)
Again, thank you everybody for your comments. :)


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2012, 12:30:27 PM »
Great start! Good luck with your dynasty. :)

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Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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The Belle Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One - Things can only get Better
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2012, 08:27:38 AM »
Thank you, loveSims :)


"Hey sweetie! Sorry I'm late!"

"Are you okay, sweetie? You look like you've seen a ghost!"
More like heard a ghost.
I try to swallow my terror. "Who .... what .... are you?"
There is a loud, surprised gasp. "What do you mean who are .... huh. I suppose my existence was left out? Never mind sweetie, don't worry, I'll explain!"
"Uh ... is the explanation that I'm going insane?"
"According to my notes, Insanity is not one of your traits, sweetie. Oh, but that would be fun, wouldn't it? Maybe further down the line ..."
"Further down the line?"
"You got the letter didn't you? You are going to see seven of your descendants become immortal, sweetie, it would be a little boring if all of 'em managed to stay too similiar, wouldn't it? There's nothing wrong with spicing things up!"
"Uhh, ok ..."

"Oh, oh, I still haven't introduced myself have I, sweetie?"
"Are you the one who sent me this package?" I stretch my hand up to the sky, holding up the brown package as high as I can manage. "Put your hands down, sweetie. Don't be daft, how can Watchers send packages to Sims?" *giggling erupts*
"My, my, what do they be teaching Sims these days! Sweetie, was does a Watcher sound like to you?"
"Uh, .... somebody who ... watches?"
"You make it sound so sinister, sweetie!" More giggling. "And someone, not someBODY, sweetie. I'm a bit more .. abstract than that."
"You mean you exist in my head?" That's fantastic, so much for not going insane.
"No, no, of course not! But you cannot see me, you can only - when I want you to, sweetie - hear me."
"So.... you do exist in my head."
"Sweetie, it's really very simple. Have you ever heard me before? I didn't think so. I come with the lot, sweetie, and nobody else can hear me unless they live on this lot."
"So ... I'm still not sure I understand WHY you are here. Not to be rude or anything. And I still don't know your name."
"You ask a lot of questions sweetie! I'm here to help you. If you would let me speak for more than thirty seconds I would be able to tell you my name. Except that I think it's better if you don't know my real name and you can give me whatever name you feel comfortable with, sweetie."
"What, like a nickname? Now that's daft."
"Sweetie, just try, please?"
"Ok, ok, how about... Big Voice in my Head? And why do you keep calling me sweetie?"
"I've already told you, I am not in your head. I call everybody sweetie, sweetie."
"Fine, fine, how about Big Voice in the Sky?"
"It's a bit of a mouthful, sweetie . . ."
"Alright then, last time. Three's the charm, right? I'm gonna call you BV for short."
"Beevee? Well, I suppose it's not the worse I've been called, sweetie."

"So, um, this help you speak of?"
"Yes, let's get down to business. Now, sweetie, you are going to need a painter. They say the best in the area is this lady called Agnes Crumplebottom, and she comes with a nice car too I hear, which could be very useful. However, you have plenty of time, sweetie, to train a painter before your Adult birthday. And you'll need a sculptor too, though I suppose somebody could be both painter and sculptor for a while, if we had a certain contraption, that whatchamacallit."
"Actually, I'm quite interested in sculpting myself, so there is no need for anybody to be a sculptor."
"Can you sculpt yourself, sweetie?"
"Well, you'd think with a good-sized mirror I could, but, well, no, not really."
"Well then, sweetie, we shall have to find a sculptor."

"Are all these ... people coming to live with me?"
"Is there something wrong with that, sweetie?"
"Um, no, just checking."
"Well hop to it then, sweetie! See you soon!"
"Yeah, se- back soon."
I start running down the footpath, away from the empty lot, the Big Voice in the Sky.
Trying to run away from my confusion.
I don't really stop running for a while. Exercise has never been something I've been into, but I have kept in shape over the years, so it is a while before I bend over and start panting for air like a thirsty dog.

"You ok there?" a kind, deep voice calls out.
I look up. "Oh yeah, I'm fine."
"Do you want a drink?"
"Oh no no, I'm grand, really."
"Come on in, I don't mind. "
"Oh, go on then." I blush.
His house is cosy and nicely decorated. Perhaps he has an artistic streak?

"My name's Christopher Steel, I'm new here in Sunset Valley."
"Me too. I mean, I'm new too. I'm Áine Belle."
"Nice name."
"Thanks. You have a lovely home."
We talk for a couple of hours, until feel it's time to ask:
"Hey Chris, want to move in with me?"
"Sure! I get too lonely living by myself, to be honest with you."
We grab a taxi back to the empty lot. I may have forgotten to mention that. That it's empty. And that it comes with its very own Watcher.
"Nice catch sweetie!"

BV: "Or maybe not .... he's a little ... jumpy."

BV:    "So, sweetie, is he an artist?"
Áine: "Uh . . . I kinda didn't ask yet . . ."
BV:    "Sweetie! It's one of the first things you should've asked!"
Áine: "It just didn't really come up . . . "
BV:    "You go ask that boy right now sweetie!"
Áine: "He CAN hear you , you know . . ."

Áine:  "So, Chris, do you like painting?"
Chris: "Actually, I'm more of an angler."
BV:     "Too bad, you're painting, pretty boy."
Áine:  "BV!"
Chris: "Wait, so you can hear her too?"
Áine:  "Yeah, weird, I know. She comes with the lot. She's my, our, Watcher. I call here BV, short
            for Big Voice in the Sky. Just ignore her. She can be a bit of a pain in the neck sometimes."
BV:     "Sweetie, I'm only trying to help! You need a painter, an artist."
Áine:  "Fishing is definitely gonna come in handy. Any skills you have are welcome, Chris." 


Chris: "I may be able to help you find an artist, if you can help me with something."
Áine:  "Of course! What?"


Offline warr2098

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2012, 10:51:46 AM »
 :o A Cliff hanger! Can't wait to see what happens next!


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2012, 02:17:21 PM »
Lovely Dynasty.
I see Agnes and Chris are famous DF (Dynasty Founders).

And ooooh a cliff hanger.

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2012, 03:02:10 PM »
Lovely Dynasty.
I see Agnes and Chris are famous DF (Dynasty Founders).

Who said Chris was my Dynasty Founder? ;)

Offline warr2098

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2012, 03:36:23 PM »
Who said Chris was my Dynasty Founder? ;)

 :o Your so sneaky  ;)

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2012, 08:37:45 AM »

Offline simsissy

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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2012, 10:22:35 AM »
I think...I love you! This story is awesome and I love your Aine's eyes! They are so big and expressive! I'm a bit of a story geek and I have a twisted sense of humor so I love to find stories that are similar! Good Luck on this and I look forward to seeing what happens!


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Re: The Belle Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2012, 11:15:26 AM »
Very funny lol! How did you get Chris to jump like that? Can't wait for more. ;D

