I played TS1 years ago, so I barely remember it! However, as much as I love Sims 3, there are still several things I miss about Sims 2. Miss is an overstatement though, because I love going back and playing it once in a while when I get burned out from TS3.
What do I miss still love to play with in TS2? Seasons, Bigfoot, Servos, having an apartment with roommates, sparing Sims, killing your Sims in the pool by removing the pool ladder. The rollerskating rink, the diving board, the actual water slide, aliens and male pregnancies, the romance system, some of the objects, like the IKEA furniture, actually interacting while going out to eat, the smustle, the table interactions like "Steal a bite" "Feed a bite" "Caress hands" the surprise engagements, wearwolves, PlantSims, Running with Scissors. I could honestly go on forever! I really miss the toddlers and children interactions as well! I miss when Toddlers could ask for things, nursery rhymes, dance to the music, play in puddles and splash in the toilets, sneak out of their cribs, family kiss. When babies weren't larvae! When they could be bathed in the tub and sink, the little changing table, and children played cops and robbers, Miss Mary Mack, and one would kiss the other on the cheek, and the one being kissed would be grossed out. I really miss when the toddlers could sleep on the pet beds and eat pet food!
What I really miss is some of the outdoor activities like basketball and hiking. I don't miss when pets were just there, and you couldn't control them! I'm glad I can control my pets in TS3! While TS3 is slowly bring back classics from TS1 and TS2, I will never move on from TS2 and when TS4 comes out I won't be moving on from TS2 or TS3 for that matter!
Am I the only person that never truly moved on from TS2? Anyone else still like to go back and play.