I did the whole shebang, and boy was I sorry. I had her read the books, watch tv, listen to the music and take the fertility treatment. Ate 5 watermelon, five appples then later two of watermelons before the spin; three watermelon and two of apples after the spin. She went into labor before she ate the rest, she seemed to always be full and to get her to eat more than two at a time gave her the stuffed moodlet.
Anyhow, when she went into labor, a girl, then girl number two, was disapointed, but okay. Then number three girl showed up! Triplets, no way was I going to do that. For some weird reason neither her or hubby would feed or hold two of the girls; the just wanted to take care of one. So, I went to an earlier save which was the day she had become pregnant and had no tv or music but read books and was able to eat more even of the fruit, she still had girls, oh well, at least it was twins, not triplets.
In another family, I had the fertility treatment, had her read the books, watch for about an hour sim time the kids channel and was better able to eat the fruit and one each fruit at a time, instead of five of one type, then five of another. Had twins, boy and girl.
I have wondered if it was the overload of the kids channel, music, and books plus the amount and order of the fruit eaten in the way I had her do so that caused the triplets.
Twins is enough to handle, triplets, no way!