Author Topic: Is Shimrods Townies out on the Town compatible with Story Progression?  (Read 9494 times)

Offline ErinIsNice

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I'm hoping Townies out on the Town will help my empty club problem, but I don't know if I can use it with NRaas Story Progression.

Do these two work together?

Offline wednesday21

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I have used both mods together before and they worked without any problems as far as I could tell. Just so that we can be sure, I downloaded Shimrod's mod, put it in my Packages folder, and checked it for conflicts with Delphy's Dashboard from MTS (note that I already have StoryProgression). It found no conflicts, which leads me to think that my initial assumption is correct; Shimrod's Townies Out on the Town is compatible with Twallan's StoryProgression.

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Offline NonaMena

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Yep, what wednesday said. Shimrod's mod is a XML tuning mod and NRaas StoryProgression is a Scripting mod. These mods won't conflict with each other at all.

Offline Serena Darrin

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Oh my goodness, I didn't know about this mod, and I'm always frustrated when my bars/clubs are empty.  Thank you. :)

Offline twallan

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Yep, what wednesday said. Shimrod's mod is a XML tuning mod and NRaas StoryProgression is a Scripting mod. These mods won't conflict with each other at all.

Just to clarify :  Dashboard certainly won't find an outright conflict.

However it is possible for a scripting mod to alter the system and change it so a tuning mod has little or no effect.

Shimrod101's mod changes the number of idle sims the Core game is allowed to draw to venues.  [StoryProgression] can interfere with that ability, reducing the number of idle sims by keeping them busy doing other things.

Shimrod101's mod will still have an effect, regardless of [StoryProgression], provided you have a sufficient supply of idle sims in town.

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Offline ErinIsNice

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Thanks everyone  ;D

