Superpatches 1.31/1.32/1.33 have been found to be *a bit* messy and buggy. You can find detailed explanations by Ellacharm3d at Modthesims here: a side note, that section "how to patch" on their game help/wiki is a place I keep in my bookmarks all the time, a gold mine of great info ;-)
Basically, for anybody who used the superpatches 1.31 or 1.32 or 1.33, and experience bugs and weird behavior in their game, it's advised to uninstall and reinstall the base game and patch it
manually (first to 1.29, then incremental to 1.31 and then 1.33).
There is a bit of technical details, but if you scroll down you can find the "
What you need" and "
What you do" sections which are super clear with all proper links for what need.
This is what I plan to do this morning since my game is riddled with small strange bugs and I used the 1.31 superpatch.
@mods: I've copied this post in the 3 threads for the 3 patches since it's related to all of them.