Opportunistic definitely increases VISA points. It's also worth noting that you get an extra 3 days for each member of your traveling party who has Prepared Traveler, so it's worth it to get that LTR for each of the sims in your household.
Also, you can never run out of Opportunities. If there's one on the board you don't like, don't choose it and look again. Every travel location has random opportunities to bring pictures of things (if you have the photography skill learned), bring fish (if you have the fishing skill), bring cooked dishes (cooking), France has bring Nectar (whether or not you have Nectar making), and if you don't have any skills there's always just bring X pieces of metal or gems. There are also multiple interaction opportunity chains - in France there's the oh-so-repetitive please go ask so-and-so out for me, in China it's go ask Sim why they don't want to be in our Martial Arts group, I forget the one for Egypt, but you get the drift.