Author Topic: How to make a sim show up as rich? Without cheats or making him the active sim?  (Read 6287 times)


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Well first I want to say hello because this is my first post. I search these forums and use the guides for help/information but never posted anything lol. So hi guys  :D

My question is what makes a sim show up to other sims as rich?

I'm on the 3rd generation of my legacy and I chose the lifetime wish of Golddigger lol. She had a rich boyfriend who was a little older so I figured it'd be easy. Also my boyfriend really wanted me to choose it because of the traits she rolled  ::)
Problem is he moved out of his parents house and since she had never been over he doesn't register as rich for her.

Should I just scrap him and find a new boyfriend? Or is there someway he could become rich?  I have a mod and am not using normal story progression. Is it possible for him to actually reach the top of his career, music, and become rich? Does he just need a nicer house? Will he move into a nicer house when he amasses more money? Right now he is in a one bedroom trailer lol.

What even makes a sim show up as rich? All I've noticed is that the ones with large houses do, duh lol. Do sims with medium sized houses show up as rich?
I tend to keep my sims at home to be honest so I don't know about some of the features when you go around town and visit sim's houses.

Sorry for all the questions and thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give  :)

As a note though I would just find a new boyfriend for her but they already have a child and I'm a weirdo and like to keep my sim families together lol. And my pesky boyfriend will forever ask me "What happened to Patrick?"  ::)

[Edited to remove name of mod and text color.  -Pam]


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Oh another thing I just thought of is since we have so much money once he marries into the family and dies one day will her lifetime wish be fulfilled because he was rich in the end? Or does he have to be rich when they marry? I'm assuming he has to be rich before but hoping it could work. lol

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Offline cndneh

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welcome to the forum!

This site doesn't use mods, so you can't mention them here.

I also thought the "Golddigger" life time wish is broken (is that the see ghost of dead spouse?), or at least I've never had any luck with it. 

I know you can chat to people or go to their houses and you can 'discover' the Sim is rich or not.

Here is the link to "Golddigger" on Carl's site that might give you some ideas. 


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Welcome to our Forum, MegMarie.

I edited your post to remove the name of the mod and also to remove the purple text color.  As mentioned in our rules, we don't allow discussion or linking of mods and they cannot be mentioned by name.  As for the purple font, we prefer that Forum posts be made in black to help keep the place tidy.
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Oops sorry about that. I feel silly breaking the rules in my first post. I promise I don't have the rebellious trait haha

Yes the Golddigger wish is the one where you must see the ghost of your wealthy spouse. I sure hope it isn't broken.

