A stray cat came to my plot, slept for a while then died, I assume of old age. It left behind a tombstone as you would expect. My house is full of things on display and I thought that an urn would be a good addition. However now, the ghost cat is beginning to get in the way. I tried to move the urn but discovered I couldn't! I am not even able to move it around the plot! It is stuck in one place. Every time I try, it says that it is in use. I assumed this was because it was because the ghost had appeared and was active. I waited until dawn but discovered this cat does not fade. it is around ALL THE TIME. Even during the middle of the day the cat is still around, meaning I am plagued with this cat that I can't get rid of.
My house is actually a sunken monetary style of building. Apart from the orchard, everything is built in a basement. Could this be a factor? Could it some how use this basement style as a shelter so it doesn't have to fade during the day?
I have tried to befriend it with the hopes of adopting it. This however hasn't worked either.
PLEASE HELP it has become a progressively greater irritation that is driving me mad!