Author Topic: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors  (Read 20811 times)

Offline samoht04

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #90 on: September 02, 2012, 05:02:24 AM »
Great updates!  :D I so wish I could have colourful sims like you and Rica. Knowing my luck though any attempt I have with a colourful sim will result in a normal Spouses' colouring being passed on, Lol.

Thanks, SimBlip! I've actually never entered a building contest. My homes look nice as you're playing, but I doubt they have the sort of realistic floor plans and designs that contest builders look for. I'm like, "Let's put a window HERE. Why? There's a pretty view!"

As long as it suits the task then it's all fine! We're not looking for realistic plans, just a good entry for the task that also looks good! Which you've got covered.  ;)

Oh and I'm pretty sure Metro allows you to go into Edit Town to save a copy of the family into the Library. As long as you don't change anything though and you might have to save before going into edit town and then exiting without saving after you've saved them. I can't quite remember though so it would be best to check with him on that.
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Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #91 on: September 02, 2012, 05:20:04 AM »
Great update! It's to bad they can't get married, but they are as close as they can and bring some new colors in!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #92 on: September 08, 2012, 12:58:07 AM »

Well, I have sad news. Supernatural seems to have screwed up my dynasty file! I purchased the new expansion via digital download, but for some reason the game kept insisting that I needed to insert a disc. Long story short, I had to re-install all of my sims content. I copied my save files on another hard drive, then copied them back once everything was fixed. Yet, for some reason, it seems the file got corrupted because I can't save. I keep getting this Error Code 12 message--which I was not having any trouble with saves before all this nonsense. *sigh*

I'd like to thank everyone for all of your warm support and for reading along. Who knows, maybe I'll figure out a way to fix it (although I doubt it, I've already spent hours trying). Or maybe Samura will have to start a new adventure! How's that new town looking for dynasty prospects, I wonder?

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #93 on: September 08, 2012, 01:15:06 AM »
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having troubles with your file.  Did you see if the backup did the same thing?  I'm sure you did. 

Moonlight Falls seems nice but you have to add a lot of the buildings from other expansions, of course.  Enchanted81 just got a resident list up.  Hey maybe this time Samura could be on the rainbow slider and could have rainbow babies aka rainboos!  I'm hoping a moment of clarity comes along for you and you can salvage this one but I know how frustrating it is when nothing works, too.    Either way - I love your writing and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #94 on: September 08, 2012, 06:49:53 AM »
That is sad news indeed, especially after such a fantastic start and your first immortal.
I hope you can fix the problem. If not, I shall be looking forward to a new tale of many colours!

Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #95 on: September 08, 2012, 05:47:18 PM »
That really is too bad. I too hope that you can fix it... If not good luck on a new try and I'll be following it :)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #96 on: September 08, 2012, 07:40:51 PM »

A Final Summation

I have decided to re-start in Moonlight Falls. Considering how intricate Union Cove is, it's probably best I move my dynasty attempts elsewhere. I was getting enough lag that it was annoying, although certainly not game breaking.

I have uploaded my Dojo household to the Sims 3 Exchange for those of you who are interested. It's at Some of the rooms are undecorated, as I never did quite finish designing it, but it's mostly furnished. Because of the uninstall, however, any items that had been restyled using a custom created pattern are now a blank white. I think in the new dynasty I may stick to the design of this house and build something substantially similar, because I really was enjoying playing in it.

In closing, I would like to share a few final pictures.

Here's Ayame all grown up.

She really did turn out quite lovely. I really like the shape of her nose! It's a bit odd, but distinctive. I think she's very bird-like.

Ayame and Herbert did get married, although they never showed much inclination for each other. Ultimately, they were going to split up because Herbert threw up a non-midlife crisis wish to break it off (as well as one during his midlife crisis). Their son, Yuri, turned out to be quite the cutey.

He unexpectedly got Samura's yellow eyes. He aged up to teen shortly before the file stopped working.

Jake and Paige did not, in fact, live happily ever after. After Paige's mom, Pam, died, Paige apparently couldn't take care of the kids by herself. They started dying off quite rapidly! After loosing four of their six children, Jake decided it was time to start a family elsewhere. However, even in China Jake's progeny seemed to be haunted by death. Strange fires, electrocution, drowning in swimming pools, you name it! Story progression really didn't like Jake's kids. Whether a green male would ever have lived long enough to be moved into the household is a question we will never now know the answer to.

Octavia, the first born, was one of the few who lived. Unfortunately, she was vamped.

You can tell why she survived; she's smart. No dying of hunger for this one! Octavia always had plasma fruit handy.

Eventually, Shin and Kojo started their own families in France. Shin managed to produce an exceptionally beautiful daughter, who inherited his blue hair and yellow eyes. Here's a picture, just because I think she looks really cool.

All in all, Samura and her family were doing quite well. There are many more awesome pictures that I could share, but I think these few sum up the story nicely. I've spoken with Samura about my decision to move her to Moonlight Falls. At first she was pretty skeptical and didn't want to leave her family behind.

Then I told her she was going to get witch powers.

Yeah, I think she's on board with the idea now.

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #97 on: September 08, 2012, 07:48:32 PM »
I'm sorry you had to restart, Rhoxi, but I'm glad you're trying again! Samura with witch powers. Should be an interesting tale.  ;D

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #98 on: September 08, 2012, 07:49:25 PM »
I'm so looking forward to your new attempt. And break a leg!

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Dojo Dynasty: A Tale of Many Colors
« Reply #99 on: September 08, 2012, 07:56:42 PM »
See you in Moonlight Falls, Rhoxi.

I'm going to go ahead and move this thread to the graveyard.  Good luck in your new attempt.
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