Two of my dogs had a litter of two, then another of three. The male went on to have two more litters or three with a second female. The original female had two more litters with a different mate as well, one with two puppies and another with one. They're in separate households. None of the dogs involved can access their family tree. This happened between the fourth and fifth litter. It's not that the family tree looks weird, the button doesn't work at all. I click on it, and it does that little change in the shading to show you've clicked it, but nothing happens. This happens consistently every time I'm playing the game.
I have all the expansion packs and I haven't gone on any vacations in this particular game. No custom content or mods. My game is up to date.
I'm putting this in pets because this has never happened before, and it's not happening to any of my larger sim families, but please tell me if this is the wrong place.