Community lot - The Fantasy Market Price : 52636
Lot size: 20 x 15
Content: Basic game, WA, and a few stuff from all Exp, but they are not so necessary so that you can exchange them with other stuff.
Custom content: Festoon to the honeymoon.
Jack OFloor lamp.
Thanksgiving floor cart.
Thanksgiving wall shelf.
Retronik lectronik by phonokronik.
Enchanting faire love seat
Description: Before you put the Market on the lot, you must change the option residential on community lot - visitors allowed.
This little market has three shops and the bar. Relic shop where you can buy or sell relics, metals and stones. Grocery shop where you can buy domestic and foreign food or buy - sell groceries. In book store you can buy books. Market is open 24 hours, only the bar works differently. There are toilets and place for rest or fun in the backyard. I just played it and everything is functioning very well. I hope you'll enjoy playing on this lot as much as I do.