Author Topic: Changing Horse Colors and Color Patterns  (Read 6093 times)


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Changing Horse Colors and Color Patterns
« on: October 30, 2011, 01:51:30 PM »
To modify the color and color pattern on an animal, do this.

1. In CAS, select COAT from the menu at top left

2. For very basic changes, there are four menu items
    • Coat Color -- basic coloring and advanced mode (see #3 for advanced settings)

    • Mane Color -- basic colors and fullness of mane or braiding

    • Tail -- basic colors and length of tail or braiding

    • Fetlocks -- feathering colors and fullness of feathering

3. For advanced coloring settings, select Coat Color, then click the Advanced Mode button at bottom of the Coat Color window (largest button at bottom)

4. In Advanced Mode, three windows appear -- a bear rug (top left); pattern swatches (below the bear rug); and a layer window (top right).

5. Layer Window. Layers provide the capability to add patterns on an animal's coat (body, head, and legs).

    • The principal layer is named the Base Layer (it will always appear at the bottom of the list of layer rectangles in the Layer Window. A white horse can be quickly changed to black by selecting the Base Layer rectangle and then clicking on the black square. For a greater variety of colors, click on the small square on the right-hand side of the Base Layer rectangle.

    • New layers can be added by clicking on the plus-sign button. Layers can be deleted by clicking on the trashcan button (to the right of the plus-sign button).

To add a new spot or other color shape to an animal, first click on the plus-sign button (Add New Layer).

Next, go to the Bear-rug window.

For quick changes, you can select the Regions Tab. When you do this a diagram of the animal will appear. Within this diagram, you can click on head, body, back, belly, or any of the four legs. With each, picures will appear in the Swatches Window below. Select the pattern you desire. Next, go to the Layer Window, and select the color desired -- do so by either clicking on of the color choices or click in the small square for a greater selection of color options. Simply repeat this for each change, remembering ALWAYS to add a new layer for each change; for instance, to make a horse with four white stockings will require the addition of four layers, one layer for each leg.

To create more complex patterns, select the Bear-rug tab (remember to add a new layer). Use the slider to locate the kind of pattern you desire. When you click on one of the patterns a small turquois box will appear on the bear rug. Use your mouse to drag the box to the desired location and to change the box size. When you've got the box positioned correctly, go back to the Layer Window and select the desired color within the appropriate layer rectangle. Repeat this process as often as you like, remembering always to create a new layer for each spot or color pattern.

It's best to go into CAS and play around with these tools. Remember you can always remove a spot or other pattern by selecting the desired layer rectangle and deleting it by clicking on the trashcan button.

Offline Lesleyxxx

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Re: Changing Horse Colors and Color Patterns
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2011, 04:00:32 PM »
Thanks for another informative thread Mary, and best wishes for you holiday tomorrow  :)

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Re: Changing Horse Colors and Color Patterns
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2011, 07:07:56 AM »
What about the horse coat enhancer in the exchange on the sims 3 site? How exactly does that work?
I think it can be added to a basic coat & it already has the shadow/light layers needed to give the coat the texture it would need to look almost realistic.
Am i right?

