Author Topic: Problem setting up the cheats file?  (Read 3365 times)


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Problem setting up the cheats file?
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:55:21 AM »
Hello all,

I've been playing the Sims Medieval for a fair while (and doing it honestly!) but decided to try and set up the cheats file to speed some of the tasks up a touch.
I did everything as has been said but when it came to saving the file, the computer just kept on popping up the save process.
I humoured it for a good 20 or so "replace this file" pop ups before I got fed up and canceled it and went onto the game itself, only to find that the cheat file had reverted back to =0 and not saved the change at all.

Has anyone else experienced this before?

Offline PJSim

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Re: Problem setting up the cheats file?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 09:26:53 AM »
Well, I don't have Medieval myself but I have a couple of suggestions.

First of all you need to undo the read-only status, like this:
EA made the file read-only, so you'll need to undo that by right-clicking the file and choosing properties (No Need to do this on Mac). Untick read-only.

Second, Windows 7 is very touchy about any changes made to program files so you need to follow these instructions:
Extra Instructions for Windows 7 (need admin rights)
1. Browse to Program Files (x86 in some cases)
2. Browse to the ini folder ...\Electronic Arts\The Sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Ini
3. From the ini folder copy the command.ini file to desktop (and a backup location just in case)
4. Right click on the desktop command.ini file and select Properties
5. In the dialog under Attributes uncheck the Read only checkbox, click OK
6. Open the file, change from
7. TestingCheatsEnabled=0 to TestingCheatsEnabled=1
8. Close and save
9. Copy the file back to the ini folder ...\Electronic Arts\The Sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Ini
10. In the prompt select Replace, confirm with admin rights

I would also suggest moving the original file out before putting the changed one back.

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Re: Problem setting up the cheats file?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 10:10:13 AM »
Thank you very much for that! I've managed to persuade my computer to Do As It Is Told now :D


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Re: Problem setting up the cheats file?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2011, 07:33:40 PM »
What I did was added the 1 and saved it to my documents folder.  I then deleted the one from the file and copy and pasted the saved one with the "1" in the file, worked fine.