Side Project #14476
Progress ReportWeek 10, Day 7
An unexpected complication has come over the town of Twinbrook. No one is aging. Multiple solutions have been tried and all failed. Alpha was sent to China to see if he could be saved but he, too is affected. Side Project #14476 has to be terminated. One note for future projects: the breeding program of the IFs into the Clay family brought about drastic genetic changes. All three children born in the last week have taken most of their features and their occult status from their IF operative parents. DNA has been collected from Alpha and the three children for further testing at a later date.
We recommend closing of this project and would like to begin a new one immediately. Research is being done into which town to visit next until Twinbrook can be fixed. We have one final photo to share for this file before it is sent to the vault.
Ricanote: All story elements aside. I did run into a nasty aging bug and I tried every fix anyone has ever come up with and none of them worked. I went forward and backward. I did a traveling trip (as you can see from the above picture [No one tell Artie!]). I moved them to a new house. Everything I could think of and nothing fixed the actual issue which was no one was dying and everyone staying the same age. For this style of story, I've been keeping excellent records of who was born when so I know when the birthdays were supposed to be. I was only in generation 1 and I was having troubles getting opportunities anyway so I'm going to just start over (I only had 4 for Alpha and he was an adult!). I will probably keep the background the same so everyone can look forward to that. I will be starting a new thread with the new story as soon as I figure out where and when and what victims. Thanks for everyone's support so far!Here are some pictures of the kids as the toddlers they are and of course, since I saved them to the bin, what they would have looked like later.
Brandon and Mason are the twins of Gamma and Puzzle. River was the daughter of Bobo and Beta.
Farewell Side Project#14476.