I want finish this quest called Rise of a Playwright, a quest for The Bard. There are three bards in the city that are submitted to a challenge and I must sabotage them not to win. One of drunk, another should I give a lullaby to sing it in public for everyone to sleep so well steal his letters to his bodyguard. And the third I separated from his beloved muse to lose faith in love and do not write.
Ok, I've drunk the aspiring bard and have separated the pair of bard and muse, I just want to convince the third bard to sing in public. I chose the option "persuaded to act in public" and he accepts...but nothing happens . As the game tells me I should write a lullaby to give to the guards to sleep .... but I do not know how to write a lullaby, or that subjects must have. I have written poems and stories but none of them served as a nanny.
Someone can help me?
sorry for my english