Author Topic: My Sim Copied Himself  (Read 3385 times)


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My Sim Copied Himself
« on: November 10, 2010, 06:57:18 PM »
My Sim went to China shortly after achieving his life time wish " the perfect garden". He explored the Dragon's Maw and got stuck inside a sarcophagus momentarily. Every thing seemed normal. I used his reward points while he was on vacation to buy a food replicator. On the way home I heard the relic sound while he was still in the cab. When the camera caught up with him there was two of him with extra bonus reward points and no message. I have no idea what's going on. Has anyone else experienced this?

Offline Asleep

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Re: My Sim Copyied him self.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 07:11:29 PM »
No, but considering you were in China, I'm not surprised. Travel causes a ridiculous amount of bugs.
Formerly Simstar3

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Re: My Sim Copyied him self.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 07:15:44 PM »
Welcome to the Forum!

Yes, other players have had this happen.  They usually just delete the copy of their sim and everything is good. 

How to delete the duplicate:

1. open the cheats window by pressing CTR + Shift + C
2. type in testingcheatsenabled true then press enter
3. go into buy mode
4. select the duplicate sim and press delete
5. open the cheats window again
6. type in testingcheatsenabled false then press enter

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!


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Re: My Sim Copyied him self.
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2010, 09:07:39 PM »
I like him. I'm not going to delete him. He's very useful. I spent his reward points on objects, he brings in good money and I already had his name/appearance changed. The drama between him and my original Sim over the girlfriend is priceless. He's also good at gardening, cooking, mechanics. If anything he'll be my controllable butler or evil twin brother.

Offline TGBlank

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Re: My Sim Copied Himself
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2010, 11:09:06 PM »
Duplication is a bug that can happen sometimes when returning from travel, basically, "traveling" is saving the world, "exporting" the family to a new neighborhood, and importing them back when travel is over. What happens is that he didn't got properly removed from the original neighborhood in the first place, glitching things when importing him back.
Clones often create great ravages through neighborhoods, relationships, for example, get wonky, and so do family trees; if you were unlucky, this corrupted data could spread and eventually lead to a glitched/unplayable neighborhood.
This happens when it's created however, so leaving him around or deleting him won't make the slightest difference. So, enjoy the ride and hope for the best.

However, if you haven't saved since it happened, you might want to go to your saves folder and make a backup of it (particularly, a backup of the backup save files). These could be used to return the neighborhood to it's previous, hopefully unspoiled state if worse comes to happen.


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Re: My Sim Copied Himself
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 09:55:25 AM »
Thanks, I just didn't understand it. All is well for now.

