Ok, I've become completely obsessed with this... I couldn't tell you why. In the end, I used a Sim I consider disposable and the "make me friends with everyone" cheat. Through process of elimination, the Dad has to be Ian Bowler. I thought I had it cracked with that, but no. Apparently Ian Bowler is not only homeless, he doesn't have a phone, a computer, or ever hang out downtown. I tried having my Sim call him (he wasn't on the choice list). I tried inviting him to a party (not on guest invite list, even though he was a friend). I tried chatting with him on the computer but he must not have one (not on list of people to chat with). I searched the graveyard, no luck. Augh!
I realize each game probably uses this Townie differently, but does anyone have any experience with trying to track this particular one down? I see by searching that he's had kids with gamer's Sims before. The rascal. Where does he hang out? How did you find him?
Interestingly enough, from what I can see of him on his icon, his son has absolutely no resemblance to him (or his Mother, my Sim). And I can't figure out why the son does not show a father in his family tree? Is it because he's a copy and that deletes out all relationships? You'd think the tree information would still stay in his file, even if the Dad isn't in the game anymore.